Israel Beyond Apartheid - Susan Abulhawa

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
I thought this warrants its own thread.There is too much here to give a simple critique.

Israel Beyond Apartheid - Susan Abulhawa

They're trying to do to Israel what they did to South Africa.

In South Africa, they are now seizing white owned farms without compensation.

Also white Afrikaans farmers are being murdered by black mobs, and the government isn't doing anything to stop it.
The pointless “apartheid” nonsense is always funny coming from Islamist fascists.

How about that Jew free Gaza’istan? Care to cut and paste another YouTube video?
Ugh. Her opening line is that she wants to "examine the nature of Israel in the world".

Gross. What other country is subjected to such bullshit? Why don't we "examine the nature" of China in the world instead?
OMG. It just gets worse. She wants to talk beyond the "binary" of Israel and the Palestinians and discuss how Israel impacts the entire world.

So basically, she is saying that Israel is not just evil to the Palestinians, but is a source of evil for the whole entire world. Even her framework is ugly.
Also, when Israel does develop a cure for cancer, I think you all should BDS the shit out of that.
"examine the nature of Israel in the world"

We've heard this rhetoric before

OMG. It just gets worse. She wants to talk beyond the "binary" of Israel and the Palestinians and discuss how Israel impacts the entire world.

So basically, she is saying that Israel is not just evil to the Palestinians, but is a source of evil for the whole entire world. Even her framework is ugly.
Israel is in violation of over 100 UN resolutions. That's pretty evil on the world.
OMG. It just gets worse. She wants to talk beyond the "binary" of Israel and the Palestinians and discuss how Israel impacts the entire world.

So basically, she is saying that Israel is not just evil to the Palestinians, but is a source of evil for the whole entire world. Even her framework is ugly.
Israel is in violation of over 100 UN resolutions. That's pretty evil on the world.

Oh, my. Should I write a strongly worded email?
I thought this warrants its own thread.There is too much here to give a simple critique.

Israel Beyond Apartheid - Susan Abulhawa

Name an Islamic country that allows Jews to freely practice their religion.

You faggot Muslim appeasers make me sick.

Jews have one country in the world and they can rule it however they like, just like how Muslims rule their own countries the oppressive way they want. The Jews own the land they stand on, until someone stronger can come along and kick them out. So why don’t you stop whining about Israel like a little Arab bitch and go join Hamas and fight for the Arab scum that want to conquer it and slaughter all the Jews. That way Israel can become Palestine, another Islamic shit hole.
Name an Islamic country that allows Jews to freely practice their religion.
Iran has the second largest population of Jews (20,000) in the middle east.

The jews are protected by the Iranian constitution which guarantees their legal rights as citizens to practice their religion without government interference. ... :cool:
Name an Islamic country that allows Jews to freely practice their religion.
Iran has the second largest population of Jews (20,000) in the middle east.

The jews are protected by the Iranian constitution which guarantees their legal rights as citizens to practice their religion without government interference. ... :cool:

The goofy sunni convert flailing his Pom Poms for the Shia heretics.

Now that's funny.
Israel is in violation of several UN resolutions telling Israel to stop doing business with apartheid South Africa.

I didn't even know they still had apartheid in South Africa ... thanks for the update.

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