Israel´s terror attacks on Syria are going to end


Nov 14, 2012
Bibi will whine and cry. Dissembling talks of "self defense" will not convince Syrian air defense missiles.

I guess nearly 71 years of being a terrorist state is possibly getting a bit old for the jews .......
What is the strategic advantage in the targeting of Israeli aircraft?
They are a threat to Syria. Every damaged and destroyed jet will make them think twice next time and reduce the capabilities and aggression morals.

Who are you supporting?

The Assad Regime?
Regime? Netanyahu: 23,4 %, Assad: 88,7 %
Israel’s early elections: Netanyahu’s best defense against criminal charges

Lebanese resistance defending southern Lebanon from Zionist land-grabbing. Part of the war on terror in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.

Netanyahu: ‘ISIS is good for Israel’

Tell me, who are you supporting?

I have always been supporting friendship and cooperation of Syria and Israel, but the land-grabbing policies and terror-support of Israel makes it impossible.
RE: Israel´s terror attacks on Syria are going to end
⁜→ Bleipriester, et al,

BLUF: If you hadn't guessed, I support the forces operating against the Assad Regime and the Islamic State.

This is all about political choice and foreign policy...

In general, I don't support any discretionary Political-Military (POL-MIL) engagements anywhere in the Middle East Region; from the narrow Strait of Hormuz - westward - to the Mediterranean Sea.

I support the American position on the issue of regional Humanitarian aid. America is one of the larger humanitarian donor nations forces operating against the Assad Leadership in Syria (≈ $8 Billion and growing) providing assistance for displaced people inside Syria and the immediate surrounding region.

Tell me, who are you supporting?

I have always been supporting friendship and cooperation of Syria and Israel, but the land-grabbing policies and terror-support of Israel make it impossible.

I see Humanitarian Assistance as separate and distinct from POL-MIL diplomatic and military communications and direct engagements. In that regard, in the authoritarian and military-dominated regime of the Syrian Arab Republic. But I do not think that the US presence or the Israeli air options are going to make a difference in regards to the outlaw Assad Regime. The intractable civil war in Syria opposes the Assad Regime and I'm all for that. But I think that the Syrians should carry the heavy weight.

And I see the third facet as the Iranian connection in the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons (SALW) to hot areas both in Lebanon and Syria (with the intermediate stop in Iraq). It appears that Israel has taken out stockpiles in both Lebanon and Syria. Iran supports Assad and then by extension drags Lebanon and Hezbollah with it. So any strike Israel makes against the Iranians is, by extension, a strike against the Assad Regime. Any anti-Israeli position taken to the strikes is liking it or not, an expression of support for the Assad Regime.

Most Respectfully,
There have been no terror attacks.

When stupid, hateful people use the term incorrectly, it perverts the meaning of the term.
Bibi will whine and cry. Dissembling talks of "self defense" will not convince Syrian air defense missiles.

Don't be stupid, the only way for Syria to end the Israeli airstrikes is to get Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria. With the US withdrawal from Syria, expect Israeli airstrikes on Iranian and Hezbollah facilities to increase in frequency and intensity, and there is nothing Syria or Lebanon can do about it. Keep in mind that both Syria and Lebanon maintain states of war with Israel despite numerous Israeli attempts to negotiate peace treaties with them, so any military action Israel needs to take against military assets in either country is legal.
Bibi will whine and cry. Dissembling talks of "self defense" will not convince Syrian air defense missiles.

Don't be stupid, the only way for Syria to end the Israeli airstrikes is to get Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria. With the US withdrawal from Syria, expect Israeli airstrikes on Iranian and Hezbollah facilities to increase in frequency and intensity, and there is nothing Syria or Lebanon can do about it. Keep in mind that both Syria and Lebanon maintain states of war with Israel despite numerous Israeli attempts to negotiate peace treaties with them, so any military action Israel needs to take against military assets in either country is legal.
The missiles are not convinced.
Bibi will whine and cry. Dissembling talks of "self defense" will not convince Syrian air defense missiles.

