Islam. The religion of peace, tolerance and truth?

Cutting to the quick....

Vig-----your cartoon addressed one very troubling issue----
The PLACATE MUSLIMS issue. Islam not only
depends on it today-----it has since muhummad first
invented it. Lets face it------can we really expect
people NOT TO REACT to a big threat by trying to
avoid its dangerous effects by any means
possible? We don't debate the HIV virus----
we either avoid it or avoid people who have it
or go thru the back door trying to ease its evil
effects on us-------whilst it happily THRIVES as
an ever present threat....
Vig-----your cartoon addressed one very troubling issue----
The PLACATE MUSLIMS issue. Islam not only
depends on it today-----it has since muhummad first
invented it. Lets face it------can we really expect
people NOT TO REACT to a big threat by trying to
avoid its dangerous effects by any means
possible? We don't debate the HIV virus----
we either avoid it or avoid people who have it
or go thru the back door trying to ease its evil
effects on us-------whilst it happily THRIVES as
an ever present threat....

Apparently in this climate, with the leaders of the world either AFRAID or sympathetic to muslim atrocities something MORE SEVERE than the 9/11 attack will be mandatory for these feckless people to find a set of cojones and actually do something about it instead of an average of SEVEN air attacks on ISIS daily! The "Just kick the can down the road" theory of governing MUST come to an end!
All of those are very modern concepts in terms of human history and largely absent in the histories of the major world religions. But if you read the article you posted, you would realize that the seeds for some of those concepts - particularly equality do indeed exist in the Islamic ideology.

If you were not wholly ignorant and functioning as a bigoted lump of filth----and if you ever had meaningful conversations with muslims-------you would know that your statement is ABSURD. Someday you may be able
to have a conversation with a real muslim-------you might have to resort to a bit of trickery to
discover the truth-------as in FEIGN an interest in "reverting"---
the actual FACT is the statement that all people are equal in value and before the law is tantamount to BLASPHEMY
in Islamic law and ideology. Of course it is possible that
you already know that but you are playing apologist for filth

Are we really all equal in value and before the law here in America? Try going to court with a court appointed attorney vs. one that is connected and well respected. Then consider how racist our court and prison system is.

I suspect one could have many arguments how a Christian American Conservative saying this might be considered a hypocrite.

I have been in court for many reasons------mostly as a witness but a few times as plaintiff and a few as defendant. My experience in courts is that some judges are no damned good---but other than that----the FACT is people are equal
before the law in the USA by law. The fact is that people are NOT equal before the law in Islamic courts-----BY LAW
Muslims are superior in every way before the law in a shariah court. You are simply ignoring that fact. I do ot believe
you are stupid-----just trying to divert

If someone forced me to pick one organized religion, I would pick Christianity. Then I would go Mormon. Then I would go Jew and last I would pick Muslim. Of the main 4 religions we have in America, Muslim is the worse. I hope they calm down like most Christians have over the past few centuries. We no longer burn old single women for being witches. Our Christians also let us atheists argue with them and we don't get killed anymore. And Muslims can even come here and be annoying as long as they are not violent.

Thank goodness we don't have Islamic courts here in America. If you aren't a Muslim, don't be in the Middle east.

Hopefully the internet modernizes and wakes up the people of the middle east. When people are free they finally wake up from the religious brainwashing they've been under. Not everyone wakes up but the ones that remain brainwashed are usually harmless. For example, today we have a lot less Christians running around telling everyone they're going to hell. Not as many Christians believe that today like they did maybe 20 or 40 years ago. We've lightened up.

I think the angry Muslims in France and around the world are usually first or 2nd generation immigrants who move to a foreign land and never feel like they fit in. I see it in America and it isn't just Muslims. Chaldeans go around in gangs and treat everyone who isn't one of them like shit. Hopefully their kids will assimilate better once the Chaldeans lighten up and stop marrying their cousins because they don't want to marry a white American. My parents were born in Greece. We were treated differently because we were the only Greeks in the town I grew up in. Luckily we didn't have 100 Greeks that we could hang out with in a gang and alienate ourselves. We were forced to fit in. Muslims/Arabs/Chaldeans come here and only hang out with Muslims.

