Israel To U.S. - Stop Iran And Their Nukes Or We Will

The same ones that were in Iraq? How promising ......

Wow, I'm dumbfounded. Not! Everybody knows that Iraq hasn't had a nuclear program since the early nineties when the UN sanctioned it and started performing inspections. I think if they had had a nuclear program, some shred of evidence would have shown up by now. Wait, that's right, the investigation was actually closed a year ago because no evidence of anything was ever found. Now I remember...

It seems the inspections were working. What a surprise.
Hagbard Celine said:
Wow, I'm dumbfounded. Not! Everybody knows that Iraq hasn't had a nuclear program since the early nineties when the UN sanctioned it and started performing inspections. I think if they had had a nuclear program, some shred of evidence would have shown up by now. Wait, that's right, the investigation was actually closed a year ago because no evidence of anything was ever found. Now I remember...

It seems the inspections were working. What a surprise.

Give me a break. They got to inspect where Saddam said they could, when he said they could. He led them on wild goose chases and he acted as if he was hiding something. HIS bad if he wasn't. That just means he's even dumber than originally thought.

Fact: Saddam possessed WMDs and he used them, and he pursued updating them. This of course goes to his willingness, intent, and lack of regard where WMDs are concerned. For him to compound that by leading UN Weapons Inspectors on goose chases for 13 years was just plain stupid and he deserved what he got for it.

Had Saddam had his ass kicked the first time he thumbed his nose at teh UN Resolution that established a cease-fire, not a peace treaty, then your poster boy Clinton would have had to pull his head out of the sand where the Middle East was concerned and actually do something.
Hagbard Celine said:
Wow, I'm dumbfounded. Not! Everybody knows that Iraq hasn't had a nuclear program since the early nineties when the UN sanctioned it and started performing inspections. I think if they had had a nuclear program, some shred of evidence would have shown up by now. Wait, that's right, the investigation was actually closed a year ago because no evidence of anything was ever found. Now I remember...

It seems the inspections were working. What a surprise.

you seemed to have forgotten that momar kydafy admitted to the UN that saddam had outsourced is program to them
Harmageddon said:
No. America did not invade because they were particularly offended by nazism. America joined the war because the German Third Reich combined with the prospect of a Japanes Eastern Empire seemed to be a real threat. American corporations were faring quite well at the beginning of the Third Reich, delivering recources for an evermore demanding Germany bent on Empire.
Russia on the other hand joined in Hitler's efforts from the beginning until Hitler decided he did not intend to share power and betrayed the pact they had sealed. Russia later destroyed the Third Reich's capital and met the American cavalry on the smoking ruins.

So whats your point? that war didn't bring an end to Nazism and bring democracy there? It may had not been the reason the US joined the war, but it was force that ended nazism.

Harmageddon said:
Exactly. And the U.N. lacks a certain punch, because the United States refuses to work with them. The world needs your country. I totally agree.
Then why not use it for the world, in accordance with the world?

I think because America wants the control. America wants EMPIRE.
And that is what will never happen. No country on earth has ever been content to be subject to another country's whims. They resist foreign occupation. Always. No matter the size of the Empire.

More typical Eurotrash talk. Most Americans don't give a rats ass about other countries, we certainly don't want to rule them. We don't like having our troops on other countries like Iraq any more than Iraqis. But we do it because we believe we have to in order to protect ourselves. I don't care how Euros, Muslims, Asians, or Africans choose to govern themselves. The problem is we live in a technological age where its getting easier and easier for individuals or small groups to commit mass murder. We are NOT going to stand by and let rogue nations build nuke factories to sell to terrorists. And the best way to prevent this is to promote democracy, or governments that can be held accountable. Personally I think its all a waste of time, we should had just nuked all these dumbfucks like Kim Jung Il and Saddam, but I am in the minority as a right wing fanatic so we have to do it the hard way.
Originally posted by theHawk
So whats your point? that war didn't bring an end to Nazism and bring democracy there? It may had not been the reason the US joined the war, but it was force that ended nazism.
Yes, it was force that ended Nazism.
Combined force of Canada, England, France, Russia and the US.
That’s my point.

What was Nazism doing?
Unilaterally pushing their “ubermenschen” - superhumans - policy down everybody’s throat, with sweet talk of “lebensraum” - a certain minimum amount of space for every individual to live in - and at gunpoint for people that didn’t get the sweet talk.
That, again, is my point.