Don't be stupid, the only way for Syria to end the Israeli airstrikes is to get Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria. With the US withdrawal from Syria, expect Israeli airstrikes on Iranian and Hezbollah facilities to increase in frequency and intensity, and there is nothing Syria or Lebanon can do about it. Keep in mind that both Syria and Lebanon maintain states of war with Israel despite numerous Israeli attempts to negotiate peace treaties with them, so any military action Israel needs to take against military assets in either country is legal.
The missiles are not convinced.
The missiles are useless. Israel has made a living out of defeating Russian made air defenses.
RE: Israel´s terror attacks on Syria are going to end
⁜→ Bleipriester, et al,

BLUF: If you hadn't guessed, I support the forces operating against the Assad Regime and the Islamic State.

This is all about political choice and foreign policy...

In general, I don't support any discretionary Political-Military (POL-MIL) engagements anywhere in the Middle East Region; from the narrow Strait of Hormuz - westward - to the Mediterranean Sea.

I support the American position on the issue of regional Humanitarian aid. America is one of the larger humanitarian donor nations forces operating against the Assad Leadership in Syria (≈ $8 Billion and growing) providing assistance for displaced people inside Syria and the immediate surrounding region.

Tell me, who are you supporting?

I have always been supporting friendship and cooperation of Syria and Israel, but the land-grabbing policies and terror-support of Israel make it impossible.

I see Humanitarian Assistance as separate and distinct from POL-MIL diplomatic and military communications and direct engagements. In that regard, in the authoritarian and military-dominated regime of the Syrian Arab Republic. But I do not think that the US presence or the Israeli air options are going to make a difference in regards to the outlaw Assad Regime. The intractable civil war in Syria opposes the Assad Regime and I'm all for that. But I think that the Syrians should carry the heavy weight.

And I see the third facet as the Iranian connection in the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons (SALW) to hot areas both in Lebanon and Syria (with the intermediate stop in Iraq). It appears that Israel has taken out stockpiles in both Lebanon and Syria. Iran supports Assad and then by extension drags Lebanon and Hezbollah with it. So any strike Israel makes against the Iranians is, by extension, a strike against the Assad Regime. Any anti-Israeli position taken to the strikes is liking it or not, an expression of support for the Assad Regime.

Most Respectfully,
But you are in support of the unsupportable. You charge the "Assad regime" but what about those who are fighting it? They were all allies. They are all islamist terrorists.

Battle of Raqqa (March 2013) - Wikipedia


Bibi will whine and cry. Dissembling talks of "self defense" will not convince Syrian air defense missiles.

Don't be stupid, the only way for Syria to end the Israeli airstrikes is to get Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria. With the US withdrawal from Syria, expect Israeli airstrikes on Iranian and Hezbollah facilities to increase in frequency and intensity, and there is nothing Syria or Lebanon can do about it. Keep in mind that both Syria and Lebanon maintain states of war with Israel despite numerous Israeli attempts to negotiate peace treaties with them, so any military action Israel needs to take against military assets in either country is legal.
The missiles are not convinced.
The missiles are useless. Israel has made a living out of defeating Russian made air defenses.
RE: Israel´s terror attacks on Syria are going to end
⁜→ Bleipriester, et al,

BLUF: If you hadn't guessed, I support the forces operating against the Assad Regime and the Islamic State.

This is all about political choice and foreign policy...

In general, I don't support any discretionary Political-Military (POL-MIL) engagements anywhere in the Middle East Region; from the narrow Strait of Hormuz - westward - to the Mediterranean Sea.

I support the American position on the issue of regional Humanitarian aid. America is one of the larger humanitarian donor nations forces operating against the Assad Leadership in Syria (≈ $8 Billion and growing) providing assistance for displaced people inside Syria and the immediate surrounding region.

Tell me, who are you supporting?

I have always been supporting friendship and cooperation of Syria and Israel, but the land-grabbing policies and terror-support of Israel make it impossible.

I see Humanitarian Assistance as separate and distinct from POL-MIL diplomatic and military communications and direct engagements. In that regard, in the authoritarian and military-dominated regime of the Syrian Arab Republic. But I do not think that the US presence or the Israeli air options are going to make a difference in regards to the outlaw Assad Regime. The intractable civil war in Syria opposes the Assad Regime and I'm all for that. But I think that the Syrians should carry the heavy weight.

