Israel and Hezbollah: The battle before the battle


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
But while the government of Lebanon is no longer a particular protégé of the US and the West, the position taken in Western capitals regarding the Lebanese state and, notably, its armed forces remains markedly different from that taken in Jerusalem. The Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) continues to be a major beneficiary of US aid.

....As a result of the increasingly overt cooperation between the Lebanese Armed Forces and Hezbollah, Saudi Arabia ended its military assistance to the LAF, canceling a $3 billion pledge in February 2016. The cancellation was a tacit admission of defeat by the Saudis, an acknowledgment that their project of exerting influence and power in Lebanon through their clients had failed.

The US, however, has continued its relationship with the LAF, which was the recipient of $200 million in assistance from Washington last year. Last December, the US dismissed Israeli assertions that M-113 armored vehicles displayed by Hezbollah in a triumphant parade in the town of Qusayr in Syria came from LAF stocks. The Lebanese Armed Forces, according to a statement by John Kirby, then-State Department spokesman, has an “exemplary record” in complying with US end-use guidelines and restrictions.

A statement by President Aoun in February appeared to confirm the situation of cooperation between the forces. Aoun told the Egyptian CBC channel that Hezbollah’s arms “do not contradict the state... and are an essential part of defending Lebanon.
Israel and Hezbollah: The battle before the battle

Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. The LAF should receive no funding.
Hezbollah is a Lebanese patriotic organization that is defending Lebanon from the criminal terrorist state of Israel. .... :cool:

No. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that assassinated Rafic Hariri. Nobody has forgotten this.
No. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that assassinated Rafic Hariri. Nobody has forgotten this.
Many think Israel, or maybe Assad, had him killed. .... :cool:

Dream on. Hezbollah keeps saying it was Israel's fault.

Hezbollah had been told to get their weapons out of Beirut and did not comply. Further, they are self serving and protect only their own interests. They aren't defending anyone from Israel.

Hezbollah continues down this road and Lebanon will slide right into another civil war. After they have their asses handed to them by Israel.

No one wants that.
Hezbollah is a Lebanese patriotic organization that is defending Lebanon from the criminal terrorist state of Israel. .... :cool:

No. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that assassinated Rafic Hariri. Nobody has forgotten this.
Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization and Hariri was probably killed by the Mossad to create an anti-Syrian mood in Lebanon. Hezbollah is an anti-terrorist organization that fights the western backed al-Qaeda and its various offshoots and protects Lebanon from Zionist land-grabbing.
Hezbollah is a Lebanese patriotic organization that is defending Lebanon from the criminal terrorist state of Israel. .... :cool:

No. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that assassinated Rafic Hariri. Nobody has forgotten this.
Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization and Hariri was probably killed by the Mossad to create an anti-Syrian mood in Lebanon. Hezbollah is an anti-terrorist organization that fights the western backed al-Qaeda and its various offshoots and protects Lebanon from Zionist land-grabbing.

Hezbollah is and always has been a terrorist organization. Repeating Hezbollah's claims does not make it true. It doesn't protect Lebanon. That's shit. And you know it.
Hezbollah is a Lebanese patriotic organization that is defending Lebanon from the criminal terrorist state of Israel. .... :cool:

No. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that assassinated Rafic Hariri. Nobody has forgotten this.
Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization and Hariri was probably killed by the Mossad to create an anti-Syrian mood in Lebanon. Hezbollah is an anti-terrorist organization that fights the western backed al-Qaeda and its various offshoots and protects Lebanon from Zionist land-grabbing.

Hezbollah is and always has been a terrorist organization. Repeating Hezbollah's claims does not make it true. It doesn't protect Lebanon. That's shit. And you know it.
Hezbollah did not commit a terrorist act, thus it is not a terrorist organization. The terrorist attacks that you will show up with can be looked up in wikipedia. No one was committed by Hezbollah.
Hezbollah is a Lebanese patriotic organization that is defending Lebanon from the criminal terrorist state of Israel. .... :cool:

No. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that assassinated Rafic Hariri. Nobody has forgotten this.
Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization and Hariri was probably killed by the Mossad to create an anti-Syrian mood in Lebanon. Hezbollah is an anti-terrorist organization that fights the western backed al-Qaeda and its various offshoots and protects Lebanon from Zionist land-grabbing.

Hezbollah is and always has been a terrorist organization. Repeating Hezbollah's claims does not make it true. It doesn't protect Lebanon. That's shit. And you know it.
Hezbollah did not commit a terrorist act, thus it is not a terrorist organization. The terrorist attacks that you will show up with can be looked up in wikipedia. No one was committed by Hezbollah.

