Islam is not just a religion - this is crucial


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
The thing to remember about Islam is that unlike the other religions, it never underwent anything close to a reformation or a modernizing process.

What this means is that Islam is more than a religion - it is a social and political ideology, a total way of viewing the world, fused with law. Islam does not make a distinction between itself and the state. Contrast this with majority Christian countries, where the people may be Christian, but often see their nations as separate.

Other than their oil wealth, most Muslims never entered the modern world during the past centuries.

This is why Islam is such a threat. Even if you believe the modern world is decadent, as I do, it is no reason to abandon everything to Islam.
There is NO comparison between Christianity and Islam. Christianity has at best very weak influence in the direction and policies of government. In Muslim countries, Islam IS the government. It masquerades as a religion to benefit from the protections and leverage a religion provides.
Islam is a social and political ideology before it is a religion.

Christianity does a lot of the same things as it demands the society to conform to its "standards" so social and is also used in the politics of the nation.


Wrong, it doesn't require people to go to their church or pray at a certain doesn't promote stoning of sinners. If you are comparing the paganistic catholic church to the Reformation Protestant movement of Martin Luther, you are the one that is not "thinking".....
there is NO violent force used to enforce Christian beliefs in the USA Matthew . -------------- THINK and acknowledge the truth Matthew !!

Oh, the bitter irony of a man calling on others to think that has never learned to do for himself. You are right, dfens, Islam is a political system and every time you hear it defended as if it were just another religion, you need to point that out. The stated intent of Islam is to conquer all others and either make you a Dhimmi (a subservient), or kill you outright. They were living in the 12th century until the West found their oil and taught them it was worth something.
Islam is a social and political ideology before it is a religion.

Christianity does a lot of the same things as it demands the society to conform to its "standards" so social and is also used in the politics of the nation.

And has not used violence in 500 years to get that point across. Christianity should not even be discussed with Islam. It is actually irrelevant to what Islam does.
You know what else that makes Islam different than other religions? Why is it ONLY Islam that commits global terror? You don't see Buddhists, Hindus, Baha'i, Hare Krishnas, Shinto, Jews, Christians, etc. blowing themselves up or setting off explosives!

Why is it that ONLY Muslims commit murderous terrorism on MULTIPLE continents?? Also ONLY Islam has theocracies that BAN other religions & commit the most HORRID human rights abuses & oppression of non-Muslims! ONLY ONE religion! NO other religion comes close to the EVIL of Islam!!
they've been doing as you describe on 'mohamads' instructions since the founding of 'islam' in about 700 AD USApat !!
Islam is a mental illness masquerading as a religion.

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