I do not agree with some bits of what you say----your impresson seems to be that education will solve the problem of the supremacist nature of islam --------My muslim friends have all been educated in a manner considered the best in their countries of origin. ------I have also known some converts to islam from Christianity----solidly American and educated.
That SUPREMACIST thing is a very real issue-----be a muslim and rule the world and have the favor of "god"--crosses all lines. It seem to beat even "eternal life thru faith alone." When it comes to BEST REWARD----muslims got even catholics beat. Another advantage to being
the BEST and MOST powerful in the world by being
a muslim is that-----it's so easy TO BE a muslim-----
just say "yes"

Look at how easy it is to be a Christian. People who are being conned into Christianity often ask, "what if Hitler in the final minute of his life was truly sorry and asked for forgiveness and took Jesus into his heart?" and most Christians would say he would make it to heaven.

Change isn't going to happen over night, but you should see how the masses in Iran are. They are living in a Muslim country with Muslim laws but most of them yearn to be free and they live modern lives. A lot of them aren't even really "muslim". What changed? Facebook, instagram, twitter, the internet. And I have Iranian friends here in America. They don't believe in god. Imagine how many in Iran don't really believe but can't say anything because they'll be put in prison. The people in Muslim countries aren't really free. For example, there is no way the Cosmos with Sagan or Tyson would ever be aired in Saudi Arabia. But maybe they'll see it on the internet one day.

I hear you Christians trying to warn us that the Muslim Supremacy thing is a thing to be worried about. I'm just not. I don't think Islam is going to catch on in America. I think just like modern day young American people born into Christianity, many young Americans born into Islam aren't going to take that stuff as seriously as their parents did. I just don't see it catching on. Not here in America. Even if every Muslim couple has 4 kids and those kids have 4 kids and so on, I think the future generations of Muslim Americans are going to lighten up.
All of those are very modern concepts in terms of human history and largely absent in the histories of the major world religions. But if you read the article you posted, you would realize that the seeds for some of those concepts - particularly equality do indeed exist in the Islamic ideology.

If you were not wholly ignorant and functioning as a bigoted lump of filth----and if you ever had meaningful conversations with muslims-------you would know that your statement is ABSURD. Someday you may be able
to have a conversation with a real muslim-------you might have to resort to a bit of trickery to
discover the truth-------as in FEIGN an interest in "reverting"---
the actual FACT is the statement that all people are equal in value and before the law is tantamount to BLASPHEMY
in Islamic law and ideology. Of course it is possible that
you already know that but you are playing apologist for filth

Are we really all equal in value and before the law here in America? Try going to court with a court appointed attorney vs. one that is connected and well respected. Then consider how racist our court and prison system is.

I suspect one could have many arguments how a Christian American Conservative saying this might be considered a hypocrite.

I have been in court for many reasons------mostly as a witness but a few times as plaintiff and a few as defendant. My experience in courts is that some judges are no damned good---but other than that----the FACT is people are equal
before the law in the USA by law. The fact is that people are NOT equal before the law in Islamic courts-----BY LAW
Muslims are superior in every way before the law in a shariah court. You are simply ignoring that fact. I do ot believe
you are stupid-----just trying to divert

If someone forced me to pick one organized religion, I would pick Christianity. Then I would go Mormon. Then I would go Jew and last I would pick Muslim. Of the main 4 religions we have in America, Muslim is the worse. I hope they calm down like most Christians have over the past few centuries. We no longer burn old single women for being witches. Our Christians also let us atheists argue with them and we don't get killed anymore. And Muslims can even come here and be annoying as long as they are not violent.

Thank goodness we don't have Islamic courts here in America. If you aren't a Muslim, don't be in the Middle east.

Hopefully the internet modernizes and wakes up the people of the middle east. When people are free they finally wake up from the religious brainwashing they've been under. Not everyone wakes up but the ones that remain brainwashed are usually harmless. For example, today we have a lot less Christians running around telling everyone they're going to hell. Not as many Christians believe that today like they did maybe 20 or 40 years ago. We've lightened up.

I think the angry Muslims in France and around the world are usually first or 2nd generation immigrants who move to a foreign land and never feel like they fit in. I see it in America and it isn't just Muslims. Chaldeans go around in gangs and treat everyone who isn't one of them like shit. Hopefully their kids will assimilate better once the Chaldeans lighten up and stop marrying their cousins because they don't want to marry a white American. My parents were born in Greece. We were treated differently because we were the only Greeks in the town I grew up in. Luckily we didn't have 100 Greeks that we could hang out with in a gang and alienate ourselves. We were forced to fit in. Muslims/Arabs/Chaldeans come here and only hang out with Muslims.

