Is this why liberals/the left need/want government so much?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

I mean they advocate policies that are ANTI Responsibility

Living off of welfare instead of pushing for more WORK requirements for welfare recipients
Welcoming abortion for people who are too lazy to use condoms,take the responsibility for their actions
Obama LOVED to blame Bush for ALL the problems he had to deal with
Pushing affirmative action for people too lazy to try harder in high school to get into college or for civil service jobs when they fail the tests they just lower the bar instead of pushing them to be better and try harder
They CODDLE people oh its OK its everyone else's fault.

Short story. I am 33 and have been on disability for 7 years I finally said I AM TIRED OF THIS SHIT! I am now in college full time,I have started my own business and probably make 4-6 hundred a week hauling off scrap metal stripping it of its aluminum,copper and motors with a trailer I got for free simply by asking if they were getting rid of it. I care for my elderly parents with my wife's help AND we raise 4 children. WHY did this happen? I got tired of blaming everyone because it wasn't changing a DAMN THING...It was making me miserable being stuck on SSDI and my life going NO WHERE so I changed....I said I am going to bust my ass to show my children that if you TRY hard you can get anywhere even if life has knocked you flat on your ass like it did to me and my wife. I know what we make isn't great money but
1. We enjoy it!
2. We make money doing it
3. Its great freaking exercise which I need LOL
4. Its a great feeling working for yourself and just working in general makes me feel like a MAN!
You seem to want government a lot! Only if it has to do with helping the poor do you attack government. The question is why do you hate poor people and people in need so much?

You want government to make life hell for LBGT people
You want government to dictate morality
You want government to control who you can marry
You want government to force jesus on everyone
on and on

Just don't ever help a poor guy in the gutter.
View attachment 195548

I mean they advocate policies that are ANTI Responsibility

Living off of welfare instead of pushing for more WORK requirements for welfare recipients
Welcoming abortion for people who are too lazy to use condoms,take the responsibility for their actions
Obama LOVED to blame Bush for ALL the problems he had to deal with
Pushing affirmative action for people too lazy to try harder in high school to get into college or for civil service jobs when they fail the tests they just lower the bar instead of pushing them to be better and try harder
They CODDLE people oh its OK its everyone else's fault.

Short story. I am 33 and have been on disability for 7 years I finally said I AM TIRED OF THIS SHIT! I am now in college full time,I have started my own business and probably make 4-6 hundred a week hauling off scrap metal stripping it of its aluminum,copper and motors with a trailer I got for free simply by asking if they were getting rid of it. I care for my elderly parents with my wife's help AND we raise 4 children. WHY did this happen? I got tired of blaming everyone because it wasn't changing a DAMN THING...It was making me miserable being stuck on SSDI and my life going NO WHERE so I changed....I said I am going to bust my ass to show my children that if you TRY hard you can get anywhere even if life has knocked you flat on your ass like it did to me and my wife. I know what we make isn't great money but
1. We enjoy it!
2. We make money doing it
3. Its great freaking exercise which I need LOL
4. Its a great feeling working for yourself and just working in general makes me feel like a MAN!

I'm getting ready to hit 53.
I was raised to believe getting gov handouts was demeaning and you should only go that route if you had no other choice.
To many people these days see no shame in being on welfare.
90% of you backwards conservatives would shit if you couldn't send your children to a government paid for institution of either public or private school. Of course 90% of all children go to public school so it would effect republicans big time. How many of you really could home school your child ontop of your job?

90% of you old fuckers seeing that most of you are boomers would need to live with your children if you lost medicare or medicaid in which you paid into over your life time. Why? Because your fucking nursing home is paid by it for the most part. You don't think and that is going to burn your ass!

Plenty of you conservatives use food stamps and other government help. I've read your shit for years and I know quite a few of you that have had to do that. Want to gut that? Most people that get it work and work hard.

Seems to me a lot of conservatives aren't rich. Do you really want to gut minimum wage and work for 1 or 2 bucks per hour? A lot of you would have to do that if you got your way instead of that 7.50 per hour you're doing now.

