Israel Wants Peace

You fail to understand that the word "Byzantine" is associated with the Eastern Roman Power whose capital was Constantinople. The Eastern Roman Empire made Christianity the state religion in 380 AD. As I have stated many time.

The Western Roman Empire (where Italy was located) was not affected, in fact the Western Roman Empire was on its last legs and fell in 426 AD.

You just fail as you claimed that the roman empire ( before the byzatines) forced the Jews to convert to Christianity or leave their homes. Now it has been shown that you LIED you are moving the goalposts.
Who is condemning Jews for anything? I am condemning Zionists for having expelled Palestinians (Christians and Muslims) from Palestine and for how the Israelis are treating their descendants today. It has nothing to do with people who practice Judaism.

NAZI JEW HATER double speak for Jew, using Zionist all the time.
Who is condemning Jews for anything? I am condemning Zionists for having expelled Palestinians (Christians and Muslims) from Palestine and for how the Israelis are treating their descendants today. It has nothing to do with people who practice Judaism.

NAZI JEW HATER double speak for Jew, using Zionist all the time.

Not all Jews are Zionists.

Not all Zionists are Jews either, but it does not stop you from using the word as a RACIST ATTACK
My bitch with the Zionists is over their treatment of the Palestinians. No nation or people on earth ever did to them what Israel is doing. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain where they are on their stolen land. Want peace like Israel claims? First this entire Zionist agenda has to go. When the Zionists learn to treat the Palestinians like the surrounding Arab countries do, then there will be peace. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
My bitch with the Zionists is over their treatment of the Palestinians. No nation or people on earth ever did to them what Israel is doing. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain where they are on their stolen land. Want peace like Israel claims? First this entire Zionist agenda has to go. When the Zionists learn to treat the Palestinians like the surrounding Arab countries do, then there will be peace. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Besides being moronic, it's getting old and is approaching the point of being spam and trolling. One more time and it goes in the book.
My bitch with the Zionists is over their treatment of the Palestinians. No nation or people on earth ever did to them what Israel is doing. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain where they are on their stolen land. Want peace like Israel claims? First this entire Zionist agenda has to go. When the Zionists learn to treat the Palestinians like the surrounding Arab countries do, then there will be peace. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Besides being moronic, it's getting old and is approaching the point of being spam and trolling. One more time and it goes in the book.

Right under your spamming I expect that everyone is aware off
My bitch with the Zionists is over their treatment of the Palestinians. No nation or people on earth ever did to them what Israel is doing. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain where they are on their stolen land. Want peace like Israel claims? First this entire Zionist agenda has to go. When the Zionists learn to treat the Palestinians like the surrounding Arab countries do, then there will be peace. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Besides being moronic, it's getting old and is approaching the point of being spam and trolling. One more time and it goes in the book.

That does it Monte. Back in the box with you.
Posting fact from official documents cannot, by definition, be considered lying. You, on the other hand, do nothing else but parrot Zionist propaganda and lies.
Here is a fact. Without a unified elected government, there is no hope for any Palestinian State in Israel.
Here is a fact. Without a unified elected government, there is no hope for any Palestinian State in Israel.

Even with a unified elected government there is no hope for a Palestinian state.

Netanyahu: If I'm elected, there will be no Palestinian state

netanyahu no palestinian state - Google Search

Right on. Just like I said, without a unified elected government, which is lacking by the Palestinians, , there is no hope for a Palestinain state.
Posting fact from official documents cannot, by definition, be considered lying. You, on the other hand, do nothing else but parrot Zionist propaganda and lies.

So posting from your own links is now Zionist propaganda and lies, does this mean you are posting propaganda and lies then
When you post from my links, you reinforce the validity of my position, derived from the facts contained in the linked documents.
When you post from my links, you reinforce the validity of my position, derived from the facts contained in the linked documents.

Even when it shows that you have cherry picked and manipulated the links until they meet with your POV

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