Israeli-Jew, Israeli-Muslim intermarriage.


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
The religious authority for Jewish marriages is the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and there are parallel authorities for Christians, Muslims and Druze communities. Each authority regulates marriages and divorces for their own community. There is no provision for inter-faith marriages.
Israel makes no provision for civil marriages to be entered into in Israel. However, civilian marriages entered into abroad are recognised.

Marriage in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dr Yuval Yonay, a sociologist at Haifa University, said the number of interracial marriages was "too small to be studied". "Separation between Jews and Arabs is so ingrained in Israeli society, it is surprising that anyone manages to escape these central controls."
A local authority in Israel has announced that it is establishing a special team of youth counsellors and psychologists whose job it will be to identify young Jewish women who are dating Arab men and "rescue" them.
Mr Hakak [me: spokesman of the above mentioned local authority] said the municipality had created a hotline that parents and friends of the Jewish women could use to inform on them. "We can't tell the girls what to do but we can send a psychologist to their home to offer them and their parents advice," he said.
Petah Tikva's hostility to Arab men mixing with local Jewish women is shared by other communities.
Last year, the municipality of Kiryat Gat, a town of 50,000 Jews in southern Israel, launched a programme in schools to warn Jewish girls of the dangers of dating local Bedouin men. The girls were shown a video titled Sleeping with the Enemy, which describes mixed couples as an "unnatural phenomenon".
Haim Shalom, head of the municipality's welfare department, is filmed saying: "The girls, in their innocence, go with the exploitative Arab."
In 2004, posters sprang up all over the northern town of Safed warning Jewish women that dating Arab men would lead to "beatings, hard drugs, prostitution and crime".
Safed's chief rabbi, Shmuel Eliyahu, told a local newspaper that the "seducing" of Jewish girls was "another form of war" by Arab men.
Both Kiryat Gat and Safed's campaigns were supported by a religious organisation called Yad L'achim, which runs an anti-assimilation team publicly dedicated to "saving" Jewish women.
According to its website, the organisation receives more than 100 calls a month about Jewish women living with Arab men, both in Israel and the West Bank. It launches "military-like rescues [of the women] from hostile Arab villages" in co-ordination with the police and army.
"The Jewish soul is a precious, all-too-rare resource, and we are not prepared to give up on even a single one," says the website.
Link: Israeli drive to prevent Jewish girls dating Arabs [ Writer : Jonathan Cook ]

Israeli citizens are divided by law into 12 religious groups. Each person is born into his own group: The Jew whose mother is Jewish is subject to the tyranny of the rabbis, the Muslim to that of the kadis, and the Druze have their own religious leaders, as do the Christians, the Armenians and all the others. And they cannot marry one another, since Israel has no civil marriage. This entire arrangement of no civil marriage, in a country that pretends to be democratic, came into the world only in order to preserve the purity of the Jewish genius.
The burial of civil marriage - Haaretz - Israel News

What is your opinion of as the Haifaian University Professor states accepted seperation of Israeli-Jew and Israeli-Muslim marriage in the Israelian society?

of COURSE not dingbat. Interfaith unions are antisemitic!
The religious authority for Jewish marriages is the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and there are parallel authorities for Christians, Muslims and Druze communities. Each authority regulates marriages and divorces for their own community. There is no provision for inter-faith marriages.
Israel makes no provision for civil marriages to be entered into in Israel. However, civilian marriages entered into abroad are recognised.

