Islamism: From Past to Future


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Developments in Egypt: There are representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood in the group that is writing a constitution for Egypt…and their input will produce an Islamist document.Egypt’s Writing of A New Constitution Holds Little or No Room for Egyptian Chrisitans and Women | Chandler's Watch

a. In a Friday sermon delivered by Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, perhaps the leading current intellectual force behind the Muslim Brotherhood, the imam delivered a blistering diatribe to an estimated crowd of 1M gathered at Tahrir Square, Cairo, urging war with Israel and conquest of Jerusalem. Sheikh Al-Qaradawi, Friday Prayers In Tahrir Square - "Pray-by

b. Two important things happened during Qaradawi’s appearance in Cairo. First, his handlers refused to allow Google’s Egyptian Internet revolutionary Wael Ghonim to join the cleric on the dais. For anyone willing to notice, Qaradawi’s message in spurning Ghonim was indisputable. As far as the jihadists are concerned, Ghonim and his fellow Internet activists are the present day equivalent of Lenin’s useful idiots. Our World: The West

c. In an ominous sign of things to come in Egypt, Christians were called upon during Friday’s service held in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, to bow down and submit to Allah….the words can only mean one thing; that Christians must bow down and submit to Allah and eventually live under Sharia rule. Tahrir Square

2. The Obama administration has supported the defeat of regimes allied with the United States, with a view toward more popular governments. Rumor has it he is pressing the Saudis to allow a constitutional monarchy, consistent with the following: “The calls came after several petitions from intellectuals and activists were addressed to King Abdullah urging him to introduce major reforms, including establishing a constitutional monarchy, allowing elections and improving women rights.” Saudi interior ministry says protests illegal - Yahoo! News

a. Should President Obama be aware of the above? Anticipated same?

3. But the evidence, such as developments in Egypt, suggests that these efforts allow Islamists to gain power throughout the region.

a. Due to the American pressure, the Shah of Iran launched a series of reforms, known as the White Revolution, in 1963. This included many American ideas for modernization, such as a) land reform, b) modernization of infrastructure including railroads, c) education, d) enfranchising women, e) urbanization, f) encouragement of a class of technocrats and competent bureaucrats, etc. tried (unsuccessfully) to enable Iran’s religious minorities—principally Baha’is, Jews, and Christians—to take the oath of office on a holy book of their own choosing. The result? The very middle class the Shah’s White Revolution had unleashed were also demanding political freedom, and this was harnessed by the Islamist Khomeini, giving the world the Iran of today. From "The Shah," Dr. Abbas Milani

b. Can this President be this blind to the history, goals and proclivities of Islamists?

c. Is this incompetence, or something more ominous?
Uncle Ferd says, "Uh-oh, things is gonna change now - womens onna rampage - next thing ya know dey'll be gettin' the vote...
Women emerge as driving force in Middle East revolts
Tue, Mar 08, 2011 - As popular revolts continue to rock autocratic regimes across the Arab world, women are defying both taboo and stereotype and emerging as a driving force that is keeping the momentum of the protests going.
“Women played and continue to play an integral part in the uprisings and revolutions in the region, and what is key is that they are there, physically present in the streets, showing their numbers,” Human Rights Watch senior researcher Nadim Houry said. “That is a hopeful sign,” Houry said. “They should now play a key role the new governing structures that will emerge from these revolutions.”

In T-shirts and jeans or long black robes and veils, tens of thousands of women have made their voices heard in the streets, from Tunis to Cairo, from Manama to Sana’a, to demand reform in a region long ruled by autocracies. Inspired by the uprising that toppled former Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, women turned out en masse in Egypt’s Tahrir Square for weeks to demand the ouster of then-Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, who quit on Feb. 11 after 30 years in power. Bahrain, where thousands of mainly Shiite protesters have been demanding the fall of the Sunni al-Khalifa dynasty, has also witnessed a massive turnout of women, who form a sea of black in their traditional robes and headscarves at the continuing gender-segregated rallies.

In the conservative countries of Yemen and Libya, women have overturned social norms and joined the insurrections against Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, marching openly in the streets and talking to journalists on camera. “Women play a decisive role in the region, from Tunisia to Egypt and Libya, and they have been a key factor in sparking the revolutions in every city,” said Tawakkul Karman, a Yemeni activist who is spearheading the participation of women in the Sana’a protests.

... The Obama administration has supported the defeat of regimes allied with the United States, with a view toward more popular governments. Rumor has it he is pressing the Saudis to allow a constitutional monarchy, consistent with the following: “The calls came after several petitions from intellectuals and activists were addressed to King Abdullah urging him to introduce major reforms, including establishing a constitutional monarchy, allowing elections and improving women rights.” Saudi interior ministry says protests illegal - Yahoo! News

a. Should President Obama be aware of the above? Anticipated same?

Of the 19 Nine-Eleven Hijackers 15 were Saudi (2-UAE, 1-Lebanese, 1-Egyptian). We can expect S.A. to be, at best, another Iran. Oil will become a much larger factor; not good for a nation that refuses to exploit it's own oil resources to promote a idealistic and radically new pardigm for energy.
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