Think about it...You make these threads because you hate liberals but in reality you'd be fucking your self if you ever got your way...
You seem to want government a lot! Only if it has to do with helping the poor do you attack government. The question is why do you hate poor people and people in need so much?

You want government to make life hell for LBGT people
You want government to dictate morality
You want government to control who you can marry
You want government to force jesus on everyone
on and on

Just don't ever help a poor guy in the gutter.
1. Nope I just don't want the mentally ill LGBT to use government to DICTATE sane normal people must accept their mental illness as normal lifestyle which they do. They use government to force their views on children in school,movies,tv,books etc. They use government to FORCE people to make flower arrangements for a wedding or a cake for a wedding
2. No I don't need anyone to dictate morality for me. I think society does it just fine without government interference AGAIN when the government uses it,it should be in response to the mentally ill forcing their views on society.
3.Nope I prefer that left ENTIRELY to the states or better yet the CITIZENS of those states but again the mentally ill throw fits and get the will of the people overturned when they don't get their way
4. Nope up until a few months ago I was ADAMANTLY opposed to christianity I not a jesus freak now at all and I think government should stay 100% completely OUT of religion.
90% of you backwards conservatives would shit if you couldn't send your children to a government paid for institution of either public school or private. Of course 90% of all children go to public school so it would effect republicans big time. How many of you really could home school your child onto of your job?

90% of you old fuckers seeing that most of you are boomers would need to live with your children if you lost medicare or medicare in which you paid into over your life time. Why? Because your fucking nursing home is paid by it for the most part. You don't think and that is going to burn your ass!

Plenty of you conservatives use food stamps and other government help. I've read your shit for years and I know quite a few of you that have had to do that. Want to gut that? Most people that get it work and work hard.

Seems to me a lot of conservatives aren't rich. Do you really want to gut minimum wage and work for 1 or 2 bucks per hour? A lot of you would have to do that if you got your way instead of that 7.50 per hour you're doing now.

Think about it...You make these threads because you hate liberals but in reality you'd be fucking your self if you ever got your way...
You are an angry little woman. Feminist more than likely...maybe a lesbian...who knows...just really ANGRY.
90% of you backwards conservatives would shit if you couldn't send your children to a government paid for institution of either public school or private. Of course 90% of all children go to public school so it would effect republicans big time. How many of you really could home school your child onto of your job?

90% of you old fuckers seeing that most of you are boomers would need to live with your children if you lost medicare or medicare in which you paid into over your life time. Why? Because your fucking nursing home is paid by it for the most part. You don't think and that is going to burn your ass!

Plenty of you conservatives use food stamps and other government help. I've read your shit for years and I know quite a few of you that have had to do that. Want to gut that? Most people that get it work and work hard.

Seems to me a lot of conservatives aren't rich. Do you really want to gut minimum wage and work for 1 or 2 bucks per hour? A lot of you would have to do that if you got your way instead of that 7.50 per hour you're doing now.

Think about it...You make these threads because you hate liberals but in reality you'd be fucking your self if you ever got your way...

How is it you can claim in one breath that Republicans are the party of the rich yet in the next say they're poor?
I seem to hear that the most welfare people live in the red states. So does this mean cons are lazy? Well just look at most the people in those states and it is clear that the fat slobs are.
Repeating the talking points of the reich is not anything new or is calling a welfare recipient lazy. What would be is if these loons would look at who really is lazy and who really is trying to make gains.
You seem to want government a lot! Only if it has to do with helping the poor do you attack government. The question is why do you hate poor people and people in need so much?

You want government to make life hell for LBGT people
You want government to dictate morality
You want government to control who you can marry
You want government to force jesus on everyone
on and on

Just don't ever help a poor guy in the gutter.

I can tell that Jessica123 is a super successful positive contributor.
All positive contributors beg for free shit.
90% of you backwards conservatives would shit if you couldn't send your children to a government paid for institution of either public or private school. Of course 90% of all children go to public school so it would effect republicans big time. How many of you really could home school your child ontop of your job?

90% of you old fuckers seeing that most of you are boomers would need to live with your children if you lost medicare or medicaid in which you paid into over your life time. Why? Because your fucking nursing home is paid by it for the most part. You don't think and that is going to burn your ass!