And I see the third facet as the Iranian connection in the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons (SALW) to hot areas both in Lebanon and Syria (with the intermediate stop in Iraq). It appears that Israel has taken out stockpiles in both Lebanon and Syria. Iran supports Assad and then by extension drags Lebanon and Hezbollah with it. So any strike Israel makes against the Iranians is, by extension, a strike against the Assad Regime. Any anti-Israeli position taken to the strikes is liking it or not, an expression of support for the Assad Regime.

Most Respectfully,
But you are in support of the unsupportable. You charge the "Assad regime" but what about those who are fighting it? They were all allies. They are all islamist terrorists.

Battle of Raqqa (March 2013) - Wikipedia


No, they are not. There are some Islamic terrorists among Assad's enemies, but keep in mind the Civil war, which has now become a regional sectarian war, began when Assad ordered the massacre of thousands of Sunni, just as his father had done years before, who were peacefully protesting economic conditions due to the encroaching desert, and the original anti Assad force was made up of Syrian soldiers who defected from the Army in protest against this atrocity.
Bibi will whine and cry. Dissembling talks of "self defense" will not convince Syrian air defense missiles.

Don't be stupid, the only way for Syria to end the Israeli airstrikes is to get Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria. With the US withdrawal from Syria, expect Israeli airstrikes on Iranian and Hezbollah facilities to increase in frequency and intensity, and there is nothing Syria or Lebanon can do about it. Keep in mind that both Syria and Lebanon maintain states of war with Israel despite numerous Israeli attempts to negotiate peace treaties with them, so any military action Israel needs to take against military assets in either country is legal.
The missiles are not convinced.
The missiles are useless. Israel has made a living out of defeating Russian made air defenses.
Out of thousands of sorties, one plane was hit and it was due to pilot error. Russia has never built an air defense system Israel could not defeat, including the latest ones.
1. your OP is a lie--not terror attacks
2. Israel has/will do whatever she wants regarding kicking a$$/military attacks/defending herself
3. North Vietnam had one of the ''greatest'' air defense systems in the world--that did not stop the US from pounding them
--and the US had it's hands tied--Israel does not
4. even though they shot down some B52s, the NVs agreed to the US terms partly because of the Linebacker raids/aerial mining
--the NVs were running out of missiles
Bibi will whine and cry. Dissembling talks of "self defense" will not convince Syrian air defense missiles.

Don't be stupid, the only way for Syria to end the Israeli airstrikes is to get Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria. With the US withdrawal from Syria, expect Israeli airstrikes on Iranian and Hezbollah facilities to increase in frequency and intensity, and there is nothing Syria or Lebanon can do about it. Keep in mind that both Syria and Lebanon maintain states of war with Israel despite numerous Israeli attempts to negotiate peace treaties with them, so any military action Israel needs to take against military assets in either country is legal.
The missiles are not convinced.
The missiles are useless. Israel has made a living out of defeating Russian made air defenses.
Out of thousands of sorties, one plane was hit and it was due to pilot error. Russia has never built an air defense system Israel could not defeat, including the latest ones.
The pilot error was entering Syrian airspace.

"In the tension between completing the task and defending the survival, the professional team made a mistake that did not protect itself as required. His actions did not match the order of priorities required by the missile threat he was in."
Stunning: How the IDF paraphrases "F-16 was shot down"
Don't be stupid, the only way for Syria to end the Israeli airstrikes is to get Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria. With the US withdrawal from Syria, expect Israeli airstrikes on Iranian and Hezbollah facilities to increase in frequency and intensity, and there is nothing Syria or Lebanon can do about it. Keep in mind that both Syria and Lebanon maintain states of war with Israel despite numerous Israeli attempts to negotiate peace treaties with them, so any military action Israel needs to take against military assets in either country is legal.
The missiles are not convinced.
The missiles are useless. Israel has made a living out of defeating Russian made air defenses.
Out of thousands of sorties, one plane was hit and it was due to pilot error. Russia has never built an air defense system Israel could not defeat, including the latest ones.
The pilot error was entering Syrian airspace.

