Israels Plan:A Stragety for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014

I'm not sure SA is going to like it but who cares right. Its going a bit slower than planned but moving along.

Is this still the plan , sure looks like it, I was wondering where you PM intended for the French Jews to live, but I see he started on that project last night.

Israeli forces detain dozens of Palestinians in Jerusalem, Hebron

JERUSALEM (Ma'an) – Israeli forces launched multiple dawn raids across East Jerusalem and Hebron districts Wednesday detaining 32 young Palestinian men including minors.


Awad added that Israeli troops broke into dozens of homes and vandalized them before the detentions. He added that soldiers smashed windshields of several cars parked outside.

Clashes broke out between local young men and Israeli troops in several neighborhoods. Awad said young men pelted the soldiers with stones, and the soldiers fired rubber-coated bullets and tear-gas canisters as well as stun grenades. Five Palestinians including a young girl were lightly hurt by rubber-coated bullets and tear-gas inhalation

I'm not sure SA is going to like it but who cares right. Its going a bit slower than planned but moving along.

Is this still the plan , sure looks like it, I was wondering where you PM intended for the French Jews to live, but I see he started on that project last night.

Israeli forces detain dozens of Palestinians in Jerusalem, Hebron

JERUSALEM (Ma'an) – Israeli forces launched multiple dawn raids across East Jerusalem and Hebron districts Wednesday detaining 32 young Palestinian men including minors.


Awad added that Israeli troops broke into dozens of homes and vandalized them before the detentions. He added that soldiers smashed windshields of several cars parked outside.

Clashes broke out between local young men and Israeli troops in several neighborhoods. Awad said young men pelted the soldiers with stones, and the soldiers fired rubber-coated bullets and tear-gas canisters as well as stun grenades. Five Palestinians including a young girl were lightly hurt by rubber-coated bullets and tear-gas inhalation

And it is the Palestinians tat have it as their charter to own all the land from the river to the sea, making the arab muslim charter official. The ramblings of two distinct people are not official Jewish/Israeli policy.

Want to try again with some ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA to demonise the Jews ?
Israel neds to find a way to send the land theiving Palestinians back to their indigenous Arab country homelands.. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Israel neds to find a way to send the land theiving Palestinians back to their indigenous Arab country homelands.. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
The most educational way - but lets change the term 'Jizya' to 'Seeya' - a fee for Muslims inspired by the Qur'an itself!

Tell the people who wrote it, I'm just the messenger. Sure looks truthful to me, Also the blue stripes on the flag, the Nile and Euphrates River, mentioned in the Bible. I love how yous become speechless and resort to one liners, or two words.
Israel neds to find a way to send the land theiving Palestinians back to their indigenous Arab country homelands.. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

They outlasted the British and the Turks, I doubt they are going anyway, unless Israel just kills them outright which is what they are doing , just slowly.
Israel neds to find a way to send the land theiving Palestinians back to their indigenous Arab country homelands.. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

They outlasted the British and the Turks, I doubt they are going anyway, unless Israel just kills them outright which is what they are doing , just slowly.

Good point Penelope. You have a very fine brain. In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only around 6 million of them left. It;s a slow but steady GENOCIDE I tell ya. Go tell your neighbors.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

Tell the people who wrote it, I'm just the messenger. Sure looks truthful to me, Also the blue stripes on the flag, the Nile and Euphrates River, mentioned in the Bible. I love how yous become speechless and resort to one liners, or two words.

That is all it takes to destroy your posts, they are just so stupid. In this case it is taking the words of two individuals out of context and claiming that they are official Jewish policy.
Israel neds to find a way to send the land theiving Palestinians back to their indigenous Arab country homelands.. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

They outlasted the British and the Turks, I doubt they are going anyway, unless Israel just kills them outright which is what they are doing , just slowly.

They arrived during the death throes of the Ottoman empire so how can they have outlasted the Turks. They ran away in 1099 and did not show their ugly faces again until 1895
Israel neds to find a way to send the land theiving Palestinians back to their indigenous Arab country homelands.. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

They outlasted the British and the Turks, I doubt they are going anyway, unless Israel just kills them outright which is what they are doing , just slowly.

Good point Penelope. You have a very fine brain. In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only around 6 million of them left. It;s a slow but steady GENOCIDE I tell ya. Go tell your neighbors.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

Israel neds to find a way to send the land theiving Palestinians back to their indigenous Arab country homelands.. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

They outlasted the British and the Turks, I doubt they are going anyway, unless Israel just kills them outright which is what they are doing , just slowly.