Originally posted by theHawk
More typical Eurotrash talk. Most Americans don't give a rats ass about other countries, we certainly don't want to rule them. We don't like having our troops on other countries like Iraq any more than Iraqis. But we do it because we believe we have to in order to protect ourselves. I don't care how Euros, Muslims, Asians, or Africans choose to govern themselves. The problem is we live in a technological age where its getting easier and easier for individuals or small groups to commit mass murder. We are NOT going to stand by and let rogue nations build nuke factories to sell to terrorists. And the best way to prevent this is to promote democracy, or governments that can be held accountable. Personally I think its all a waste of time, we should had just nuked all these dumbfucks like Kim Jung Il and Saddam, but I am in the minority as a right wing fanatic so we have to do it the hard way.
Good thing you represent a minority then: you are exactly the same as those suicide bombers on the fringes of the muslim world. Yeah, your reasons for unbridled violence are different, but the outcome is the same. Useless slaughter of innocent bystanders.
On the one hand there’s these suicide bombers wanting Islam to take over the world or whatever, and on the other hand there’s people like you, that shit their pants about some fantasy threats and advocate extreme violence to end these threats.

Did you read up to here? Fantasy threat. What do you think makes a “rogue” nation? A nation that does “roguish” things, like stealing items and assassinating people for personal gain? I wonder, enlighten me.

You seem to be happy enough about the prospect of people choosing their own governments. So why is your government, in your name, fighting Hugo Chavez of Venezuela? Because they don’t like communists? Because he is elected by an overwhelming majority of Venezuelans? Or because he is a “rogue” of some sort.

Yes, it is easier for random f*ckheads to commit murder on an everlarger scale, because of our technological advancements. So, what should we do? Go back to the stoneage?
No matter how many of these people you identify, they will keep on coming. And they sprout everywhere on earth. Not just in muslim nations either.
More and more in muslim nations however, that’s a fact. How can this be?
Are they insane? If they are, why didn’t this start a couple of 100 years ago instead?

It must be something else, something to do with Israel perhaps, and their continued oppression of the Palestinians. Or in the words of David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"


"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001.

Welcome to Iraq.

As to your last remark:
Yeah, nuke them. Seems like the best idea I’ve heard in ages.
F*ck the toxic clouds, the fact that they will spread across the globe leaving disease and birth deformities in it's wake for millennia to come. Hey, it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. We all should be willing to get deformed children that lead a painful and short life. Sure it hurts your feelings as a parent, but Saddam is gone now. So you’re safe.
Better safe than sorry, right?
Harmageddon said:
Yes, it was force that ended Nazism.
Combined force of Canada, England, France, Russia and the US.
That’s my point.

What was Nazism doing?
Unilaterally pushing their “ubermenschen” - superhumans - policy down everybody’s throat, with sweet talk of “lebensraum” - a certain minimum amount of space for every individual to live in - and at gunpoint for people that didn’t get the sweet talk.
That, again, is my point.

Good thing you represent a minority then: you are exactly the same as those suicide bombers on the fringes of the muslim world. Yeah, your reasons for unbridled violence are different, but the outcome is the same. Useless slaughter of innocent bystanders.
On the one hand there’s these suicide bombers wanting Islam to take over the world or whatever, and on the other hand there’s people like you, that shit their pants about some fantasy threats and advocate extreme violence to end these threats.

Did you read up to here? Fantasy threat. What do you think makes a “rogue” nation? A nation that does “roguish” things, like stealing items and assassinating people for personal gain? I wonder, enlighten me.

You seem to be happy enough about the prospect of people choosing their own governments. So why is your government, in your name, fighting Hugo Chavez of Venezuela? Because they don’t like communists? Because he is elected by an overwhelming majority of Venezuelans? Or because he is a “rogue” of some sort.

Yes, it is easier for random f*ckheads to commit murder on an everlarger scale, because of our technological advancements. So, what should we do? Go back to the stoneage?
No matter how many of these people you identify, they will keep on coming. And they sprout everywhere on earth. Not just in muslim nations either.
More and more in muslim nations however, that’s a fact. How can this be?
Are they insane? If they are, why didn’t this start a couple of 100 years ago instead?

It must be something else, something to do with Israel perhaps, and their continued oppression of the Palestinians. Or in the words of David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"


"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001.

Welcome to Iraq.

As to your last remark:
Yeah, nuke them. Seems like the best idea I’ve heard in ages.
F*ck the toxic clouds, the fact that they will spread across the globe leaving disease and birth deformities in it's wake for millennia to come. Hey, it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. We all should be willing to get deformed children that lead a painful and short life. Sure it hurts your feelings as a parent, but Saddam is gone now. So you’re safe.
Better safe than sorry, right?

Finally got to your point, huh ? The islamo-facist muslims hate the US because of its support for Israels' right to exist. We would be just fine if we stood back and allowed them to try to annihilate a nation ? Sorry, we don't operate like that.
And I suppose we should have just let Saddam keep Kuwait and support the Wahhabist desire to overthrow the Saud family too?
Harmageddon said:
What do you think makes a “rogue” nation? A nation that does “roguish” things, like stealing items and assassinating people for personal gain? I wonder, enlighten me.
I would have to say totalitarian states that starve their own people, and nations that outright support terrorism. i.e. Iran and North Korea at this point.
Harmageddon said:
You seem to be happy enough about the prospect of people choosing their own governments. So why is your government, in your name, fighting Hugo Chavez of Venezuela? Because they don’t like communists? Because he is elected by an overwhelming majority of Venezuelans? Or because he is a “rogue” of some sort.
I didn't know we were "fighting" Hugo Chavez. He is a paranoid and he is welcome to run his mouth off and look like an idiot as long as he wants.
Harmageddon said:
Yes, it is easier for random f*ckheads to commit murder on an everlarger scale, because of our technological advancements. So, what should we do? Go back to the stoneage?
Well we could start with not letting nations like Iran and North Korea build nukes.