I do not agree with some bits of what you say----your impresson seems to be that education will solve the problem of the supremacist nature of islam --------My muslim friends have all been educated in a manner considered the best in their countries of origin. ------I have also known some converts to islam from Christianity----solidly American and educated.
That SUPREMACIST thing is a very real issue-----be a muslim and rule the world and have the favor of "god"--crosses all lines. It seem to beat even "eternal life thru faith alone." When it comes to BEST REWARD----muslims got even catholics beat. Another advantage to being
the BEST and MOST powerful in the world by being
a muslim is that-----it's so easy TO BE a muslim-----
just say "yes"

The Doctrine of Islam
Muslims summarize their doctrine in six articles of faith:
1. Belief in one Allah: Muslims believe Allah is one, eternal, creator, and sovereign.
2. Belief in the angels
3. Belief in the prophets: The prophets include the biblical prophets but end with Muhammad as Allah’s final prophet.
4. Belief in the revelations of Allah: Muslims accept certain portions of the Bible, such as the Torah and the Gospels. They believe the Qur'an is the preexistent, perfect word of Allah.
5. Belief in the last day of judgment and the hereafter: Everyone will be resurrected for judgment into either paradise or hell.
6. Belief in predestination: Muslims believe Allah has decreed everything that will happen. Muslims testify to Allah’s sovereignty with their frequent phrase,inshallah, meaning, “if God wills.”

The Five Pillars of Islam
These five tenets compose the framework of obedience for Muslims:
1. The testimony of faith (shahada): “la ilaha illa allah. Muhammad rasul Allah.” This means, “There is no deity but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” A person can convert to Islam by stating this creed. The shahada shows that a Muslim believes in Allah alone as deity and believes that Muhammad reveals Allah.
2. Prayer (salat): Five ritual prayers must be performed every day.
3. Giving (zakat): This almsgiving is a certain percentage given once a year.
4. Fasting (sawm): Muslims fast during Ramadan in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. They must not eat or drink from dawn until sunset.
5. Pilgrimage (hajj): If physically and financially possible, a Muslim must make the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia at least once. Thehajjis performed in the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar.

Read more:What is Islam and what do Muslims believe
If you were not wholly ignorant and functioning as a bigoted lump of filth----and if you ever had meaningful conversations with muslims-------you would know that your statement is ABSURD. Someday you may be able
to have a conversation with a real muslim-------you might have to resort to a bit of trickery to
discover the truth-------as in FEIGN an interest in "reverting"---
the actual FACT is the statement that all people are equal in value and before the law is tantamount to BLASPHEMY
in Islamic law and ideology. Of course it is possible that
you already know that but you are playing apologist for filth

Are we really all equal in value and before the law here in America? Try going to court with a court appointed attorney vs. one that is connected and well respected. Then consider how racist our court and prison system is.

I suspect one could have many arguments how a Christian American Conservative saying this might be considered a hypocrite.

I have been in court for many reasons------mostly as a witness but a few times as plaintiff and a few as defendant. My experience in courts is that some judges are no damned good---but other than that----the FACT is people are equal
before the law in the USA by law. The fact is that people are NOT equal before the law in Islamic courts-----BY LAW
Muslims are superior in every way before the law in a shariah court. You are simply ignoring that fact. I do ot believe
you are stupid-----just trying to divert

If someone forced me to pick one organized religion, I would pick Christianity. Then I would go Mormon. Then I would go Jew and last I would pick Muslim. Of the main 4 religions we have in America, Muslim is the worse. I hope they calm down like most Christians have over the past few centuries. We no longer burn old single women for being witches. Our Christians also let us atheists argue with them and we don't get killed anymore. And Muslims can even come here and be annoying as long as they are not violent.

Thank goodness we don't have Islamic courts here in America. If you aren't a Muslim, don't be in the Middle east.

Hopefully the internet modernizes and wakes up the people of the middle east. When people are free they finally wake up from the religious brainwashing they've been under. Not everyone wakes up but the ones that remain brainwashed are usually harmless. For example, today we have a lot less Christians running around telling everyone they're going to hell. Not as many Christians believe that today like they did maybe 20 or 40 years ago. We've lightened up.

I think the angry Muslims in France and around the world are usually first or 2nd generation immigrants who move to a foreign land and never feel like they fit in. I see it in America and it isn't just Muslims. Chaldeans go around in gangs and treat everyone who isn't one of them like shit. Hopefully their kids will assimilate better once the Chaldeans lighten up and stop marrying their cousins because they don't want to marry a white American. My parents were born in Greece. We were treated differently because we were the only Greeks in the town I grew up in. Luckily we didn't have 100 Greeks that we could hang out with in a gang and alienate ourselves. We were forced to fit in. Muslims/Arabs/Chaldeans come here and only hang out with Muslims.