Good point Penelope. You have a very fine brain. In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only around 6 million of them left. It;s a slow but steady GENOCIDE I tell ya. Go tell your neighbors.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

That graft tells the bigger story. Too bad they don't use birth control or have abortions like the Jews. Look at how much land the Jews have now, too bad for Israel now the world is watching, or they would slaughter them. Many left when then Jews came as well, should I say forced out.

Looks to me like Israel wants to take over the ME.

Tell the people who wrote it, I'm just the messenger. Sure looks truthful to me, Also the blue stripes on the flag, the Nile and Euphrates River, mentioned in the Bible. I love how yous become speechless and resort to one liners, or two words.

That is all it takes to destroy your posts, they are just so stupid. In this case it is taking the words of two individuals out of context and claiming that they are official Jewish policy.

My post is an article wrote by Jews, and yet you don't believe it, the second article is what the Jews were up to last night, making way for French Jews, what is there to destroy? Your in denial along with your pals.

I'm not sure SA is going to like it but who cares right. Its going a bit slower than planned but moving along.

Is this still the plan , sure looks like it, I was wondering where you PM intended for the French Jews to live, but I see he started on that project last night.

Israeli forces detain dozens of Palestinians in Jerusalem, Hebron

JERUSALEM (Ma'an) – Israeli forces launched multiple dawn raids across East Jerusalem and Hebron districts Wednesday detaining 32 young Palestinian men including minors.


Awad added that Israeli troops broke into dozens of homes and vandalized them before the detentions. He added that soldiers smashed windshields of several cars parked outside.

Clashes broke out between local young men and Israeli troops in several neighborhoods. Awad said young men pelted the soldiers with stones, and the soldiers fired rubber-coated bullets and tear-gas canisters as well as stun grenades. Five Palestinians including a young girl were lightly hurt by rubber-coated bullets and tear-gas inhalation

Lunch hour at the lunatic asylum?
Israel neds to find a way to send the land theiving Palestinians back to their indigenous Arab country homelands.. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

They outlasted the British and the Turks, I doubt they are going anyway, unless Israel just kills them outright which is what they are doing , just slowly.

Good point Penelope. You have a very fine brain. In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only around 6 million of them left. It;s a slow but steady GENOCIDE I tell ya. Go tell your neighbors.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

Israel neds to find a way to send the land theiving Palestinians back to their indigenous Arab country homelands.. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

They outlasted the British and the Turks, I doubt they are going anyway, unless Israel just kills them outright which is what they are doing , just slowly.

Good point Penelope. You have a very fine brain. In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only around 6 million of them left. It;s a slow but steady GENOCIDE I tell ya. Go tell your neighbors.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

That graft tells the bigger story. Too bad they don't use birth control or have abortions like the Jews. Look at how much land the Jews have now, too bad for Israel now the world is watching, or they would slaughter them. Many left when then Jews came as well, should I say forced out.

Looks to me like Israel wants to take over the ME.

NAW it shows that the Palestinians are being shipped in by the thousands, as no M.E. nation can increase its population by those numbers by natural births.
Read the many Palestinian charters and see who wants to take over, and it is not the Jews as they don't have the numbers.

Tell the people who wrote it, I'm just the messenger. Sure looks truthful to me, Also the blue stripes on the flag, the Nile and Euphrates River, mentioned in the Bible. I love how yous become speechless and resort to one liners, or two words.

That is all it takes to destroy your posts, they are just so stupid. In this case it is taking the words of two individuals out of context and claiming that they are official Jewish policy.

My post is an article wrote by Jews, and yet you don't believe it, the second article is what the Jews were up to last night, making way for French Jews, what is there to destroy? Your in denial along with your pals.

Your post is the words and thoughts of two individuals and is not official Israeli/Jewish policy. Cant you see that, and cant you see that you have been suckered in again
Penelope, et al,

I understand what the media article in question says. But the map does not accurately represent what the Rabbi actually said in the entirety.


I'm not sure SA is going to like it but who cares right. Its going a bit slower than planned but moving along.

Is this still the plan , sure looks like it, I was wondering where you PM intended for the French Jews to live, but I see he started on that project last night.
Sir Abdur RAHMAN (India): Rabbi Fishman, I do not know the Bible, I do not pretend to know it, but I should like to get information from you, your point of view, and I hope you will enlighten me as to what you have to say in regard to a few matters which I will put to you.

Rabbi Fishman, what was “the Promised Land”?

