
Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
This is good to hear. Now if there was only some way to stop these crazy recruits from joining them.

Nov 6, 1:36 PM EST





BEIRUT (AP) -- For a force that has built its reputation on an aura of momentum and invincibility, the Islamic State group is now dealing with a series of military setbacks in Iraq and a prolonged stalemate in the small Syrian border town of Kobani.

Gone are the days when IS was able to seize territory in both countries with relative ease. Its newfound problems, including a loss of oil revenue, raise questions about the extent to which it will be able to continue recruiting fighters who want to be with a winner.

"ISIS has run a very effective psychological campaign to intimidate its rivals and attract support and recruits," said Faysal Itani, a resident fellow at the Atlantic Council, using an acronym for the extremists. But now, he said, the need to maintain its reputation is limiting the group's options.

This is particularly true in Kobani, where a pre-emptive IS withdrawal in the face of U.S.-led bombings from the sky and ethnic Kurdish fighters on the ground could prove too

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News from The Associated Press
What an article!
The article wants us make believe that ISIS is exhausted and faces its end just because Kobani is not seized by them. But the ME forum is and the global medias are full of reports about what ISIS does elswhere.
What an article!
The article wants us make believe that ISIS is exhausted and faces its end just because Kobani is not seized by them. But the ME forum is and the global medias are full of reports about what ISIS does elswhere.

Here's your big chance. Newspapers carry articles from the Associated Press all the time, and you can leave your comments about this article. Tell them just what you think about this and how disturbed you are.
What an article!
The article wants us make believe that ISIS is exhausted and faces its end just because Kobani is not seized by them. But the ME forum is and the global medias are full of reports about what ISIS does elswhere.

Here's your big chance. Newspapers carry articles from the Associated Press all the time, and you can leave your comments about this article. Tell them just what you think about this and how disturbed you are.
Quit your annoying "argumentation". I discuss here. If you don´t want your topics to be discussed, write a comment on the newspaper´s page and leave it at that.
Ble 10127027
But the ME forum is and the global medias are full of reports about what ISIS does elswhere.

And they all mostly report the same thing. IS terrorists in Iraq are in retreat except in a few strong Sunni inhabited areas. In Syria the IS Terrorists have had over 60 percent of the oil and gas related revenue producing sites bombed and destroyed.
And they all mostly report the same thing. IS terrorists in Iraq are in retreat except in a few strong Sunni inhabited areas. In Syria the IS Terrorists have had over 60 percent of the oil and gas related revenue producing sites bombed and destroyed.
Fact is that ISIS is not beaten and that its strongest enemy, the Syrian government, is ignored in the media.
ISIS captures Syrian gas field executes soldiers and civilians US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What an article!
The article wants us make believe that ISIS is exhausted and faces its end just because Kobani is not seized by them. But the ME forum is and the global medias are full of reports about what ISIS does elswhere.

Here's your big chance. Newspapers carry articles from the Associated Press all the time, and you can leave your comments about this article. Tell them just what you think about this and how disturbed you are.
Quit your annoying "argumentation". I discuss here. If you don´t want your topics to be discussed, write a comment on the newspaper´s page and leave it at that.

You mean to tell us that with all the bombing missions no convoys, no supply lines were caught in these bombings and ISIS is just going on its merry way as before.

As for annoying, don't you think it is annoying how you constantly bring up Assad and his army as the White Knights in this game? In fact, whatever Aris (who is respected by so many because of all her experience in the Middle East) says anything negative about your hero, you are up in arms and quick to contradict her. Anynow, this one's for you.

Anger at U.S. rising among Syrians as Assad takes advantage of west 8217 s anti-ISIS campaign Hot Air
Ble 10136398
Bleipriester said:
Fact is that ISIS is not beaten and that its strongest enemy, the Syrian government, is ignored in the media.

I have not argued that ISIS has been beaten. I argued this:

"IS terrorists in Iraq are in retreat except in a few strong Sunni inhabited areas. In Syria the IS Terrorists have had over 60 percent of the oil and gas related revenue producing sites bombed and destroyed."