I do not agree with some bits of what you say----your impresson seems to be that education will solve the problem of the supremacist nature of islam --------My muslim friends have all been educated in a manner considered the best in their countries of origin. ------I have also known some converts to islam from Christianity----solidly American and educated.
That SUPREMACIST thing is a very real issue-----be a muslim and rule the world and have the favor of "god"--crosses all lines. It seem to beat even "eternal life thru faith alone." When it comes to BEST REWARD----muslims got even catholics beat. Another advantage to being
the BEST and MOST powerful in the world by being
a muslim is that-----it's so easy TO BE a muslim-----
just say "yes"

Look at how easy it is to be a Christian. People who are being conned into Christianity often ask, "what if Hitler in the final minute of his life was truly sorry and asked for forgiveness and took Jesus into his heart?" and most Christians would say he would make it to heaven.

Change isn't going to happen over night, but you should see how the masses in Iran are. They are living in a Muslim country with Muslim laws but most of them yearn to be free and they live modern lives. A lot of them aren't even really "muslim". What changed? Facebook, instagram, twitter, the internet. And I have Iranian friends here in America. They don't believe in god. Imagine how many in Iran don't really believe but can't say anything because they'll be put in prison. The people in Muslim countries aren't really free. For example, there is no way the Cosmos with Sagan or Tyson would ever be aired in Saudi Arabia. But maybe they'll see it on the internet one day.

I hear you Christians trying to warn us that the Muslim Supremacy thing is a thing to be worried about. I'm just not. I don't think Islam is going to catch on in America. I think just like modern day young American people born into Christianity, many young Americans born into Islam aren't going to take that stuff as seriously as their parents did. I just don't see it catching on. Not here in America. Even if every Muslim couple has 4 kids and those kids have 4 kids and so on, I think the future generations of Muslim Americans are going to lighten up.

Mr boo-----I am way ahead of you-----I have been acquainted with IRANIANS since the mid sixties-----THEY IS DIFFERENT-------in fact all of them IS DIFFERENT-----the Iranian muslims are ENTIRELY different from arabs, from Pakistanis, from Balkan muslims, from all other muslims.
Ask an Iranian if he ever read the Koran and he is likely to
diagnose YOU as insane. For the record---the Iranian jews are also different from the rest of the jews of the world.
Do not cite either Iranian muslims or Iranian jews as
EXAMPLES. Because I was acquainted with Iranians for decades prior to the ascent of the AYATOILET KHOMEINE---I predicted he would not last more than two years-----I am still confused as to what went wrong
It was a miracle that Prophet Muhammad could bring even his toughest enemies to the fold of Islam without adequate material resources. Worshippers of idols, blind followers of the ways of forefathers, promoters of tribal feuds, and abusers of human dignity and blood became the most disciplined nation under the guidance of Islam and its Prophet.
Islam opened before them vistas of spiritual heights and human dignity by declaring righteousness as the sole criterion of merit and honor. Islam shaped their social, cultural, moral and commercial life with basic laws and principles which are in conformity with human nature and hence applicable in all times as human nature does not change.
Are we really all equal in value and before the law here in America? Try going to court with a court appointed attorney vs. one that is connected and well respected. Then consider how racist our court and prison system is.

I suspect one could have many arguments how a Christian American Conservative saying this might be considered a hypocrite.

I have been in court for many reasons------mostly as a witness but a few times as plaintiff and a few as defendant. My experience in courts is that some judges are no damned good---but other than that----the FACT is people are equal
before the law in the USA by law. The fact is that people are NOT equal before the law in Islamic courts-----BY LAW
Muslims are superior in every way before the law in a shariah court. You are simply ignoring that fact. I do ot believe
you are stupid-----just trying to divert

If someone forced me to pick one organized religion, I would pick Christianity. Then I would go Mormon. Then I would go Jew and last I would pick Muslim. Of the main 4 religions we have in America, Muslim is the worse. I hope they calm down like most Christians have over the past few centuries. We no longer burn old single women for being witches. Our Christians also let us atheists argue with them and we don't get killed anymore. And Muslims can even come here and be annoying as long as they are not violent.

Thank goodness we don't have Islamic courts here in America. If you aren't a Muslim, don't be in the Middle east.

Hopefully the internet modernizes and wakes up the people of the middle east. When people are free they finally wake up from the religious brainwashing they've been under. Not everyone wakes up but the ones that remain brainwashed are usually harmless. For example, today we have a lot less Christians running around telling everyone they're going to hell. Not as many Christians believe that today like they did maybe 20 or 40 years ago. We've lightened up.

