Is unemployment really at an all time high?


A Spreader There Of
Aug 17, 2012
In the sticks
I have to question whether or not unemployment is really at an all time high. If it really was, why would some very common sense details be dismissed as they certainly are? Not enough info I'm sure, so let's take a quick look, and get some opinions.

If unemployment was really at an all time high, and people really wanted to work, how could they possibly not find "at least" an entry level job to sustain themselves in this thing we call life?

I mean, if there are enough jobs handy out there that children ages 14-16 can be allowed to obtain one so they can get their ipods, cars, playstations, and ect.... How could it really be possible that adults who need to feed their families wouldn't be able to find a means to do so?

Wait, I think I may have just answered my own question. Did I do that on purpose? I wonder....

If there is "such" a demand for jobs that is not being met in this country, and people are going to continue to cry about it, the government is going to continue to find new ways to ask tax payers to support the agenda of people with no money, and no one is going to be able to come to an intelligible solution to the madness, why not just apply the slightest bit of common sense?

Adults supporting their families take a higher priority in the job market than teenagers looking for some extra pocket change.

So, looking at a very biased calculation standard across the board (internet sites), it would appear that teenagers make up anywhere from 4 to 5% of the total workforce in the USA.

The unemployment rates of adults in the USA is roughly between 5 to 9%, depending on where you get your stats from, each state's variances, ect.. ect..

If unemployment is really a problem, it seems pretty logical as to what's to be done about it. Otherwise, stay out of the tax payers pockets with your fabricated lies and problems, and simply quit lying.

This would bring the unemployment rate of adult bread winners to an all time low... A job is a job.

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I probably should have phrased the question a bit better.

Is unemployment really the huge problem that it's been made out to be by both the government and american people at this time. That would have been more along the lines firmly substantiated truth.
I have to question whether or not unemployment is really at an all time high. If it really was, why would some very common sense details be dismissed as they certainly are? Not enough info I'm sure, so let's take a quick look, and get some opinions.

If unemployment was really at an all time high, and people really wanted to work, how could they possibly not find "at least" an entry level job to sustain themselves in this thing we call life?

I mean, if there are enough jobs handy out there that children ages 14-16 can be allowed to obtain one so they can get their ipods, cars, playstations, and ect.... How could it really be possible that adults who need to feed their families wouldn't be able to find a means to do so?

Wait, I think I may have just answered my own question. Did I do that on purpose? I wonder....

If there is "such" a demand for jobs that is not being met in this country, and people are going to continue to cry about it, the government is going to continue to find new ways to ask tax payers to support the agenda of people with no money, and no one is going to be able to come to an intelligible solution to the madness, why not just apply the slightest bit of common sense?

Adults supporting their families take a higher priority in the job market than teenagers looking for some extra pocket change.

So, looking at a very biased calculation standard across the board (internet sites), it would appear that teenagers make up anywhere from 4 to 5% of the total workforce in the USA.

The unemployment rates of adults in the USA is roughly between 5 to 9%, depending on where you get your stats from, each state's variances, ect.. ect..

If unemployment is really a problem, it seems pretty logical as to what's to be done about it. Otherwise, stay out of the tax payers pockets with your fabricated lies and problems, and simply quit lying.

This would bring the unemployment rate of adult bread winners to an all time low... A job is a job.


All I know is Nancy Pelosi likes it when people collect unemployment checks.
She feels the economy get a boost.She is on record saying that the economy gets
more bang for the buck returning almost $2.00 to the economy for every dollar spent.
So maybe that's the way the Democrat party wants to fix the economy.
Probably a lot worse then they are letting on.
I'm sure there is a huge effort being made to
have the numbers look as good as possible in order to help out Obama.

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