Islamic Terrorist Cell Broken Up in Barcelona


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Judge: Islamic cell planned Barcelona attack
Officials recover bomb-making materials; 10 suspects jailed

An Islamic militant cell broken up over the weekend had planned a suicide attack in Barcelona, a Spanish judge said Wednesday.

He ordered 10 suspects jailed pending further investigation and freed two others.

Judge Ismael Moreno of the National Court made the announcement after questioning the 12 suspects for seven hours.

Police detained 14 people in Saturday's raids in Barcelona — 12 Pakistanis and two Indians — but authorities later released two of them without charge, the National Court said. The nationalities of those freed were not made public.

Arrests made in Islamic community
Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba said that during the raids, police also seized materials that could be used to make bombs.

The suspects were arrested in Barcelona's Raval neighborhood, home to many Arabic-speaking and Muslim immigrants.

Europe's worst Islamic-linked terror attack took place in Madrid on March 11, 2004, when bombs went off in four trains, killing 191 people. Last year, 21 suspects were convicted of terrorism and other charges in the bombings.

With a socialist government and Spain out of Iraq, I thought this wasn't supposed to happen.
Dontcha know, the only people who get targeted by terrorists HAVE IT COMING? And we'd be soooo much safer if we just left them alone....
Dontcha know, the only people who get targeted by terrorists HAVE IT COMING? And we'd be soooo much safer if we just left them alone....

no. you use good intelligence and stop the problems before they occur which could of easily been done with both the first wtc and 911. it is not logical to say because a alleged terror group in Spain had a alleged plot that it is therefore justified to invade sovereign nations conduct preemptive war and kill woman and children
They aren't reasonable, there's no reasoning with them. The things they want us to capitulate to aren't things we will ever be able to capitulate to.

Ask Daniel Pearl how reasonable they were when they were sawing off his head for trying to bring their story to the world.
the spanish government never said pulling out of iraq would make terrorism stop.

They thought that babysitting a civil war that your president created in Iraq, was not worth spanish blood and treasure, nor was it doing anything to actually stop terrorism.

I agree with you to a degree. But if you recall, it was also in response to terror attacks and Spain deciding to opt out and not antagonize them.
I agree with you to a degree. But if you recall, it was also in response to terror attacks and Spain deciding to opt out and not antagonize them.

President Zapatero campaigned on a promise to withdraw from iraq, and he considered the Iraq invasion illegal and unneccessary before the madrid bombings.
Identify thier orgnaizations and infiltrate. Kill them from within. Don't waste our military on the convetional battlefield. Keep them strong and ready for real wars against state organized enemies.

Help eliminate the festering conditions of hopeless poverty in the third world countries that terrorists use to recruit.

It's not frigging rocket science.
Identify thier orgnaizations and infiltrate. Kill them from within. Don't waste our military on the convetional battlefield. Keep them strong and ready for real wars against state organized enemies.

Help eliminate the festering conditions of hopeless poverty in the third world countries that terrorists use to recruit.

It's not frigging rocket science.

ISIS Claims Deadly Barcelona Terror Attack...

Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Deadly Barcelona Terror Attack
August 17, 2017 - Islamic State is claiming responsibility for Thursday's terrorist attack in Barcelona, Spain, where a driver sped a van along a crowded sidewalk, killing at least 12 people and injuring 80.
Police have two people in custody but have given no details, including whether either suspect was the driver. Spain's El Pais newspaper has reported that the driver fled the scene. Also, a car ran down two policemen at a Barcelona checkpoint, but it is unclear if there is any connection to the earlier attack. Information on Thursday's incident in Spain is still developing. But what is known is that witnesses say the driver deliberately jumped a pedestrian area that runs down the center of Las Ramblas, a Barcelona street with shops and cafes, popular with locals and tourists. They say the van was traveling at high speed and swerved from side to side, leaving a trail of blood and bodies with twisted, broken legs.



Van Crashes Into Crowd in Barcelona Terrorist Attack​

Some witness say they saw two armed men jump out and disappear into a restaurant.[ Police arrived almost instantly and immediately shut down the area. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said on Twitter he has been in contact with local authorities and the government's priority is helping the wounded. U.S. President Donald Trump turned to Twitter, saying the U.S. "will do whatever is necessary to help." U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned, "Terrorists around the world should know, the United States and our allies are resolved to find you and bring you to justice." European leaders, including British Prime Minister Theresa May and French President Emmanuel Macron, are also condemning the attack.

Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Deadly Barcelona Terror Attack

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