Rabbi FISHMAN: The Promised Land was quite a large one, from the river of Egypt, up to the Euphrates.

Sir Abdur RAHMAN (India): It included the whole of Syria.

Rabbi FISHMAN: Yes, a part.

Sir Abdur RAHMAN (India): The whole of Trans-Jordan and Iraq ?

Rabbi FISHMAN: No.

Sir Abdur RAHMAN (India): The whole of Syria, Lebanon, present Palestine and Trans-Jordan?

Rabbi FISHMAN: Yes, possibly part of Syria and Lebanon.​


If you study the answers, and study the map insert, you will see that the line on the map does not correlate to the answers.

For instance, take the map and draw the line such that the line does not encompass the whole of Trans-Jordan!

The problem here is that Rabbi FISHMAN was not good at delivering testimony and the UNSCOP was not very good at interrogatives.

Most Respectfully,
Penelope, et al,

I understand what the media article in question says. But the map does not accurately represent what the Rabbi actually said in the entirety.


I'm not sure SA is going to like it but who cares right. Its going a bit slower than planned but moving along.

Is this still the plan , sure looks like it, I was wondering where you PM intended for the French Jews to live, but I see he started on that project last night.
Sir Abdur RAHMAN (India): Rabbi Fishman, I do not know the Bible, I do not pretend to know it, but I should like to get information from you, your point of view, and I hope you will enlighten me as to what you have to say in regard to a few matters which I will put to you.

Rabbi Fishman, what was “the Promised Land”?

Rabbi FISHMAN: The Promised Land was quite a large one, from the river of Egypt, up to the Euphrates.

Sir Abdur RAHMAN (India): It included the whole of Syria.

Rabbi FISHMAN: Yes, a part.

Sir Abdur RAHMAN (India): The whole of Trans-Jordan and Iraq ?

Rabbi FISHMAN: No.

Sir Abdur RAHMAN (India): The whole of Syria, Lebanon, present Palestine and Trans-Jordan?

Rabbi FISHMAN: Yes, possibly part of Syria and Lebanon.​


If you study the answers, and study the map insert, you will see that the line on the map does not correlate to the answers.

For instance, take the map and draw the line such that the line does not encompass the whole of Trans-Jordan!

The problem here is that Rabbi FISHMAN was not good at delivering testimony and the UNSCOP was not very good at interrogatives.

Most Respectfully,

One needs to look at the article in the link, its pretty right on. I took the pic from another page since I couldn't get it out of the PDF. I think this pic is pretty right on. I mean the Zionist have already put their plan into action.
Penelope, et al,

I understand what the media article in question says. But the map does not accurately represent what the Rabbi actually said in the entirety.


I'm not sure SA is going to like it but who cares right. Its going a bit slower than planned but moving along.

Is this still the plan , sure looks like it, I was wondering where you PM intended for the French Jews to live, but I see he started on that project last night.
Sir Abdur RAHMAN (India): Rabbi Fishman, I do not know the Bible, I do not pretend to know it, but I should like to get information from you, your point of view, and I hope you will enlighten me as to what you have to say in regard to a few matters which I will put to you.

Rabbi Fishman, what was “the Promised Land”?

Rabbi FISHMAN: The Promised Land was quite a large one, from the river of Egypt, up to the Euphrates.

Sir Abdur RAHMAN (India): It included the whole of Syria.

Rabbi FISHMAN: Yes, a part.

Sir Abdur RAHMAN (India): The whole of Trans-Jordan and Iraq ?

Rabbi FISHMAN: No.

Sir Abdur RAHMAN (India): The whole of Syria, Lebanon, present Palestine and Trans-Jordan?

Rabbi FISHMAN: Yes, possibly part of Syria and Lebanon.​


If you study the answers, and study the map insert, you will see that the line on the map does not correlate to the answers.

For instance, take the map and draw the line such that the line does not encompass the whole of Trans-Jordan!

The problem here is that Rabbi FISHMAN was not good at delivering testimony and the UNSCOP was not very good at interrogatives.

Most Respectfully,

One needs to look at the article in the link, its pretty right on. I took the pic from another page since I couldn't get it out of the PDF. I think this pic is pretty right on. I mean the Zionist have already put their plan into action.

Ah I see, so the fraud that you are, you took an article one one place, then attached a different map from a IslamoNazi site to that article, making it look like they are both from the same source. :dig:

I didn't know they allow computer access during lunch hour at the lunatic asylum? How's the internet speed? :laugh2:

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