"In the tension between completing the task and defending the survival, the professional team made a mistake that did not protect itself as required. His actions did not match the order of priorities required by the missile threat he was in."
Stunning: How the IDF paraphrases "F-16 was shot down"
No, your post shows the pilot failed to take the defensive measures he was taught to take in that situation. Face it, the only way Assad can end the Israeli strikes is to kick Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria.
RE: Israel´s terror attacks on Syria are going to end
⁜→ Bleipriester, et al,

BLUF: If you hadn't guessed, I support the forces operating against the Assad Regime and the Islamic State.

This is all about political choice and foreign policy...

In general, I don't support any discretionary Political-Military (POL-MIL) engagements anywhere in the Middle East Region; from the narrow Strait of Hormuz - westward - to the Mediterranean Sea.

I support the American position on the issue of regional Humanitarian aid. America is one of the larger humanitarian donor nations forces operating against the Assad Leadership in Syria (≈ $8 Billion and growing) providing assistance for displaced people inside Syria and the immediate surrounding region.

Tell me, who are you supporting?

I have always been supporting friendship and cooperation of Syria and Israel, but the land-grabbing policies and terror-support of Israel make it impossible.

I see Humanitarian Assistance as separate and distinct from POL-MIL diplomatic and military communications and direct engagements. In that regard, in the authoritarian and military-dominated regime of the Syrian Arab Republic. But I do not think that the US presence or the Israeli air options are going to make a difference in regards to the outlaw Assad Regime. The intractable civil war in Syria opposes the Assad Regime and I'm all for that. But I think that the Syrians should carry the heavy weight.

And I see the third facet as the Iranian connection in the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons (SALW) to hot areas both in Lebanon and Syria (with the intermediate stop in Iraq). It appears that Israel has taken out stockpiles in both Lebanon and Syria. Iran supports Assad and then by extension drags Lebanon and Hezbollah with it. So any strike Israel makes against the Iranians is, by extension, a strike against the Assad Regime. Any anti-Israeli position taken to the strikes is liking it or not, an expression of support for the Assad Regime.

Most Respectfully,
But you are in support of the unsupportable. You charge the "Assad regime" but what about those who are fighting it? They were all allies. They are all islamist terrorists.

Battle of Raqqa (March 2013) - Wikipedia


No, they are not. There are some Islamic terrorists among Assad's enemies, but keep in mind the Civil war, which has now become a regional sectarian war, began when Assad ordered the massacre of thousands of Sunni, just as his father had done years before, who were peacefully protesting economic conditions due to the encroaching desert, and the original anti Assad force was made up of Syrian soldiers who defected from the Army in protest against this atrocity.
1982 Hama "massacre":
"Islamist insurgency in Syria suppressed, decisive Syrian Army victory"

"The events of the Hama massacre began at 2 am on 3 February 1982. An army unit searching the old city "stumbled on the hideout of the local guerilla commander, Omar Jawwad (aka Abu Bakr) and were ambushed. Other insurgent cells were alerted by radio and "roof-top snipers killed perhaps a score" of Syrian soldiers. Reinforcements were rushed to besiege Abu Bakr who then "gave the order for a general uprising" in Hama. Mosque loudspeakers used for the call to prayer called for jihad against the Ba'ath, and hundreds of Islamic insurgents rose to attack the homes of government officials and Baath Party leaders, overrun police posts and ransack armories. By daybreak of the morning of 3 February some 70 leading Ba'athists had been killed and the Islamist insurgents and other opposition activists proclaimed Hama a "liberated city", urging Syrians to rise up against the "infidel"."
1982 Hama massacre - Wikipedia

Got it?
The missiles are not convinced.
The missiles are useless. Israel has made a living out of defeating Russian made air defenses.
Out of thousands of sorties, one plane was hit and it was due to pilot error. Russia has never built an air defense system Israel could not defeat, including the latest ones.
The pilot error was entering Syrian airspace.

"In the tension between completing the task and defending the survival, the professional team made a mistake that did not protect itself as required. His actions did not match the order of priorities required by the missile threat he was in."
Stunning: How the IDF paraphrases "F-16 was shot down"
No, your post shows the pilot failed to take the defensive measures he was taught to take in that situation. Face it, the only way Assad can end the Israeli strikes is to kick Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria.
When it isn´t Iran or Hezbollah it is a shell or missile that ended up in the occupied Golan. The Zionists need to calm down.
RE: Israel´s terror attacks on Syria are going to end
⁜→ Bleipriester, et al,

BLUF: If you hadn't guessed, I support the forces operating against the Assad Regime and the Islamic State.

