Israel MUST stop recieving all USA funds

Well most is true what you write except it is around 75 percent that is purchased from US manufacturers. The remaining 25% is purchased from Israel manufacturers based on the last agreement signed by Obama.

They still want more money. With the current covid crisis that is messing with the economy, it is mind boggling that the US goes further into debt while paying Foreign countries to buy weapons from US manufacturers. The taxpayer is footing that bill and the weapon manufacturers reap the benefits.

The current situation was create by Israel. Muslim who are Israel citizens who lived on land controlled by Israel were facing evictions based on the Supreme Court of Israel ruling that based on things that happen centuries ago ( Jews lived on the land first) that they could not own the land. In fact they were just tenants and could be evicted. They protested. Israel came down hard on them. The other Muslims saw a reason to fire missiles. Israel who had more weapons retaliated.

Yet imagine being told that because they did not live there first , this is not there home. Israel started this because they could not accept Muslims owning Israel land.

Of course the extreme elements of Muslim saw a reason to get involved. Support fellow Muslims.

Until 2019 Israel was obligated to buy with 75% only in america from certain companies - since 2019 its 100%American.

You don't know much about the issue [ like 99% of the westren world, which foolishly shouts "Savesheikhjarakh"

Yes, historically we were here first. and we own this land. but its not even the issue.

Parts of' Sheikh Jarakh' neighborhood are called the Shim'on HaTzadik neighborhood - and was built by Jews in 1880. in 48' the Arabs took over Jerusalem and ethnically cleansed Jerusalem from Jews. Since 2009 Jewish families which have documents proving their ancestors were owning this land before being ethincally cleansed - have a right to reclaim their family property.

Jewish familes have been returning since 2008. nothing new happens in 2021. Islam and Hamas never needs excuses to try to kill the Jews

Well your argument would be the same argument the Indians can make. We were here first and the land belongs to us.

Well what is new is the Israel supreme court ruling that the Muslim who have settle there can now be considered tenants. Which means they can be evicted. So yeah you can spin it as taking back your land or repeating history but changing places. Even as Israel citizens, they are treated as 2nd class citizens. Should they protested about their homes being taken away.

What if the Ottoman empire made the same claim as it was part of that empire for well over 600 years which predates 1800. Then there was a name change. So I guess Turkey can claim it.

like the Americans say to the Indian. Well it is who is living there now and claim that land or really who is stronger militarily.

Your right they do not need a reason to attack but when given one it like "cleared for landing." You would think that Israel would be more sensitive to that.

You don't quite get it. There is a very simple difference between a foriegn empire to a native people.

The persian empire cant claim Judeah because it is not the native historical land of the persians. it is of the Jews
You don't seem to understand how history is twisted by whomever is telling it. Israel points to the time they were there and the Arabs point is a little different. Who is right. Well the victor is right and the loser gets the shaft.

Still you can't place ownership in this day and time based on what happen 6,000 years ago. Your point is only colored by what you been told.

Still the bible says that it was the land of Canaan until the Israelites conquered it. Thus indicating they were not the first.

Its irrelevant. All that important is what is in front of you in this time and place.
Still the bible says that it was the land of Canaan until the Israelites conquered it. Thus indicating they were not the first.

The Jews were not the first people there nor were they ever the only people there.

There is no historic precedent for an exclusive Jewish state.
The Jews were not the first people there nor were they ever the only people there.

There is no historic precedent for an exclusive Jewish state.


Case in point.

The myth that europeans of jewish faith have any kind of ancestral link to the semitic people that inhabited Palestine 2000 years ago is a kind of madness so socially accepted in 21th century America that even strong supporters of the palestinian cause like Tinmore and surada swallowed the bullshit hook, line and sinker.
Socially accepted madnesses are not arcane, abstract concepts created by sociologists, they are a fact of our world, people.

Do you want another example of a socially accepted madness besides the "semitic" origin of european Jews?

I can give you another fantastic example right now:

Socially accepted madnesses are not arcane, abstract concepts created by sociologists, they are a fact of our world, people.

Do you want another example of a socially accepted madness besides the "semitic" origin of european Jews?

