Israel and Bibi should negotiate with Gaza citizens to replace Hamas with a new government that the citizens will elect


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Hamas is now going to be eliminated and Gaza citizens will need a new government there. As IDF hunt down and bring to justice the terrorists this should be considered. Many if not most citizens there are discontented anyways so why not ask them if they have a moderate, non-militant government that can replace their current government that is on the run? This would probably save more lives in the long run.
Hamas is now going to be eliminated and Gaza citizens will need a new government there. As IDF hunt down and bring to justice the terrorists this should be considered. Many if not most citizens there are discontented anyways so why not ask them if they have a moderate, non-militant government that can replace their current government that is on the run? This would probably save more lives in the long run.
Reality check. Hamas won the election because most Palestinians don't want to negotiate with the Zionist Squatters.
Reality check. Hamas won the election because most Palestinians don't want to negotiate with the Zionist Squatters.
Yes, the were elected. They are now on the run and unable to govern their citizens. Due to their choice it is a derelict of duty. Thus, it is time for citizens to elect a government that can in fact govern.
Reality check. Hamas won the election because most Palestinians don't want to negotiate with the Zionist Squatters.

Surprise surprise, you are on the side of full blown terrorists. Just wait until they come here. Maybe they can vote for Democrats and slaughter all the Christians. Don’t get too excited, atheists and agnostics would be next on their list.
Surprise surprise, you are on the side of full blown terrorists. Just wait until they come here. Maybe they can vote for Democrats and slaughter all the Christians. Don’t get too excited, atheists and agnostics would be next on their list.

I'm not worried about 2 million oppressed Palestinians coming here.

We are the ones fucking with them, not the other way around.

If we had a lick of sense, we'd cut off all aid to the Zionist Squatters and announce, "We aren't a party to your conflict!"

Instead we keep sticking our hand in the hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

Again, if you guys are so keen on a war, let's start up a draft, tax the rich to pay for a war, and have the government control the economy the way it did during World War II. If you are really that keen to go to war.
I'm not worried about 2 million oppressed Palestinians coming here.

We are the ones fucking with them, not the other way around.

If we had a lick of sense, we'd cut off all aid to the Zionist Squatters and announce, "We aren't a party to your conflict!"

Instead we keep sticking our hand in the hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

Again, if you guys are so keen on a war, let's start up a draft, tax the rich to pay for a war, and have the government control the economy the way it did during World War II. If you are really that keen to go to war.

If Israel was left to completely defend themselves, they would most certainly do so, but in a way that you may not like. They essentially play nice with regards to these Muslim nuts and we(the US) pay them to do so. If we cut off support, Israel would very quickly annihilate Iran, who sponsors most terrorism. If this administration(and Democrats) continues to fuel terrorism by giving them money and allowing them to develop nuclear weapons, Israel will likely call to let us know that they will be handling the situation by themselves.
If Israel was left to completely defend themselves, they would most certainly do so, but in a way that you may not like. They essentially play nice with regards to these Muslim nuts and we(the US) pay them to do so. If we cut off support, Israel would very quickly annihilate Iran, who sponsors most terrorism. If this administration(and Democrats) continues to fuel terrorism by giving them money and allowing them to develop nuclear weapons, Israel will likely call to let us know that they will be handling the situation by themselves.

So what you are saying is that we need to pay the Zionist Squatters protection money so they don't trigger the end of the world?

Um, do you realize how crazy that sounds, right?

The reality is if Iran gets the bomb, there probably won't be much the Zionists can do about it. They really don't have the capability to launch a conventional strike against Iran that would be meaningful, and a nuclear strike would be a true war crime that would make them an international pariah.

The only reason why Iran wants nukes is to protect themselves from the Zionist Squatters.

Saddam gave up his nukes, and we murdered him.
Qadafy gave up his nukes, and we murdered him.
Kim Jong Il kept his nukes, and the world kissed his ass and his son's ass.