You can start with TWA flight 847 on June 14,1985. If you need splashy, the AMIA bombing in 1992. There are more.
Hezbollah is a Lebanese patriotic organization that is defending Lebanon from the criminal terrorist state of Israel. .... :cool:

No. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that assassinated Rafic Hariri. Nobody has forgotten this.
Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization and Hariri was probably killed by the Mossad to create an anti-Syrian mood in Lebanon. Hezbollah is an anti-terrorist organization that fights the western backed al-Qaeda and its various offshoots and protects Lebanon from Zionist land-grabbing.

Hezbollah is and always has been a terrorist organization. Repeating Hezbollah's claims does not make it true. It doesn't protect Lebanon. That's shit. And you know it.
Hezbollah did not commit a terrorist act, thus it is not a terrorist organization. The terrorist attacks that you will show up with can be looked up in wikipedia. No one was committed by Hezbollah.

You can start with TWA flight 847 on June 14,1985. If you need splashy, the AMIA bombing in 1992. There are more.
1985 was the year of the foundation of the Hezbollah as a political party. The true perpetrator is IJO, the Hezbollah role is invented. The perpetrator of the AMIA bombing is unclear.

"In 2013, American investigative journalist Gareth Porter cast doubt on the alleged involvement of Iran and Hezbollah, reporting that the link depended centrally on just claims from the People's Mujahedin of Iran, a controversial Iranian anti-regime group that has been described as terrorist by some nations."
AMIA bombing - Wikipedia

So, your accusations are baseless. Do you have a thread btw about that the US backed "rebels" are beheading terrorists and therefore the US army should receive no funding?
Looks like you hope people do not open your links...

From your source:

"The Shia Muslim militia group Amal and Sheik Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, spiritual adviser to the radical Shia group Hezbollah (Party of God), both blamed Israel for the Friday bombing and threatened revenge.

However, in Beirut, a caller to Western news agencies said the shadowy Islamic Jihad* (Islamic Holy War) was responsible for the attack. Islamic Jihad has also claimed responsibility for the deadly Tyre bombing and the suicide truck bombings of the U.S. Marine and French military compounds in Beirut in October, 1983, in which nearly 300 servicemen were killed."

No. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that assassinated Rafic Hariri. Nobody has forgotten this.
Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization and Hariri was probably killed by the Mossad to create an anti-Syrian mood in Lebanon. Hezbollah is an anti-terrorist organization that fights the western backed al-Qaeda and its various offshoots and protects Lebanon from Zionist land-grabbing.

Hezbollah is and always has been a terrorist organization. Repeating Hezbollah's claims does not make it true. It doesn't protect Lebanon. That's shit. And you know it.
Hezbollah did not commit a terrorist act, thus it is not a terrorist organization. The terrorist attacks that you will show up with can be looked up in wikipedia. No one was committed by Hezbollah.

You can start with TWA flight 847 on June 14,1985. If you need splashy, the AMIA bombing in 1992. There are more.
1985 was the year of the foundation of the Hezbollah as a political party. The true perpetrator is IJO, the Hezbollah role is invented. The perpetrator of the AMIA bombing is unclear.

"In 2013, American investigative journalist Gareth Porter cast doubt on the alleged involvement of Iran and Hezbollah, reporting that the link depended centrally on just claims from the People's Mujahedin of Iran, a controversial Iranian anti-regime group that has been described as terrorist by some nations."
AMIA bombing - Wikipedia

So, your accusations are baseless. Do you have a thread btw about that the US backed "rebels" are beheading terrorists and therefore the US army should receive no funding?

Nasrallah (Amal representative then) said he joined in 1982 (as earlier members have said) and the manifesto isn't kicked out until 1985. :rolleyes: Hezbollah claimed Tyre as did IJO. Ibrahim Hussein Berro drove the van that nailed AMIA and it was 1994.

Take note, a bunch of nitwits free to alter Wikipedia does not make it a viable source.

Finally, simply because you agree with Hezbollah fighting doesn't make them a good group. They are terrorists and have been from the get go.
Looks like you hope people do not open your links...

From your source:

"The Shia Muslim militia group Amal and Sheik Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, spiritual adviser to the radical Shia group Hezbollah (Party of God), both blamed Israel for the Friday bombing and threatened revenge.

However, in Beirut, a caller to Western news agencies said the shadowy Islamic Jihad* (Islamic Holy War) was responsible for the attack. Islamic Jihad has also claimed responsibility for the deadly Tyre bombing and the suicide truck bombings of the U.S. Marine and French military compounds in Beirut in October, 1983, in which nearly 300 servicemen were killed."