Try to respond to what I actually write, could you

The Syrian government is not Daesh's strongest enemy. Assad could not do to the terrorists what the US led coalition has done and will do to them.
What an article!
The article wants us make believe that ISIS is exhausted and faces its end just because Kobani is not seized by them. But the ME forum is and the global medias are full of reports about what ISIS does elswhere.

Here's your big chance. Newspapers carry articles from the Associated Press all the time, and you can leave your comments about this article. Tell them just what you think about this and how disturbed you are.
Quit your annoying "argumentation". I discuss here. If you don´t want your topics to be discussed, write a comment on the newspaper´s page and leave it at that.

You mean to tell us that with all the bombing missions no convoys, no supply lines were caught in these bombings and ISIS is just going on its merry way as before.

As for annoying, don't you think it is annoying how you constantly bring up Assad and his army as the White Knights in this game? In fact, whatever Aris (who is respected by so many because of all her experience in the Middle East) says anything negative about your hero, you are up in arms and quick to contradict her. Anynow, this one's for you.

Anger at U.S. rising among Syrians as Assad takes advantage of west 8217 s anti-ISIS campaign Hot Air
I said what I wanted to say. If you want to misinterpret my statements, that´s just your own problem.
Ble 10136398
Bleipriester said:
Fact is that ISIS is not beaten and that its strongest enemy, the Syrian government, is ignored in the media.

I have not argued that ISIS has been beaten. I argued this:

"IS terrorists in Iraq are in retreat except in a few strong Sunni inhabited areas. In Syria the IS Terrorists have had over 60 percent of the oil and gas related revenue producing sites bombed and destroyed."

Try to respond to what I actually write, could you

The Syrian government is not Daesh's strongest enemy. Assad could not do to the terrorists what the US led coalition has done and will do to them.
Assad could do and he did and does and continues to do that.
Syrian Air Force Carries Out 200 Strikes In 36 Hours
captain blei----I am taking bets----how long does assad have left? btw---where is he now-----does anyone know?
Hey, and by the way, did they kill Baghdadi Bob, or did they just wound him?

All I heard was that the CALIPH----SUCCESSOR TO MUHUMMAD (pbuh) and BELOVED OF ALLAH----
was just wounded------lets hope for THE BEST for our beloved BAGHDADDY
Hey, and by the way, did they kill Baghdadi Bob, or did they just wound him?

All I heard was that the CALIPH----SUCCESSOR TO MUHUMMAD (pbuh) and BELOVED OF ALLAH----
was just wounded------lets hope for THE BEST for our beloved BAGHDADDY
If he is merely wounded, then Muhammed (Peanut butter and jelly Be Upon Him) can tell the 72 virgin sheep to rest easy for a few more weeks.
Hey, and by the way, did they kill Baghdadi Bob, or did they just wound him?

All I heard was that the CALIPH----SUCCESSOR TO MUHUMMAD (pbuh) and BELOVED OF ALLAH----
was just wounded------lets hope for THE BEST for our beloved BAGHDADDY
If he is merely wounded, then Muhammed (Peanut butter and jelly Be Upon Him) can tell the 72 virgin sheep to rest easy for a few more weeks.

not an easy task------I am not sure that there are any virgin sheep left in Iraq right now. must they be virgins?
----another issue------where was he wounded?
captain blei----I am taking bets----how long does assad have left? btw---where is he now-----does anyone know?
This tenure and and probably the next. According to the constitution, another one must be the president then.

oh-----what a shame------perhaps the noble man can overcome that unfair obstacle to his eternal
reign------does he have a son? is his wife eligible to be empress?-----any son would be ok----
no matter how stupid-------maybe he left something during his internship in England ?????
More terrorist scum die:

Syrian Army Kills Scores of ISIL Terrorists in Hasaka

TEHRAN (FNA)- The ISIL terrorists suffered major losses in surrounding areas of Hasaka province, as the Syrian army gained more ground in its fight against the Takfiri group.
The army troops stormed the hideouts of the terrorists in the areas of Rad Shaqra, Khashafat, al-Masoul, al-Dawodyeh, and Abu Saad farm in Hasaka, leaving a huge number of ISIL terrorists dead and injured.


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