I think the angry Muslims in France and around the world are usually first or 2nd generation immigrants who move to a foreign land and never feel like they fit in. I see it in America and it isn't just Muslims. Chaldeans go around in gangs and treat everyone who isn't one of them like shit. Hopefully their kids will assimilate better once the Chaldeans lighten up and stop marrying their cousins because they don't want to marry a white American. My parents were born in Greece. We were treated differently because we were the only Greeks in the town I grew up in. Luckily we didn't have 100 Greeks that we could hang out with in a gang and alienate ourselves. We were forced to fit in. Muslims/Arabs/Chaldeans come here and only hang out with Muslims.

I do not agree with some bits of what you say----your impresson seems to be that education will solve the problem of the supremacist nature of islam --------My muslim friends have all been educated in a manner considered the best in their countries of origin. ------I have also known some converts to islam from Christianity----solidly American and educated.
That SUPREMACIST thing is a very real issue-----be a muslim and rule the world and have the favor of "god"--crosses all lines. It seem to beat even "eternal life thru faith alone." When it comes to BEST REWARD----muslims got even catholics beat. Another advantage to being
the BEST and MOST powerful in the world by being
a muslim is that-----it's so easy TO BE a muslim-----
just say "yes"

Look at how easy it is to be a Christian. People who are being conned into Christianity often ask, "what if Hitler in the final minute of his life was truly sorry and asked for forgiveness and took Jesus into his heart?" and most Christians would say he would make it to heaven.

Change isn't going to happen over night, but you should see how the masses in Iran are. They are living in a Muslim country with Muslim laws but most of them yearn to be free and they live modern lives. A lot of them aren't even really "muslim". What changed? Facebook, instagram, twitter, the internet. And I have Iranian friends here in America. They don't believe in god. Imagine how many in Iran don't really believe but can't say anything because they'll be put in prison. The people in Muslim countries aren't really free. For example, there is no way the Cosmos with Sagan or Tyson would ever be aired in Saudi Arabia. But maybe they'll see it on the internet one day.

I hear you Christians trying to warn us that the Muslim Supremacy thing is a thing to be worried about. I'm just not. I don't think Islam is going to catch on in America. I think just like modern day young American people born into Christianity, many young Americans born into Islam aren't going to take that stuff as seriously as their parents did. I just don't see it catching on. Not here in America. Even if every Muslim couple has 4 kids and those kids have 4 kids and so on, I think the future generations of Muslim Americans are going to lighten up.

Mr boo-----I am way ahead of you-----I have been acquainted with IRANIANS since the mid sixties-----THEY IS DIFFERENT-------in fact all of them IS DIFFERENT-----the Iranian muslims are ENTIRELY different from arabs, from Pakistanis, from Balkan muslims, from all other muslims.
Ask an Iranian if he ever read the Koran and he is likely to
diagnose YOU as insane. For the record---the Iranian jews are also different from the rest of the jews of the world.
Do not cite either Iranian muslims or Iranian jews as
EXAMPLES. Because I was acquainted with Iranians for decades prior to the ascent of the AYATOILET KHOMEINE---I predicted he would not last more than two years-----I am still confused as to what went wrong

It is hard to revolt. Didn't the Iranians try a few years ago after Amadenijad won with 100% of the vote? Why would he make it so obvious that the election was rigged?

I agree, Iranians are a lot different.

You know who bugs me? Chaldeans from Iraq. They are Christians and you aren't going to hear them cry that we killed Saddam, but they too come to this country and act like Animals when they go out in their gangs and they hang out in bars and if you even look at one of their women/cousins they'll all jump you and gang beat you up. So I am torn. I think that Chaldean and Muslim Americans will chill out in 1 or 2 more generations.

By the way. Just curious. You know how Christians tell us atheists their holy stories and they are shocked and offended when we are skeptical? I think Christians should realize a few things.

1. If Christianity is so obvious, how come Jews and Muslims aren't buying it?

2. The Greeks and Babalonians use to argue which of their gods was real and which were made up. Then one day someone suggested maybe neither are real.

3. Doesn't seeing other religions make Christians wonder if their religion is made up too? If young Muslims are swallowing a lie, maybe you too have swallowed a lie.

4. For 100,000 years we had many other religions before the 3 Abraham religions. Why didn't the real god reveal himself until 6500 years ago?