Harmageddon said:
It must be something else, something to do with Israel perhaps, and their continued oppression of the Palestinians. Or in the words of David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"


"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001.
Why am I not surprised this has all been turned around to being the Jews' fault? I think most Americans are all for a Palestinian state as well as Isreal to exist, but we all know that the Arabs and Euros will never be happy untill Isreal is wiped off the earth. :wank:

Harmageddon said:
Yeah, nuke them. Seems like the best idea I’ve heard in ages.
F*ck the toxic clouds, the fact that they will spread across the globe leaving disease and birth deformities in it's wake for millennia to come. Hey, it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. We all should be willing to get deformed children that lead a painful and short life. Sure it hurts your feelings as a parent, but Saddam is gone now. So you’re safe.
Better safe than sorry, right?
That was sarcasim bro :eek:

Time is Not on the World's Side: The Iranian Threat - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

If no such preventive effort is taken, sitting and waiting as Iran develops it programs will be disastrous. Once Iran's nuclear weapons program goes online, there will be a very short period of a year or two before it acquires a considerable stock of weapons. In other words, the Iran of two years from now will be much more dangerous than the Iran of today.

The last thing the the middle east needs right now is a maniac with nuclear warheads.
The last thing the the middle east needs right now is a maniac with nuclear warheads.

Yes, it is sad that Israel has them.
How about these daft Israeli claims - do you agree, the Israeli governments over the years are fucking idiot liars?
Israelis urge U.S. to stop Iran's nuke goals - Washington Times

Mr. Steinitz said Israeli officials estimate that Tehran is only two to three years away from developing a nuclear bomb and that time was running out for the world to act.

Let me see, that was 2005.

I love old threads, they don't half make the war mongers and Zionists look stupid.

I love your posts,, Freddie-----they reveal the fact that islamo Nazis are idiots

Please show how these claims were proven, and Iran gained nukes.
You can't, mostly because the daft bitches in the Israeli government are bastards.
I say let them. They would probably get it done a lot quicker than we would.


The United States and its allies must act to stop Iran's nuclear programs -- by force if necessary -- because conventional diplomacy will not work, three senior Israeli lawmakers from across the political spectrum warned yesterday.
As a last resort, they said, Israel itself would act unilaterally to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear arms.
Iran will not be deterred "by anything short of a threat of force," said Arieh Eldad, a member of Israel's right-wing National Union Party, part of a delegation of Knesset members visiting Washington this week.
"They won't be stopped unless they are convinced their programs will be destroyed if they continue," he said.
Yuval Steinitz, chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said the best hope was for the United States and other major powers to make it clear to Iranian leaders now there was "no chance they will ever see the fruits of a nuclear program."
"Threats of sanctions and isolation alone will not do it," said Mr. Steinitz.
Yosef Lapid, head of the centrist opposition Shinui Party in the Knesset, added that Israel "will not live under the threat of an Iranian nuclear bomb."
"We feel we are obliged to warn our friends that Israel should not be pushed into a situation where we see no other solution but to act unilaterally" against Iran, he said.
Mr. Steinitz, a member of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's ruling Likud Party, stopped just short of a direct threat to bomb suspect Iranian nuclear sites.

Israelis urge U.S. to stop Iran's nuke goals - Washington Times
They must first show evidence Iran has weaponized their program.

Anything short of that, is ludicrous.
Israel will do it because our pussy muslim president won't. He wants Iran to get their nukes. Hell, he's probably transferring nuclear technology to them as we speak.

Yeah, Israel will disarm the psycho Iranians, and they won't need nukes to do it.
Israel will do it because our pussy muslim president won't. He wants Iran to get their nukes. Hell, he's probably transferring nuclear technology to them as we speak.

Yeah, Israel will disarm the psycho Iranians, and they won't need nukes to do it.

Er, dude, that was a 2005 story about Iran having nukes by 2007.
Last I heard, they didn't manage it.

Israel lies every year about the fictional Iranian weapons program.
Israel will do it because our pussy muslim president won't. He wants Iran to get their nukes. Hell, he's probably transferring nuclear technology to them as we speak.

Yeah, Israel will disarm the psycho Iranians, and they won't need nukes to do it.
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: you are a real twerp, I hope you do visit Chester so we can meet.

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