Israel Deports

Yishai vows to clear Israel of infiltrators in 3 yrs
There will be no more “infiltrators” in Israel three years from today, Interior Minister Eli Yishai vowed on Tuesday, the same day he announced the formation of a task force to deal with the issue of illegal African migrants living in the country.

He added that he had placed the subject at the top of his priority list for the coming year and that it was his intention “to do everything I can to solve the infiltrator problem in Israel once and for all
Yishai vows to clear Israel of infiltrat... JPost - National News

Israel begins rounding up African migrants, plans to begin expulsion
Israel begins rounding up African migrants, plans to begin expulsion - The Washington Post

On the play-board it reads: Away with the Jews.
Show skill at dice, so that you collect a lot of the Jews.

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