

Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
So we now have a General telling us that the peaceful religion of Islam will MURDER people if anyone urns a book.

Where was he for Piss Christ or that one in Europe that was a blood pool attacking the Jews? Ohh ya, I forgot, Christians and Jews do not MURDER people for insulting or making fun of their religion, only that PEACEFUL religion of Islam does that.
Are you saying only Islam does this? or are you sticking up for Islam?
Note: I am really asking, not sure what you are talking about.
Are you saying only Islam does this? or are you sticking up for Islam?
Note: I am really asking, not sure what you are talking about.

It is simple, Islam murders people for improperly handling a Koran, they murder people for drawing pictures of Mohammad. Care to provide us with similar events by Jews or Christians?
The civilian controlled military answers to the administration .
Do you expect truth from DC?
Are you saying only Islam does this? or are you sticking up for Islam?
Note: I am really asking, not sure what you are talking about.

It is simple, Islam murders people for improperly handling a Koran, they murder people for drawing pictures of Mohammad. Care to provide us with similar events by Jews or Christians?

No, but thanks for answering my question.
Are you saying only Islam does this? or are you sticking up for Islam?
Note: I am really asking, not sure what you are talking about.

It is simple, Islam murders people for improperly handling a Koran, they murder people for drawing pictures of Mohammad. Care to provide us with similar events by Jews or Christians?

No, but thanks for answering my question.

What you mean is you can not link us to similar events because they do NOT happen only the PEACEFUL religion of Islam murders people for such acts.
Are you saying only Islam does this? or are you sticking up for Islam?
Note: I am really asking, not sure what you are talking about.

It is simple, Islam murders people for improperly handling a Koran, they murder people for drawing pictures of Mohammad. Care to provide us with similar events by Jews or Christians?

No, but thanks for answering my question.
10 years after 9/11. Why do you still have questions about what islam says abut jihad non muslims and you.?
It is simple, Islam murders people for improperly handling a Koran, they murder people for drawing pictures of Mohammad. Care to provide us with similar events by Jews or Christians?

No, but thanks for answering my question.

What you mean is you can not link us to similar events because they do NOT happen only the PEACEFUL religion of Islam murders people for such acts.

Dude, I am not arguing with you.
It is simple, Islam murders people for improperly handling a Koran, they murder people for drawing pictures of Mohammad. Care to provide us with similar events by Jews or Christians?

No, but thanks for answering my question.
10 years after 9/11. Why do you still have questions about what islam says abut jihad non muslims and you.?

Our own Government lies to us, THEY keep claiming Islam is a religion of peace.
It is simple, Islam murders people for improperly handling a Koran, they murder people for drawing pictures of Mohammad. Care to provide us with similar events by Jews or Christians?

No, but thanks for answering my question.
10 years after 9/11. Why do you still have questions about what islam says abut jihad non muslims and you.?

I seriously didn't know what he was talking about. That is why I asked. I am not arguing with anyone.
I am not been paying attention to Islam, I got to the point where I was sick of hearing about it. After the Mosque issue, I haven't really watched the news in a week or two.
Conversion away from Islam is a Death Sentence. What is the definition of the Non-Islamic world????? That in which Sharia Law has not yet been implemented.
Lion's Den: Americans wake up to Islamism
09/06/2010 23:19

What began as a local zoning issue has morphed into a national debate with potential foreign-policy repercussions.
Talkbacks (1)
The furor over the Islamic center variously called the Ground Zero mosque, Cordoba House and Park 51 has large implications for the future of Islam in the US and perhaps beyond.

The debate is as unexpected as it is extraordinary. One would have thought that the event that made Islam a national issue would be an act of terrorism. Or the discovery that Islamists had penetrated the US security services. Or the dismaying results of survey research. Or an apologetic presidential speech.

But no, something symbolic roiled the body politic – the prospect of a mosque in close proximity to the World Trade Center’s former location.