On 11 November 1982, an explosion demolished an eight-story building used by the Israeli occupation forces in Tyre in south Lebanon. In the conflagration, seventy-four Israeli soldiers and fourteen others died. The Israeli authorities announced that the blast was the result of an explosion of gas balloons, although there was considerable speculation that the attack had been a deliberate bombing. Indeed, Islamic Jihad claimed credit for the explosion, announcing that it had been produced by time bombs it had infiltrated into the building. Little more was said until 19 May 1985, when Hizbullah’s Islamic Resistance gave a different account, claiming that the building had been demolished by an explosive-laden car driven by a “self-martyr.” The announcement attributed the act to Ahmad Qasir, a fifteen-year-old from Dayr Qanun al-Nahr, a Shi’ite town about ten miles inland from Tyre in south Lebanon.1

It is impossible even now to pronounce definitively on the origin or authorship of the explosion. Yet if the claim of the Islamic Resistance is true, then the Tyre attack of 1982 may be said to have initiated the tactic that made Hizbullah both famous and dreaded. The “self-martyring” operations took the following form: an individual would take the wheel of a truck or car loaded with high explosives, position that vehicle alongside a target, and detonate the explosives while still in the vehicle. In the resulting explosion, the driver was certain to die. The explosion also inflicted damage upon the target, although its effect could not be predicted. The most destructive attack by Islamic Jihad, less than a year later, claimed 241 American lives in Beirut. Other attacks claimed fewer casualties, and sometimes only the life of the driver.

Although Hizbullah devised such attacks, other Lebanese organizations soon sponsored similar operations, including Hizbullah’s Lebanese Shi’ite rival, the Amal movement. The first such operation by Amal took place on 16 June 1984, when a Lebanese car approached an Israeli military patrol in south Lebanon. As the patrol and the car met, the driver of the car detonated high explosives packed in the vehicle, killing himself and wounding a number of Israeli soldiers. Credit for the operation was immediately claimed by the Amal movement, which identified the “self-martyr” as Bilal Fahs, a seventeen-year-old from the town of Jibshit, near Nabatiyya in south Lebanon.
Sacrifice and Self-Martyrdom in Shi‘ite Lebanon | Martin Kramer on the Middle East

IJO is reported to have spawned Hezbollah. Hezbollah claims it was already there. It was not organized to the degree that we are accustomed to seeing. That said, the identity is revealed via a Hezbollah newspaper.
Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization and Hariri was probably killed by the Mossad to create an anti-Syrian mood in Lebanon. Hezbollah is an anti-terrorist organization that fights the western backed al-Qaeda and its various offshoots and protects Lebanon from Zionist land-grabbing.

Hezbollah is and always has been a terrorist organization. Repeating Hezbollah's claims does not make it true. It doesn't protect Lebanon. That's shit. And you know it.
Hezbollah did not commit a terrorist act, thus it is not a terrorist organization. The terrorist attacks that you will show up with can be looked up in wikipedia. No one was committed by Hezbollah.

You can start with TWA flight 847 on June 14,1985. If you need splashy, the AMIA bombing in 1992. There are more.
1985 was the year of the foundation of the Hezbollah as a political party. The true perpetrator is IJO, the Hezbollah role is invented. The perpetrator of the AMIA bombing is unclear.

"In 2013, American investigative journalist Gareth Porter cast doubt on the alleged involvement of Iran and Hezbollah, reporting that the link depended centrally on just claims from the People's Mujahedin of Iran, a controversial Iranian anti-regime group that has been described as terrorist by some nations."
AMIA bombing - Wikipedia

So, your accusations are baseless. Do you have a thread btw about that the US backed "rebels" are beheading terrorists and therefore the US army should receive no funding?

Nasrallah (Amal representative then) said he joined in 1982 (as earlier members have said) and the manifesto isn't kicked out until 1985. :rolleyes: Hezbollah claimed Tyre as did IJO. Ibrahim Hussein Berro drove the van that nailed AMIA and it was 1994.

Take note, a bunch of nitwits free to alter Wikipedia does not make it a viable source.

Finally, simply because you agree with Hezbollah fighting doesn't make them a good group. They are terrorists and have been from the get go.
Take note wikipedia is made by that "bunch of nitwits". It easy to discard a source but wikipedia isn´t a source. It is a collection of sources.
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Looks like you hope people do not open your links...

From your source:

"The Shia Muslim militia group Amal and Sheik Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, spiritual adviser to the radical Shia group Hezbollah (Party of God), both blamed Israel for the Friday bombing and threatened revenge.