This is all about political choice and foreign policy...

In general, I don't support any discretionary Political-Military (POL-MIL) engagements anywhere in the Middle East Region; from the narrow Strait of Hormuz - westward - to the Mediterranean Sea.

I support the American position on the issue of regional Humanitarian aid. America is one of the larger humanitarian donor nations forces operating against the Assad Leadership in Syria (≈ $8 Billion and growing) providing assistance for displaced people inside Syria and the immediate surrounding region.

Tell me, who are you supporting?

I have always been supporting friendship and cooperation of Syria and Israel, but the land-grabbing policies and terror-support of Israel make it impossible.

I see Humanitarian Assistance as separate and distinct from POL-MIL diplomatic and military communications and direct engagements. In that regard, in the authoritarian and military-dominated regime of the Syrian Arab Republic. But I do not think that the US presence or the Israeli air options are going to make a difference in regards to the outlaw Assad Regime. The intractable civil war in Syria opposes the Assad Regime and I'm all for that. But I think that the Syrians should carry the heavy weight.

And I see the third facet as the Iranian connection in the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons (SALW) to hot areas both in Lebanon and Syria (with the intermediate stop in Iraq). It appears that Israel has taken out stockpiles in both Lebanon and Syria. Iran supports Assad and then by extension drags Lebanon and Hezbollah with it. So any strike Israel makes against the Iranians is, by extension, a strike against the Assad Regime. Any anti-Israeli position taken to the strikes is liking it or not, an expression of support for the Assad Regime.

Most Respectfully,
But you are in support of the unsupportable. You charge the "Assad regime" but what about those who are fighting it? They were all allies. They are all islamist terrorists.

Battle of Raqqa (March 2013) - Wikipedia


No, they are not. There are some Islamic terrorists among Assad's enemies, but keep in mind the Civil war, which has now become a regional sectarian war, began when Assad ordered the massacre of thousands of Sunni, just as his father had done years before, who were peacefully protesting economic conditions due to the encroaching desert, and the original anti Assad force was made up of Syrian soldiers who defected from the Army in protest against this atrocity.
1982 Hama "massacre":
"Islamist insurgency in Syria suppressed, decisive Syrian Army victory"

"The events of the Hama massacre began at 2 am on 3 February 1982. An army unit searching the old city "stumbled on the hideout of the local guerilla commander, Omar Jawwad (aka Abu Bakr) and were ambushed. Other insurgent cells were alerted by radio and "roof-top snipers killed perhaps a score" of Syrian soldiers. Reinforcements were rushed to besiege Abu Bakr who then "gave the order for a general uprising" in Hama. Mosque loudspeakers used for the call to prayer called for jihad against the Ba'ath, and hundreds of Islamic insurgents rose to attack the homes of government officials and Baath Party leaders, overrun police posts and ransack armories. By daybreak of the morning of 3 February some 70 leading Ba'athists had been killed and the Islamist insurgents and other opposition activists proclaimed Hama a "liberated city", urging Syrians to rise up against the "infidel"."
1982 Hama massacre - Wikipedia

Got it?
"Preceding the massacre the regime started to provoke practises against the citizens by killing, arresting, bombing houses and abusing the children, women and elderly this was the spark, which lead to the ignition of the bloodshed. It is not possible to accept the excuses, provided by the regime, of the clear breach to the rights of the citizens and his excuses are based on the claims that they were chasing two hundred people who had, according to the regime’s claims, deviated the regime and breached the law. It is not possible to justify massacres and mass destruction to the buildings including mosques, churches and historic places for alleged security reasons. In fact, the authorities became involved in a wide range of breaches and wild practices and killing, which are considered as ‘crimes of genocide. Syria has never witnessed anything similar to them, even during the resistance against the French colonalisation in the first half of the 20th century." | Massacre of Hama (February 1982) Genocide and A crime against Humanity| 2005 Reports

Got it? Hafez Assad massacred an estimated 40,000 people, all Sunni, and now the son, Bashar Assad, is slaughtering Sunni indiscriminately, falsely claiming they are all Islamists.

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