Sounds to me like it's a good reason for Iran to get nukes. Too bad Trump sabotaged the agreement to keep them from making them.
Hamas is now going to be eliminated and Gaza citizens will need a new government there. As IDF hunt down and bring to justice the terrorists this should be considered. Many if not most citizens there are discontented anyways so why not ask them if they have a moderate, non-militant government that can replace their current government that is on the run? This would probably save more lives in the long run.
Israel should stop committing war crimes and engaging in terrorism and ethnic cleansing.

Full stop.
Yes, the were elected. They are now on the run and unable to govern their citizens. Due to their choice it is a derelict of duty. Thus, it is time for citizens to elect a government that can in fact govern.

The problem is entirely the crimes by the illegal Israeli government.
Hamas is only doing what ethical and legal principles require.
You do not let the bad guys commit genocide and steal your homes and country.
Palestine is the legal country.
Read the Treaty of San Remo.
Israel is not legal in any way, shape or form.
Israel helped to create Hamas to get rid of the PLO.

Good, make the area so inhospitable that they return to their nomadic roots.

The Arabs in the Levant have always been sedentary.
It is the Hebrew tribes who are historically nomadic.
The Arabs go back to 8000 BC.
The Hebrew tribes did not leave Egypt until around 1200 BC.
The Hebrew tribes are notorious for attempting genocide, like Joshua massacring the Canaanites at Jerico when he invaded around 1000 BC.
Surprise surprise, you are on the side of full blown terrorists. Just wait until they come here. Maybe they can vote for Democrats and slaughter all the Christians. Don’t get too excited, atheists and agnostics would be next on their list.

The terrorists are the illegal Zionist invaders who came from Europe only in the last 100 years.
The Zionists are not native, never paid for any land, are guilty of mass murder like Deir Yassin, and are illegally trying to create the ONLY religious state in the world.
If Israel was left to completely defend themselves, they would most certainly do so, but in a way that you may not like. They essentially play nice with regards to these Muslim nuts and we(the US) pay them to do so. If we cut off support, Israel would very quickly annihilate Iran, who sponsors most terrorism. If this administration(and Democrats) continues to fuel terrorism by giving them money and allowing them to develop nuclear weapons, Israel will likely call to let us know that they will be handling the situation by themselves.

Israel exists only because of US weapons and money.
If the US were to cut off the $5 billion a year we give them, they would disappear quickly.
The population of Israel/Palestine is 6 million Jews and 12 million Moslems.
So without US weapons, Israel would quickly disappear.
No need to govern a beach. ;)

Gaza has the highest population density of any place on Earth except the Vatican.
They have been there traditionally for over 10,000 years.
They are the Canaanites, Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Philistines, Nabateans, etc.
They are the rightful inhabitants.
Israel is evil, invaders, illegal, narcissistic, racist, and criminal.
They have no legal right to exist as a country.
No country can ever be legal that supports only one religion by illegal discrimination against all other religions.
Israel exists only because of US weapons and money.
If the US were to cut off the $5 billion a year we give them, they would disappear quickly.
The population of Israel/Palestine is 6 million Jews and 12 million Moslems.
So without US weapons, Israel would quickly disappear.
Gaza has the highest population density of any place on Earth except the Vatican.
They have been there traditionally for over 10,000 years.
They are the Canaanites, Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Philistines, Nabateans, etc.
They are the rightful inhabitants.
Israel is evil, invaders, illegal, narcissistic, racist, and criminal.
They have no legal right to exist as a country.
No country can ever be legal that supports only one religion by illegal discrimination against all other religions.
One of the most shameful things about Israel OTHER than their Islamphobic terrorism is the way Jews treat Jews there.

The infighting is obscene.
The problem is entirely the crimes by the illegal Israeli government.
Hamas is only doing what ethical and legal principles require.
You do not let the bad guys commit genocide and steal your homes and country.
Palestine is the legal country.
Read the Treaty of San Remo.
Israel is not legal in any way, shape or form.
You are mad. This was.terrorism, war and an act of genocide. Israel must defend its nation and citizens, Hamas are now enemy combatants.

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