However, in Beirut, a caller to Western news agencies said the shadowy Islamic Jihad* (Islamic Holy War) was responsible for the attack. Islamic Jihad has also claimed responsibility for the deadly Tyre bombing and the suicide truck bombings of the U.S. Marine and French military compounds in Beirut in October, 1983, in which nearly 300 servicemen were killed."

On 11 November 1982, an explosion demolished an eight-story building used by the Israeli occupation forces in Tyre in south Lebanon. In the conflagration, seventy-four Israeli soldiers and fourteen others died. The Israeli authorities announced that the blast was the result of an explosion of gas balloons, although there was considerable speculation that the attack had been a deliberate bombing. Indeed, Islamic Jihad claimed credit for the explosion, announcing that it had been produced by time bombs it had infiltrated into the building. Little more was said until 19 May 1985, when Hizbullah’s Islamic Resistance gave a different account, claiming that the building had been demolished by an explosive-laden car driven by a “self-martyr.” The announcement attributed the act to Ahmad Qasir, a fifteen-year-old from Dayr Qanun al-Nahr, a Shi’ite town about ten miles inland from Tyre in south Lebanon.1

It is impossible even now to pronounce definitively on the origin or authorship of the explosion. Yet if the claim of the Islamic Resistance is true, then the Tyre attack of 1982 may be said to have initiated the tactic that made Hizbullah both famous and dreaded. The “self-martyring” operations took the following form: an individual would take the wheel of a truck or car loaded with high explosives, position that vehicle alongside a target, and detonate the explosives while still in the vehicle. In the resulting explosion, the driver was certain to die. The explosion also inflicted damage upon the target, although its effect could not be predicted. The most destructive attack by Islamic Jihad, less than a year later, claimed 241 American lives in Beirut. Other attacks claimed fewer casualties, and sometimes only the life of the driver.

Although Hizbullah devised such attacks, other Lebanese organizations soon sponsored similar operations, including Hizbullah’s Lebanese Shi’ite rival, the Amal movement. The first such operation by Amal took place on 16 June 1984, when a Lebanese car approached an Israeli military patrol in south Lebanon. As the patrol and the car met, the driver of the car detonated high explosives packed in the vehicle, killing himself and wounding a number of Israeli soldiers. Credit for the operation was immediately claimed by the Amal movement, which identified the “self-martyr” as Bilal Fahs, a seventeen-year-old from the town of Jibshit, near Nabatiyya in south Lebanon.
Sacrifice and Self-Martyrdom in Shi‘ite Lebanon | Martin Kramer on the Middle East

IJO is reported to have spawned Hezbollah. Hezbollah claims it was already there. It was not organized to the degree that we are accustomed to seeing. That said, the identity is revealed via a Hezbollah newspaper.
Occupation forces get attacked. Since IJO doesn´t exist anymore, they blame it all on Hezbollah and link it to IJO.
Looks like you hope people do not open your links...

From your source:

"The Shia Muslim militia group Amal and Sheik Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, spiritual adviser to the radical Shia group Hezbollah (Party of God), both blamed Israel for the Friday bombing and threatened revenge.

However, in Beirut, a caller to Western news agencies said the shadowy Islamic Jihad* (Islamic Holy War) was responsible for the attack. Islamic Jihad has also claimed responsibility for the deadly Tyre bombing and the suicide truck bombings of the U.S. Marine and French military compounds in Beirut in October, 1983, in which nearly 300 servicemen were killed."

On 11 November 1982, an explosion demolished an eight-story building used by the Israeli occupation forces in Tyre in south Lebanon. In the conflagration, seventy-four Israeli soldiers and fourteen others died. The Israeli authorities announced that the blast was the result of an explosion of gas balloons, although there was considerable speculation that the attack had been a deliberate bombing. Indeed, Islamic Jihad claimed credit for the explosion, announcing that it had been produced by time bombs it had infiltrated into the building. Little more was said until 19 May 1985, when Hizbullah’s Islamic Resistance gave a different account, claiming that the building had been demolished by an explosive-laden car driven by a “self-martyr.” The announcement attributed the act to Ahmad Qasir, a fifteen-year-old from Dayr Qanun al-Nahr, a Shi’ite town about ten miles inland from Tyre in south Lebanon.1

It is impossible even now to pronounce definitively on the origin or authorship of the explosion. Yet if the claim of the Islamic Resistance is true, then the Tyre attack of 1982 may be said to have initiated the tactic that made Hizbullah both famous and dreaded. The “self-martyring” operations took the following form: an individual would take the wheel of a truck or car loaded with high explosives, position that vehicle alongside a target, and detonate the explosives while still in the vehicle. In the resulting explosion, the driver was certain to die. The explosion also inflicted damage upon the target, although its effect could not be predicted. The most destructive attack by Islamic Jihad, less than a year later, claimed 241 American lives in Beirut. Other attacks claimed fewer casualties, and sometimes only the life of the driver.