As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients.
You must question and critically examine those writings from every side.
You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person.
For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection.
As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking.
It was a miracle that Prophet Muhammad could bring even his toughest enemies to the fold of Islam without adequate material resources. Worshippers of idols, blind followers of the ways of forefathers, promoters of tribal feuds, and abusers of human dignity and blood became the most disciplined nation under the guidance of Islam and its Prophet.
Islam opened before them vistas of spiritual heights and human dignity by declaring righteousness as the sole criterion of merit and honor. Islam shaped their social, cultural, moral and commercial life with basic laws and principles which are in conformity with human nature and hence applicable in all times as human nature does not change.

Here you guys are again overusing the word miracle. Miracles do not exist.

As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking.
It was a miracle that Prophet Muhammad could bring even his toughest enemies to the fold of Islam without adequate material resources. Worshippers of idols, blind followers of the ways of forefathers, promoters of tribal feuds, and abusers of human dignity and blood became the most disciplined nation under the guidance of Islam and its Prophet.
Islam opened before them vistas of spiritual heights and human dignity by declaring righteousness as the sole criterion of merit and honor. Islam shaped their social, cultural, moral and commercial life with basic laws and principles which are in conformity with human nature and hence applicable in all times as human nature does not change.

Here you guys are again overusing the word miracle. Miracles do not exist.

As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking.
What exactly is a good Muslim? Are they like good Ku Klux Klan members and good Nazis? We are constantly reminded by political agenda driven boobs like Obama that we "can't lump all Muslims together" much like he lumps all conservatives or Tea Party members, because so many of them are such "good people." Seems to me liberals are always lumping everyone who doesn't march in lockstep with their ill-conceived nonsense as being some kind of intellectual inferior with one invective or another. Can you be a good KKK member? How about a good Nazi? Are you either opposed and detached or complicit? How do you spot a good Muslim?
Won't be the first time religion has set us back. The Greeks in Pilos 500 years before Jesus figured out science and Plato/Christianity stomped that knowledge out for 2100 years. The Chinese figured shit out thousands of years before too and rulers destroyed all the books. In Iraq, Eqypt, India, Holland, Europe, Meso Americans. Religions and rulers have held us back at least 2000 years. We had to re discover things that were discovered thousands of years ago.

Don't forget church and state were one and the same for the past 3000 plus years. So when I say the rulers of the time suppressed knowledge, that also means the church.

Could you be any more full of shit, Silly Bonobo?
It was a miracle that Prophet Muhammad could bring even his toughest enemies to the fold of Islam without adequate material resources. Worshippers of idols, blind followers of the ways of forefathers, promoters of tribal feuds, and abusers of human dignity and blood became the most disciplined nation under the guidance of Islam and its Prophet.
Islam opened before them vistas of spiritual heights and human dignity by declaring righteousness as the sole criterion of merit and honor. Islam shaped their social, cultural, moral and commercial life with basic laws and principles which are in conformity with human nature and hence applicable in all times as human nature does not change.

Here you guys are again overusing the word miracle. Miracles do not exist.

As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking.
What exactly is a good Muslim? Are they like good Ku Klux Klan members and good Nazis? We are constantly reminded by political agenda driven boobs like Obama that we "can't lump all Muslims together" much like he lumps all conservatives or Tea Party members, because so many of them are such "good people." Seems to me liberals are always lumping everyone who doesn't march in lockstep with their ill-conceived nonsense as being some kind of intellectual inferior with one invective or another. Can you be a good KKK member? How about a good Nazi? Are you either opposed and detached or complicit? How do you spot a good Muslim?

How do you spot a good Christian? How do you spot a good Republican? Its very difficult because usually you find them at KKK rallies and lynchings.

Seems like you are being a hypocrite and doing exactly what you claim liberals do. You're saying all Muslims are bad. I'm sorry, but I read their doctrine and I can see how a moderate muslim is no different than a moderate Christian. They basically have their personal beliefs but they believe in live and let live. Both are wrong. Both are worshiping a god that doesn't even exist.

You and Muslims need to take this advice: You will be wise to not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking.
How do you spot a good Christian? How do you spot a good Republican? Its very difficult because usually you find them at KKK rallies and lynchings.

Lie much?

When is the last confirmed "lynching" in the USA? The 1920's or so? Prior to 1968, the Klan REQUIRED one to be registered democrat.

Any Republican at a lynching would be the victim.