I can give you another fantastic example right now:

Hitler is smiling at his home in hell at all this stupid jew hate
The Jews were not the first people there nor were they ever the only people there.

There is no historic precedent for an exclusive Jewish state.


Case in point.

The myth that europeans of jewish faith have any kind of ancestral link to the semitic people that inhabited Palestine 2000 years ago is a kind of madness so socially accepted in 21th century America that even strong supporters of the palestinian cause like Tinmore and surada swallowed the bullshit hook, line and sinker.

What makes you say that?
Originally posted by surada
What makes you say that?

You mean what made me say you swallowed the "european jews are semitic" bullshit hook, line and sinker?

The fact that you loved Tinmore's most recent post and statements by you like this one:

Yep.. Jews are brothers to the Arabs..

Europeans of jewish faith (the founders of the state of Israel) are genetic "brothers" of europeans of christian, islamic, or any other religious faith not of arabs.
If it were my decision, Israel would never see another dime of US military aid nor would it be able to purchase US weapons. As for Israel not needing US aid, that is a joke.
Israel did just fine before 1973' with French weapons against the entire Arab world backed by the USSR.

You are the joke.

They were losing until the US resupplied them emergently. Golde Meir threatened to bomb the Saudi oilfields if they didn't. That caused the oil embargo.

Israel threatend to launch a nuclear attack on Sinai desert; Saudi had no role in this game.

And literally the US only supplied and supported Israel when they saw Israel is taking the upper hand. Mossad chief in Yom Kippur War: Tell CIA No. 2 to kiss my ass
Originally posted by surada
What makes you say that?

You mean what made me say you swallowed the "european jews are semitic" bullshit hook, line and sinker?

The fact that you loved Tinmore's most recent post and statements by you like this one:

Yep.. Jews are brothers to the Arabs..

Europeans of jewish faith (the founders of the state of Israel) are genetic "brothers" of europeans of christian, islamic, or any other religious faith not of arabs.

The aren't Semites.. They didn't speak Arabic or Hebrew or Amharic or Syriac.

But, they did practice the Jewish faith .. Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah.
It goes without saying that the wet dream of every invader, of every ethnocratic state that has ever existed in human history is to find a way, no matter how absurd, how convoluted, to present themselves as the real natives of the land and the natives as the invaders.

"We Arabs are the true natives of Judeah"

EXACTLY. "It goes without saying that the wet dream of every invader, of every ethnocratic state that has ever existed in human history is to find a way, no matter how absurd, how convoluted, to present themselves as the real natives of the land and the natives as the invaders."

BTW, I suggest you take a good look at me. that's not how a European looks like. LMFAO.
If it were my decision, Israel would never see another dime of US military aid nor would it be able to purchase US weapons. As for Israel not needing US aid, that is a joke.
Israel did just fine before 1973' with French weapons against the entire Arab world backed by the USSR.

You are the joke.

They were losing until the US resupplied them emergently. Golde Meir threatened to bomb the Saudi oilfields if they didn't. That caused the oil embargo.

Israel threatend to launch a nuclear attack on Sinai desert; Saudi had no role in this game.

And literally the US only supplied and supported Israel when they saw Israel is taking the upper hand. Mossad chief in Yom Kippur War: Tell CIA No. 2 to kiss my ass

Nope. They threatened to bomb the Saudi oil fields and all the Americans living and working there. They demanded to be resupplied.. and the US not only resupplied them but gave them some insane amount of money. Read Moshe Dayan.
If it were my decision, Israel would never see another dime of US military aid nor would it be able to purchase US weapons. As for Israel not needing US aid, that is a joke.
Israel did just fine before 1973' with French weapons against the entire Arab world backed by the USSR.

You are the joke.

They were losing until the US resupplied them emergently. Golde Meir threatened to bomb the Saudi oilfields if they didn't. That caused the oil embargo.

Israel threatend to launch a nuclear attack on Sinai desert; Saudi had no role in this game.

And literally the US only supplied and supported Israel when they saw Israel is taking the upper hand. Mossad chief in Yom Kippur War: Tell CIA No. 2 to kiss my ass

Nope. They threatened to bomb the Saudi oil fields and all the Americans living and working there. They demanded to be resupplied.. and the US not only resupplied them but gave them some insane amount of money. Read Moshe Dayan.