Although Hizbullah devised such attacks, other Lebanese organizations soon sponsored similar operations, including Hizbullah’s Lebanese Shi’ite rival, the Amal movement. The first such operation by Amal took place on 16 June 1984, when a Lebanese car approached an Israeli military patrol in south Lebanon. As the patrol and the car met, the driver of the car detonated high explosives packed in the vehicle, killing himself and wounding a number of Israeli soldiers. Credit for the operation was immediately claimed by the Amal movement, which identified the “self-martyr” as Bilal Fahs, a seventeen-year-old from the town of Jibshit, near Nabatiyya in south Lebanon.
Sacrifice and Self-Martyrdom in Shi‘ite Lebanon | Martin Kramer on the Middle East

IJO is reported to have spawned Hezbollah. Hezbollah claims it was already there. It was not organized to the degree that we are accustomed to seeing. That said, the identity is revealed via a Hezbollah newspaper.
Occupation forces get attacked. Since IJO doesn´t exist anymore, they blame it all on Hezbollah and link it to IJO.
:rolleyes: That's weak. Hezbollah are terrorists. Always have been.
Looks like you hope people do not open your links...

From your source:

"The Shia Muslim militia group Amal and Sheik Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, spiritual adviser to the radical Shia group Hezbollah (Party of God), both blamed Israel for the Friday bombing and threatened revenge.

However, in Beirut, a caller to Western news agencies said the shadowy Islamic Jihad* (Islamic Holy War) was responsible for the attack. Islamic Jihad has also claimed responsibility for the deadly Tyre bombing and the suicide truck bombings of the U.S. Marine and French military compounds in Beirut in October, 1983, in which nearly 300 servicemen were killed."

On 11 November 1982, an explosion demolished an eight-story building used by the Israeli occupation forces in Tyre in south Lebanon. In the conflagration, seventy-four Israeli soldiers and fourteen others died. The Israeli authorities announced that the blast was the result of an explosion of gas balloons, although there was considerable speculation that the attack had been a deliberate bombing. Indeed, Islamic Jihad claimed credit for the explosion, announcing that it had been produced by time bombs it had infiltrated into the building. Little more was said until 19 May 1985, when Hizbullah’s Islamic Resistance gave a different account, claiming that the building had been demolished by an explosive-laden car driven by a “self-martyr.” The announcement attributed the act to Ahmad Qasir, a fifteen-year-old from Dayr Qanun al-Nahr, a Shi’ite town about ten miles inland from Tyre in south Lebanon.1

It is impossible even now to pronounce definitively on the origin or authorship of the explosion. Yet if the claim of the Islamic Resistance is true, then the Tyre attack of 1982 may be said to have initiated the tactic that made Hizbullah both famous and dreaded. The “self-martyring” operations took the following form: an individual would take the wheel of a truck or car loaded with high explosives, position that vehicle alongside a target, and detonate the explosives while still in the vehicle. In the resulting explosion, the driver was certain to die. The explosion also inflicted damage upon the target, although its effect could not be predicted. The most destructive attack by Islamic Jihad, less than a year later, claimed 241 American lives in Beirut. Other attacks claimed fewer casualties, and sometimes only the life of the driver.

Although Hizbullah devised such attacks, other Lebanese organizations soon sponsored similar operations, including Hizbullah’s Lebanese Shi’ite rival, the Amal movement. The first such operation by Amal took place on 16 June 1984, when a Lebanese car approached an Israeli military patrol in south Lebanon. As the patrol and the car met, the driver of the car detonated high explosives packed in the vehicle, killing himself and wounding a number of Israeli soldiers. Credit for the operation was immediately claimed by the Amal movement, which identified the “self-martyr” as Bilal Fahs, a seventeen-year-old from the town of Jibshit, near Nabatiyya in south Lebanon.
Sacrifice and Self-Martyrdom in Shi‘ite Lebanon | Martin Kramer on the Middle East

IJO is reported to have spawned Hezbollah. Hezbollah claims it was already there. It was not organized to the degree that we are accustomed to seeing. That said, the identity is revealed via a Hezbollah newspaper.
Occupation forces get attacked. Since IJO doesn´t exist anymore, they blame it all on Hezbollah and link it to IJO.
:rolleyes: That's weak. Hezbollah are terrorists. Always have been.
You don´t have more to offer? Everyone standing in the way of "Greater Israel" is terrorist, we know :rolleyes:

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