Seems like you are being a hypocrite and doing exactly what you claim liberals do. You're saying all Muslims are bad. I'm sorry, but I read their doctrine and I can see how a moderate muslim is no different than a moderate Christian. They basically have their personal beliefs but they believe in live and let live. Both are wrong. Both are worshiping a god that doesn't even exist.

I realize that democrats and Muslim terrorists have the same short-term goals. but the issue that sane people have with Muslims is the nasty habit of terrorism.

You and Muslims need to take this advice: You will be wise to not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking.

When confronted by atrocities by Muslims, you attack Christians.
Won't be the first time religion has set us back. The Greeks in Pilos 500 years before Jesus figured out science and Plato/Christianity stomped that knowledge out for 2100 years. The Chinese figured shit out thousands of years before too and rulers destroyed all the books. In Iraq, Eqypt, India, Holland, Europe, Meso Americans. Religions and rulers have held us back at least 2000 years. We had to re discover things that were discovered thousands of years ago.

Don't forget church and state were one and the same for the past 3000 plus years. So when I say the rulers of the time suppressed knowledge, that also means the church.

Could you be any more full of shit, Silly Bonobo?

Athens, 2500 years ago in the time of Plato and Aristotle had a vast slave population. All of that brave Athenian talk about democracy
applied only to a privileged few. Plato and Aristotle were comfortable in a slave society. They offered justifications for oppression.
They served tyrants. This was to dominate Western thinking for more than 2000 years. Science was for a small elite. The embrace of mysticism. Their influence has significantly set back the human endeavor.

The books of the lonian scientists are entirely lost. Their views were suppressed, ridiculed and forgotten by the Platonists and by the Christians who adopted much of the philosophy of Plato. Finally, after a long, mystical sleep in which the tools of scientific inquiry lay moldering the lonian approach was rediscovered. The Western world reawakened. Experiment and open inquiry slowly became respectable once again. Forgotten books and fragments were read once more. Leonardo and Copernicus and Columbus were inspired by the lonian tradition.

Pythagoras held that the Earth moves around the sun. He correctly located our place in the solar system. For his trouble, he was accused of heresy.
How do you spot a good Christian? How do you spot a good Republican? Its very difficult because usually you find them at KKK rallies and lynchings.

Lie much?

When is the last confirmed "lynching" in the USA? The 1920's or so? Prior to 1968, the Klan REQUIRED one to be registered democrat.

Any Republican at a lynching would be the victim.

Seems like you are being a hypocrite and doing exactly what you claim liberals do. You're saying all Muslims are bad. I'm sorry, but I read their doctrine and I can see how a moderate muslim is no different than a moderate Christian. They basically have their personal beliefs but they believe in live and let live. Both are wrong. Both are worshiping a god that doesn't even exist.

I realize that democrats and Muslim terrorists have the same short-term goals. but the issue that sane people have with Muslims is the nasty habit of terrorism.

You and Muslims need to take this advice: You will be wise to not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking.

When confronted by atrocities by Muslims, you attack Christians.
I guess the point is, you don't need to spot good Christians or good Republicans because their organizations are not riddled with nut-jobs trying their best to slaughter innocent people in the name of Allah. You don't want to be tarred with the same brush but the "good Muslims" don't seem to be making much of an argument, let alone a demonstration, for their lack of sympathy if not non-complicity with what their brothers seem to find a perfectly acceptable course of executing teenagers for watching a soccer game (you would think watching a soccer game would be punishment enough) or chopping the heads off people because apparently it makes them feel good to murder in the name of their particular brand of Islam.
How do you spot a good Christian? How do you spot a good Republican? Its very difficult because usually you find them at KKK rallies and lynchings.

Lie much?

When is the last confirmed "lynching" in the USA? The 1920's or so? Prior to 1968, the Klan REQUIRED one to be registered democrat.

Any Republican at a lynching would be the victim.

Seems like you are being a hypocrite and doing exactly what you claim liberals do. You're saying all Muslims are bad. I'm sorry, but I read their doctrine and I can see how a moderate muslim is no different than a moderate Christian. They basically have their personal beliefs but they believe in live and let live. Both are wrong. Both are worshiping a god that doesn't even exist.

I realize that democrats and Muslim terrorists have the same short-term goals. but the issue that sane people have with Muslims is the nasty habit of terrorism.

You and Muslims need to take this advice: You will be wise to not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking.

When confronted by atrocities by Muslims, you attack Christians.

You do know that the Democratic voters in the south in the 1960's switched parties and joined the GOP, right? After the voting rights acts, desegregation, etc.

Yes because extreme muslims show other theists just how stupid or wrong religion can be.

