Israel doubles down against US, saying there is no room in Jerusalem for an American Consulate for Palestinians

Bravo to Israel, and a big FUCK YOU to the Biden administration!!!!!!

Racist, arrogant Jews in Israel continue to practice apartheid;
Is that kosher?

"The first manifestation of an Israeli policy towards the Palestinian Arabs came in 1948, during the hostilities that led to the formation of Israel as a state.

"As Israeli military units captured Arab towns, they compelled many of their residents to vacate.

"They frightened away many others by heavy bombardment.

"The Arabs' fear was heightened by executions of substantial numbers of Arab civilians perpetrated by right-wing elements among the Israeli forces.

"Over 85% of the 900,000 Arabs who at the start of 1948 lived in the territory that came to be Israel were gone by the end of that year, having become refugees in nearby states.'"
But none of that matters to the Democrat party because they are Jews, damn it, JEWS.

Gotta keep Rashida, Ilhan and the Black caucus happy, you know.

The J Street Jews support peace in Palestine. Don't you remember when Netanyahu called Obama a damned J Street Jew?

The Jews I know have high regard for civil rights. You can't erase the Palestinian Christians and Muslims.

Palestine - Embassies and Consulates Worldwide

There are about 2 Foreign Embassies and 10 Consulates placed in the territory of Palestine.

Palestine itself in total counts near 81 Embassies and 6 Consulates spread all over the world. In the list below, you can connect with any of indicated specific Embassy or Consulate in Palestine or Palestinian Embassy or Consulate in specific foreign country to get the complete information as regards of contact details and …
Have you heard of Bantustans?

There is no land left for a contiguous Palestinian state. That ship sailed 20 years ago.

Good for them. Palestine isn't a country. Its a State that was created in the 80's.

Palestine was recognized as a province of Syria since 500 BC. Read Herodotus. Chaucer and Shakespeare mention Palestine..

Since the 1880s Palestine had a Jewish minority.. There was Palestinian Currency, Stamps and Newspapers.
Both I srael and the U.S. admitted the attack was a mistake. Israel apologized and made restitution. It's a dead issue and irrelevant.

It took them 13 years to admit what they did.. Remember, they flew over the ship for hours before they attacked..

Either they are incompetent morons or they lied.. I don't think the Israeli pilots are morons. You weren't even born until 1959. Read Moshe Dayan ... They planned and provoked the war for a decade. When it didn't happen they attacked Egypt while Egyptian troops were deployed in Yemen. Disgusting.
Yes the 2020 election was super close but the Stalinist Dems were able to “ make a few adjustments “ to push the dying corpse over the finish line
There was nothing close about 2020.

Did Biden win by a little or a lot? The answer is ... yes.

"Biden's 4.5-point victory margin is the second largest since 2000.

"Only Barack Obama's 7-point win in 2008 was bigger.

"The same is true of Biden's margin of 7 million popular votes.

"Obama won by 10 million in 2008.

"And, of course, the 81 million votes Biden won is by far the most any presidential candidate has ever received."
Both I srael and the U.S. admitted the attack was a mistake. Israel apologized and made restitution. It's a dead issue and irrelevant.
Not according to every single eyewitness survivor of Israel's cowardly and deliberate attack:

USS Liberty Memorial

"After surveilling USS Liberty for more than nine hours with almost hourly aircraft overflights and radar tracking, the air and naval forces of Israel attacked our ship in international waters without warning.

"USS Liberty was identified as a US naval ship by Israeli reconnaissance aircraft nine hours before the attack and continuously tracked by Israeli radar and aircraft thereafter.

"Sailing in international waters at less than five knots, with no offensive armament, our ship was not a military threat to anyone.

"The Israeli forces attacked without warning and without attempting to contact us.

'Thirty four Americans were killed in the attack and another 174 were wounded."
On 15 December 1988, the State of Palestine's declaration of independence of November 1988 was acknowledged in the General Assembly with Resolution 43/177. As of 31 July 2019, 138 (71.5%) of the 193 member states of the United Nations have recognised the State of Palestine.

Check out Wikepedia. The whole story is there.
The consulate to be called “the consulate of let’s go Brandon”.

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