Marriage in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dr Yuval Yonay, a sociologist at Haifa University, said the number of interracial marriages was "too small to be studied". "Separation between Jews and Arabs is so ingrained in Israeli society, it is surprising that anyone manages to escape these central controls."
A local authority in Israel has announced that it is establishing a special team of youth counsellors and psychologists whose job it will be to identify young Jewish women who are dating Arab men and "rescue" them.
Mr Hakak [me: spokesman of the above mentioned local authority] said the municipality had created a hotline that parents and friends of the Jewish women could use to inform on them. "We can't tell the girls what to do but we can send a psychologist to their home to offer them and their parents advice," he said.
Petah Tikva's hostility to Arab men mixing with local Jewish women is shared by other communities.
Last year, the municipality of Kiryat Gat, a town of 50,000 Jews in southern Israel, launched a programme in schools to warn Jewish girls of the dangers of dating local Bedouin men. The girls were shown a video titled Sleeping with the Enemy, which describes mixed couples as an "unnatural phenomenon".
Haim Shalom, head of the municipality's welfare department, is filmed saying: "The girls, in their innocence, go with the exploitative Arab."
In 2004, posters sprang up all over the northern town of Safed warning Jewish women that dating Arab men would lead to "beatings, hard drugs, prostitution and crime".
Safed's chief rabbi, Shmuel Eliyahu, told a local newspaper that the "seducing" of Jewish girls was "another form of war" by Arab men.
Both Kiryat Gat and Safed's campaigns were supported by a religious organisation called Yad L'achim, which runs an anti-assimilation team publicly dedicated to "saving" Jewish women.
According to its website, the organisation receives more than 100 calls a month about Jewish women living with Arab men, both in Israel and the West Bank. It launches "military-like rescues [of the women] from hostile Arab villages" in co-ordination with the police and army.
"The Jewish soul is a precious, all-too-rare resource, and we are not prepared to give up on even a single one," says the website.
Link: Israeli drive to prevent Jewish girls dating Arabs [ Writer : Jonathan Cook ]

Israeli citizens are divided by law into 12 religious groups. Each person is born into his own group: The Jew whose mother is Jewish is subject to the tyranny of the rabbis, the Muslim to that of the kadis, and the Druze have their own religious leaders, as do the Christians, the Armenians and all the others. And they cannot marry one another, since Israel has no civil marriage. This entire arrangement of no civil marriage, in a country that pretends to be democratic, came into the world only in order to preserve the purity of the Jewish genius.
The burial of civil marriage - Haaretz - Israel News

What is your opinion of as the Haifaian University Professor states accepted seperation of Israeli-Jew and Israeli-Muslim marriage in the Israelian society?

Just more evidence that marriage is an outdated and useless institution, legally speaking. Let the religious do whatever they want with their marriage rituals.
yea... even if it's banning ******* from marrying white women!


You have a problem with any of this?

Personally i don't have a problem with this. I am no Israeli and my state does not say me whom i have to marry with.
I just wondered how a principal right, here to marry someone with the same passport but from different confession is not recognized and accepted by the state, who itselfs gives all of them these passports.

So the problem lies clearly by secular Israelis and interfaith and -racial lovers in Israel. But in the end it is their problem to stand up and seek for democratization in this particular issue. I think a state must accept the individual choices of its citizens.
Even shittier it becomes when state/municipality officials like in the introducing article make some dubious and 1930's campaigns.

And no, i do not request a "democratization force" to free these seculars and interfaith-lovers from this oppression.
Muslims also ban intermarriage. While the various Christian denominations are less strict, they have to promise to raise and baptise their future children in their respective faiths. As for Judaism, this has nothing to do with racial purity. There are only about 14 million Jews in the world, compared to billions of Christians and Muslims, and intermarriage leads to further dissappearance of numbers. Jews worship HaShem, as compared to Allah and Jesus. Intermarriage leads to confusion. Will the intermarried family go to church, mosque or synagogue? Will they worship on Friday, Saturday or Sunday? Will they celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas or Ramadan? Jews respect all religions, and believe all good people have a place in Heaven, as opposed to Christianity and Islam. We just don't want to marry with them.
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Intermarriage is the death of the Jewish people. The grandchildren of people who intermarry do not identify as Jews in about 90+% of the cases. It is an issue of national survival.
And people intent on it can still go to Cypress or wherever and get married.
Intermarriage is the death of the Jewish people. The grandchildren of people who intermarry do not identify as Jews in about 90+% of the cases. It is an issue of national survival.
And people intent on it can still go to Cypress or wherever and get married.

yea yea yea, you ironic jew. White southerners felt the same way about inermarriage too. I guess it's pretty obvious that your concern about remaining jewish is a carbon copy punchline pulled from any ole Grand Dragon speech at a cross burnin'.

Thats the funny thing about jews like you: you cry foul when anyone else prohibits jews from acting EXACTLY like you want to act. Whites don't like intermarriage? Well, THAT must be racism. JEWS don't like intermarriage? Well thats just ethnic preservation. Criticism of which MUST be antisemitism.

such must be from enjoying a double standard for far too long.

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