What began as a local zoning issue has morphed into a national debate with potential foreign-policy repercussions.

Its symbolic quality fit a pattern established in other Western countries: Islamic coverings on females spurred repeated national debates in France from 1989 onward.

The Swiss banned the building of minarets. The murder of Theo van Gogh profoundly affected the Netherlands, as did the publication of anti- Muhammad cartoons in Denmark.

Oddly, only after the Islamic center’s location had generated weeks of controversy did the issue of individuals, organizations and funding behind the project finally come to the fore. Personally, I do not object to a truly moderate Muslim institution near Ground Zero; conversely, I object to an Islamist institution being constructed anywhere.

Indeed, building the center in such close proximity to Ground Zero, given the intense emotions aroused, will likely redound against the longterm interests of Muslims in the US.

THIS NEW emotionalism marks the start of a difficult stage for Islamists in the US. Although their origins as an organized force go back to the founding of the Muslim Student Association in 1963, they came of age politically in the mid-1990s when they emerged as a force in US public life.

I was fighting Islamists back then, and things went badly. It was, in practical terms, just Steven Emerson and me versus hundreds of thousands of Islamists. He and I could not find adequate intellectual support, money, media interest or political backing.

Our cause felt hopeless.

My lowest point came in 1999, when a retired US foreign service officer named Richard Curtiss spoke on Capitol Hill about “the potential of the American Muslim community” and compared its advances to Muhammad’s battles in seventh-century Arabia. He flat-out predicted that, just as Muhammad had prevailed, so too would American Muslims.

While Curtiss spoke only about changing policy toward Israel, his themes implied a broader Islamist takeover of the US. Disconsolate, I could not fight his prediction.

But 9/11 provided a wake-up call, ending Emerson’s and my sense of hopelessness. Americans reacted not just to that day’s horrifying violence, but also to the Islamists’ outrageous insistence on blaming the attacks on US foreign policy, their blatant denial that the perpetrators were Muslims, and the intense popularity of the attacks among Muslims.

Scholars, columnists, bloggers, media personalities and activists became more knowledgeable about Islam, developing into a community focused on the Islamist threat, a community that now feels like a movement.

The Islamic Center controversy represents the movement’s emergence as a political force, offering an angry, potent reaction inconceivable just a decade ago.

The energetic push-back of recent months finds me partially elated: Those who reject Islamism and all its works now constitute a majority and are on the march. For the first time in 15 years, I feel I may be on the winning team.

But I have one concern: the team’s increasing anti-Islamic tone. Misled by the Islamists’ insistence that there is no such thing as “moderate Islam,” my allies often fail to distinguish between Islam (a faith) and Islamism (a radical utopian ideology aiming to implement Islamic law in its totality). This amounts not just to an intellectual error but a policy dead-end. Targeting all Muslims conflicts with basic Western notions, lumps friends together with foes, and ignores the inescapable fact that Muslims alone can offer an antidote to Islamism. As I often note, radical Islam is the problem, and moderate Islam is the solution.

This lesson learned, the defeat of Islamism can come into sight.

The writer (Daniel Pipes) is director of the Middle East Forum and Taube distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University.

Lion's Den: Americans wake up to Islamism
Hisham Elzanaty is a significant investor in the development of the mosque near Ground Zero. Elzanty gave over six-thousand dollars to the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) terrorist group.

Elzanaty claimed he thought he was contributing money to orphans, in essence he was; HLF was sending money to the widows and orphans of “martyrs” engaged in terror attacks perpetrated by Hamas.

Fox News broke the story and has a copy of the HLF return itemizing Elzanty’s contribution.

The Egyptian born Elzanaty teamed up with Sharif El-Gamal, head of Soho Properties. Soho Properties purchased the old Burlington Coat building at 45-47 Park Place for 4.8 million dollars in cash. The building connected to 45-51 Park Place is owned by Con Ed. Sharif El-Gamal paid an extra $700,000 to take over the lease from the utility company, which expires in 2071.

