Israeli Cowards Raid Gaza Hospital, fabricate evidence

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Eighteen hours after the raid on the hospital began, the Israeli military released photos and video that it said backed its assertions. It distributed images of 13 guns that it said its soldiers had discovered in the hospital, as well as a statement saying that it had found a military command center in the hospital’s M.R.I. unit.

The only problem:

The MRI is a strong magnet

The presence of metal can be a serious problem in MRI, because
(1) Magnetic metals can experience a force in the scanner,
(2) Wires can result in induced currents and heating from the RF magnetic field

This causes serious accidents:

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Dates, brand new Qurans and books titled "tanks" and "rush towards jihad" and "the battlefield", pristine vests and guns. All in the MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING room.

At least now we know what was in the clownish font English labeled boxes brought w/ the invaders.

The "medical supplies" that were re-discovered in MRI room:


See evidence for "Hamas command center":

They re-uploaded the video because they forgot to blur the laptop. The laptop was already logged in , with this picture opened in full screen (Israeli user).

Eighteen hours after the raid on the hospital began, the Israeli military released photos and video that it said backed its assertions. It distributed images of 13 guns that it said its soldiers had discovered in the hospital, as well as a statement saying that it had found a military command center in the hospital’s M.R.I. unit.

The only problem:

The presence of metal can be a serious problem in MRI, because
(1) Magnetic metals can experience a force in the scanner,
(2) Wires can result in induced currents and heating from the RF magnetic field

This causes serious accidents:
View attachment 859333

Yeah so? Are you trying to tell us Hamas would be concerned about the well being of Palestinians? Their history with using innocent Palestinians as human shields contradicts that.
Yeah so? Are you trying to tell us Hamas would be concerned about the well being of Palestinians? Their history with using innocent Palestinians as human shields contradicts that.
At least be concerned about their own selves and "weapons" maybe?

Eighteen hours after the raid on the hospital began, the Israeli military released photos and video that it said backed its assertions. It distributed images of 13 guns that it said its soldiers had discovered in the hospital, as well as a statement saying that it had found a military command center in the hospital’s M.R.I. unit.

The only problem:

The presence of metal can be a serious problem in MRI, because
(1) Magnetic metals can experience a force in the scanner,
(2) Wires can result in induced currents and heating from the RF magnetic field

This causes serious accidents:
View attachment 859333

sorry old cat------MRI is my field----your post is so utterly WRONG it's obvious origin is in the VILE STINK AND FILTH OF ISLAM----the armaments were found in the MRI suite-----NOT IN THE MACHINE-----you are quite a muhummad ass licking pile of shit. For the record----fellow cyber buddies----Metal objects should not be taken INTO THE MRI machine whilst it is in operation because INSIDE THE MACHINE there is a strong magnetic field-----that has NO EFFECT on objects in the VICINITY of the machine. Islamic cats are DESPERATE
The Israeli soldier in the video revealed that he had found a Hamas laptop...and here was the scandal.

“In the beginning, they showed the laptop without a security code, and this is an unbelievable thing, especially since Hamas, which loves secrecy, did not put passwords on its laptops.”..“

The biggest scandal is that the laptop contains a picture of an Israeli female soldier."
Do you know who she is?
It's Ori Megidish.“

She is the same female soldier who the Israeli army said it carried out a special operation to rescue

It later became clear that she was not even on the list of prisoners
The MRI is a strong magnet
Really? I was an MRI technologist for 15 years so I know a little about how those systems work and how people are kept safe in the magnet environment. All modern magnets have "active shielding". The bottom line is that metal has to come VERY close before the field will cause what happened in your images.

Those rifles and other metal objects could be placed on the floor 2 yards from the magnetic and never show any effect at all. Just being in the room with the magnet is not enough to prove your silly assertion.

You think you're special but all you are is another low life, ignorant, Jew-hater. The world is full of shitstains like you and history has proven beyond any doubt that long, LONG after you and those like you are gone, AM YISRAEL CHAI.
Choke on that, pussy cat. You use a lion as your symbol but you mock the deity of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Bad move...
The only solution is to remove Hamas and any enabling assholes from the Earth.

That said, not our problem.
Leaving aside the fatc that they are one of our most loyal allies, it could become our problem very quickly if we stood off and Iran decided to go for broke and launch the Hizballah dogs on Israel. THAT might well set the whole region on fire and cause lots of repercussions globally. It's a small world, after all ;)
I was an MRI technologist for 15 years so I know a little about how those systems work and how people are kept safe in the magnet environment.
My idea: colonoscopy facilities that also have an MRI room. When someone needs an MRI, and they also happen to be due for a colonoscopy, you may as well take advantage of the patient being under anesthesia to get crystal clear MRI images. I think it would be very popular.
Eighteen hours after the raid on the hospital began, the Israeli military released photos and video that it said backed its assertions. It distributed images of 13 guns that it said its soldiers had discovered in the hospital, as well as a statement saying that it had found a military command center in the hospital’s M.R.I. unit.

The only problem:

The MRI is a strong magnet

The presence of metal can be a serious problem in MRI, because
(1) Magnetic metals can experience a force in the scanner,
(2) Wires can result in induced currents and heating from the RF magnetic field

This causes serious accidents:
View attachment 859333

Why did the Gazans attack Israel?

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