You claim some nonsense BS. The least you can do is back your words with some resources and articles.
If it were my decision, Israel would never see another dime of US military aid nor would it be able to purchase US weapons. As for Israel not needing US aid, that is a joke.
Israel did just fine before 1973' with French weapons against the entire Arab world backed by the USSR.

You are the joke.

They were losing until the US resupplied them emergently. Golde Meir threatened to bomb the Saudi oilfields if they didn't. That caused the oil embargo.

Israel threatend to launch a nuclear attack on Sinai desert; Saudi had no role in this game.

And literally the US only supplied and supported Israel when they saw Israel is taking the upper hand. Mossad chief in Yom Kippur War: Tell CIA No. 2 to kiss my ass

Nope. They threatened to bomb the Saudi oil fields and all the Americans living and working there. They demanded to be resupplied.. and the US not only resupplied them but gave them some insane amount of money. Read Moshe Dayan.

You claim some nonsense BS. The least you can do is back your words with some resources and articles.

The Israelis are liars.. They think they are justified and entitled because of what Hitler did to them in Europe. They will eventually kill all the Palestinians.
If it were my decision, Israel would never see another dime of US military aid nor would it be able to purchase US weapons. As for Israel not needing US aid, that is a joke.
Israel did just fine before 1973' with French weapons against the entire Arab world backed by the USSR.

You are the joke.

They were losing until the US resupplied them emergently. Golde Meir threatened to bomb the Saudi oilfields if they didn't. That caused the oil embargo.

Israel threatend to launch a nuclear attack on Sinai desert; Saudi had no role in this game.

And literally the US only supplied and supported Israel when they saw Israel is taking the upper hand. Mossad chief in Yom Kippur War: Tell CIA No. 2 to kiss my ass

Nope. They threatened to bomb the Saudi oil fields and all the Americans living and working there. They demanded to be resupplied.. and the US not only resupplied them but gave them some insane amount of money. Read Moshe Dayan.

You claim some nonsense BS. The least you can do is back your words with some resources and articles.

The Israelis are liars.. They think they are justified and entitled because of what Hitler did to them in Europe. They will eventually kill all the Palestinians.

Come on.. don't dodge the request.

You claimed some BS. I am gonna hold you accountable for your words. Provide some sort of proof/documents/resources or admit your lies.

The stupidity and ignorancy of so many people online, specifically from the west, is scary. And we thought you people were supposed to be smart.
If it were my decision, Israel would never see another dime of US military aid nor would it be able to purchase US weapons. As for Israel not needing US aid, that is a joke.
Israel did just fine before 1973' with French weapons against the entire Arab world backed by the USSR.

You are the joke.

Israel is running billions in debt a year. They are murderous jokes. The only reason they can manage is because of natural resources they steal from Arab lands.
If it were my decision, Israel would never see another dime of US military aid nor would it be able to purchase US weapons. As for Israel not needing US aid, that is a joke.
Israel did just fine before 1973' with French weapons against the entire Arab world backed by the USSR.

You are the joke.

They were losing until the US resupplied them emergently. Golde Meir threatened to bomb the Saudi oilfields if they didn't. That caused the oil embargo.

Israel threatend to launch a nuclear attack on Sinai desert; Saudi had no role in this game.

And literally the US only supplied and supported Israel when they saw Israel is taking the upper hand. Mossad chief in Yom Kippur War: Tell CIA No. 2 to kiss my ass

Nope. They threatened to bomb the Saudi oil fields and all the Americans living and working there. They demanded to be resupplied.. and the US not only resupplied them but gave them some insane amount of money. Read Moshe Dayan.

You claim some nonsense BS. The least you can do is back your words with some resources and articles.

The Israelis are liars.. They think they are justified and entitled because of what Hitler did to them in Europe. They will eventually kill all the Palestinians.

Come on.. don't dodge the request.

You claimed some BS. I am gonna hold you accountable for your words. Provide some sort of proof/documents/resources or admit your lies.

The stupidity and ignorancy of so many people online, specifically from the west, is scary. And we thought you people were supposed to be smart.


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