Five-years ago El-Gamal was a waiter in NYC, today he is making multi-million dollar real estate deals, in cash, with a man that funneled money to a convicted terror group.

Mosque near Ground Zero investor sent money to terror group - New York Political Buzz |
Sorry bout that,

1. But in my opinion, islam is nothing but a blood letting form of government, constructed by some filthy old arabs wanting to get thier hands on some young girls.
2, At its core its evil, at its surface its evil, everything it does is based on evil.
3. I can not paint a clearer picture.
4. There is nothing redeeming about islam.
5. The general saying the burning of korans will ignite more evil from islam should tell you something.
6. It should tell you that islam is evil, and it should be wiped off the face of the earth.

So we now have a General telling us that the peaceful religion of Islam will MURDER people if anyone urns a book.

Where was he for Piss Christ or that one in Europe that was a blood pool attacking the Jews? Ohh ya, I forgot, Christians and Jews do not MURDER people for insulting or making fun of their religion, only that PEACEFUL religion of Islam does that.

What has happened is that our freedoms (speech for now) have been taken hostage!!! I am willing to bet the church will be commanded not to burn the Quran.

What needs to happen is that the people who are wanting to build that Mosque (they are the reason for the Quran burning) need to say, We are fed up with the extreemist Islam Terrorists, so we will respect America and build the Mosque somewhere else. If they don't, they are a huge contributor to the problem!

At this point I would not burn the Quran if it actually does place our troops, or anyone in danger. However, If these people who want to come into America and disrespect her people, I say we declare war on them and go after them all!!!!!! If they won't stand with us they are against us!!!

America, we cannot allow them to take more of our freedoms hostage!!! We MUST fight. We must destroy them. (On a religious note, They are God's enemy as well, and must be confronted, as David did, "In the name of the Lord.")
Yup, I am angry.:mad:
So we now have a General telling us that the peaceful religion of Islam will MURDER people if anyone urns a book.

Where was he for Piss Christ or that one in Europe that was a blood pool attacking the Jews? Ohh ya, I forgot, Christians and Jews do not MURDER people for insulting or making fun of their religion, only that PEACEFUL religion of Islam does that.

What has happened is that our freedoms (speech for now) have been taken hostage!!! I am willing to bet the church will be commanded not to burn the Quran.

What needs to happen is that the people who are wanting to build that Mosque (they are the reason for the Quran burning) need to say, We are fed up with the extreemist Islam Terrorists, so we will respect America and build the Mosque somewhere else. If they don't, they are a huge contributor to the problem!

At this point I would not burn the Quran if it actually does place our troops, or anyone in danger. However, If these people who want to come into America and disrespect her people, I say we declare war on them and go after them all!!!!!! If they won't stand with us they are against us!!!

America, we cannot allow them to take more of our freedoms hostage!!! We MUST fight. We must destroy them. (On a religious note, They are God's enemy as well, and must be confronted, as David did, "In the name of the Lord.")
Yup, I am angry.:mad:

Just remember that it not about the words one uses when they, or we pray to God, it is about the scheme to use our own liberties against us to institute Sharia Law in place of our Constitution, in effect to steal liberty, and substitute it systematically with Totalitarian Rule. What they and the progressives are both addicted to is having power over others. What Madison knew, and Jefferson, was that there are powers that no Government should have over Mankind. Mohammad and Marx both seem to have missed that.
Those radical Islamists sure are a sensative lot.

I remember just a couple of years ago when merely criticizing the President's war stratergy or America's Middle East policy would provide them aid and comfort thus turning them into super fighters or some shit.
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Those radical Islamist sure are a sensative lot.

I remember just a couple of years ago when merely criticizing the President's war stratergy or America's Middle East policy would provide them aid and comfort thus turning them into super fighters or some shit.

No Shit!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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