I love muslims acting like fools because it points out what fools you all are. See what god can make people do?

I also love the Mormon story, which is basically that Joseph Smith believed the same thing I do. He believed all the organized churches of 1800 were corrupt and bad. Only he prayed and asked god what to do and god told him he was right and to start a new religion. I prayed and god revealed to me that he doesn't even exist.
How do you spot a good Christian? How do you spot a good Republican? Its very difficult because usually you find them at KKK rallies and lynchings.

Lie much?

When is the last confirmed "lynching" in the USA? The 1920's or so? Prior to 1968, the Klan REQUIRED one to be registered democrat.

Any Republican at a lynching would be the victim.

Seems like you are being a hypocrite and doing exactly what you claim liberals do. You're saying all Muslims are bad. I'm sorry, but I read their doctrine and I can see how a moderate muslim is no different than a moderate Christian. They basically have their personal beliefs but they believe in live and let live. Both are wrong. Both are worshiping a god that doesn't even exist.

I realize that democrats and Muslim terrorists have the same short-term goals. but the issue that sane people have with Muslims is the nasty habit of terrorism.

You and Muslims need to take this advice: You will be wise to not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients. You must question and critically examine those writings from every side. You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person. For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection. As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking.

When confronted by atrocities by Muslims, you attack Christians.
I guess the point is, you don't need to spot good Christians or good Republicans because their organizations are not riddled with nut-jobs trying their best to slaughter innocent people in the name of Allah. You don't want to be tarred with the same brush but the "good Muslims" don't seem to be making much of an argument, let alone a demonstration, for their lack of sympathy if not non-complicity with what their brothers seem to find a perfectly acceptable course of executing teenagers for watching a soccer game (you would think watching a soccer game would be punishment enough) or chopping the heads off people because apparently it makes them feel good to murder in the name of their particular brand of Islam.

You guys invaded Iraq for oil. You killed 1 million Arabs for money. Not WMD's, not freedom. And if you did it for freedom, then be prepared for what these free people might want. They might want Sharia law.

With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” – Steven Weinberg
It was a miracle that Prophet Muhammad could bring even his toughest enemies to the fold of Islam without adequate material resources. Worshippers of idols, blind followers of the ways of forefathers, promoters of tribal feuds, and abusers of human dignity and blood became the most disciplined nation under the guidance of Islam and its Prophet.
Islam opened before them vistas of spiritual heights and human dignity by declaring righteousness as the sole criterion of merit and honor. Islam shaped their social, cultural, moral and commercial life with basic laws and principles which are in conformity with human nature and hence applicable in all times as human nature does not change.

Lion -- are you the author of the above jibberish------or are
you quoting another moron?

I really enjoyed that tidbit which alluded to tribal feuds----wherever islam invaded and pillaged and murdered and imposed itself in the world it BROUGHT feuds along with
its primitive and brutal legal system. In fact the best times
for muslims were times when they invaded civilized places
and their leaders were smart enough to take advantage of
the already existing institutions and local talents-----once
the non muslims were fully genocided out of existence ----
the lands reverted into cesspit Islamic statue. The seminal
example is Saudi Arabia itself
It was a miracle that Prophet Muhammad could bring even his toughest enemies to the fold of Islam without adequate material resources. Worshippers of idols, blind followers of the ways of forefathers, promoters of tribal feuds, and abusers of human dignity and blood became the most disciplined nation under the guidance of Islam and its Prophet.
Islam opened before them vistas of spiritual heights and human dignity by declaring righteousness as the sole criterion of merit and honor. Islam shaped their social, cultural, moral and commercial life with basic laws and principles which are in conformity with human nature and hence applicable in all times as human nature does not change.

Lion -- are you the author of the above jibberish------or are
you quoting another moron?

I really enjoyed that tidbit which alluded to tribal feuds----wherever islam invaded and pillaged and murdered and imposed itself in the world it BROUGHT feuds along with
its primitive and brutal legal system. In fact the best times
for muslims were times when they invaded civilized places
and their leaders were smart enough to take advantage of
the already existing institutions and local talents-----once
the non muslims were fully genocided out of existence ----
the lands reverted into cesspit Islamic statue. The seminal
example is Saudi Arabia itself

Christianity is no different. They fought science for thousands of years and killed people who's science questioned scripture. Burning someone at the stake or crucifying them is primitive and brutal.

I often blame Christianity for holding us back 2000 years. For example, back when church and state were one, you could be killed just for suggesting the earth revolved around the sun and not the other way around.

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