Plenty of you conservatives use food stamps and other government help. I've read your shit for years and I know quite a few of you that have had to do that. Want to gut that? Most people that get it work and work hard.

Seems to me a lot of conservatives aren't rich. Do you really want to gut minimum wage and work for 1 or 2 bucks per hour? A lot of you would have to do that if you got your way instead of that 7.50 per hour you're doing now.

Think about it...You make these threads because you hate liberals but in reality you'd be fucking your self if you ever got your way...

So much idiocy in this post it's hard to know where to start....
I seem to hear that the most welfare people live in the red states. So does this mean cons are lazy? Well just look at most the people in those states and it is clear that the fat slobs are.
Repeating the talking points of the reich is not anything new or is calling a welfare recipient lazy. What would be is if these loons would look at who really is lazy and who really is trying to make gains.

You’re hearing wrong bud... deprogram, turn off CNN.
What else can I teach you?

California - 12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients.
Note that Hawaii and New York are fighting CA for that number one spot....also note all three are blue states. Here you go:
It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.
California’s Welfare Benefits: Boom or Bust?
"There has been much discussion about immigrants in the United States from everywhere around the world. Yet, why is it that California seems to attract the most immigrants of any state? Indeed, while the state is only 12% of the nation’s population, it is home to 33% of welfare residents. According to a report published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) on January 26, 2015, there is a correlation between generous welfare benefits and an increase in immigration.

In total, California outspends every other state in public welfare spending – in 2014, it spent $22.4 billion. In contrast, the next closest state, New York, spent $11.9 billion. That being said, does this make California a magnet for immigrants? Not necessarily. It is more of an anchor – a reason why residents stay for long periods of time in the state. However, to deny that there is no magnet would be incorrect. According to George J. Borjas, the Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the author of the aforementioned report, the reason as to why people decide to relocate is due to “income-maximizing behavior.” Immigrants have already accepted that there are certain fixed costs that are inevitable because of migration, so it is natural that they will flock towards the places with the highest benefits. Empirical evidence suggests that it is because of these differences that there are an increasingly disproportionate number of immigrants among states. While there is the possibility of alternative explanations for this phenomenon, the conclusion that Borjas draws using the wealth-maximization hypothesis is one such testable method.
However, upon closer examination, on a per-capita basis, California’s seemingly generous benefits pale in data comparison to other states. For example, it spends approximately $179 for every resident, behind $233 in Hawaii and $256 in New York. Furthermore, approximately 20% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state.
I seem to hear that the most welfare people live in the red states. So does this mean cons are lazy? Well just look at most the people in those states and it is clear that the fat slobs are.
Repeating the talking points of the reich is not anything new or is calling a welfare recipient lazy. What would be is if these loons would look at who really is lazy and who really is trying to make gains.

So why does california lead the nation when if comes to social assistance?
View attachment 195548

I mean they advocate policies that are ANTI Responsibility

Living off of welfare instead of pushing for more WORK requirements for welfare recipients
Welcoming abortion for people who are too lazy to use condoms,take the responsibility for their actions
Obama LOVED to blame Bush for ALL the problems he had to deal with
Pushing affirmative action for people too lazy to try harder in high school to get into college or for civil service jobs when they fail the tests they just lower the bar instead of pushing them to be better and try harder
They CODDLE people oh its OK its everyone else's fault.

Short story. I am 33 and have been on disability for 7 years I finally said I AM TIRED OF THIS SHIT! I am now in college full time,I have started my own business and probably make 4-6 hundred a week hauling off scrap metal stripping it of its aluminum,copper and motors with a trailer I got for free simply by asking if they were getting rid of it. I care for my elderly parents with my wife's help AND we raise 4 children. WHY did this happen? I got tired of blaming everyone because it wasn't changing a DAMN THING...It was making me miserable being stuck on SSDI and my life going NO WHERE so I changed....I said I am going to bust my ass to show my children that if you TRY hard you can get anywhere even if life has knocked you flat on your ass like it did to me and my wife. I know what we make isn't great money but
1. We enjoy it!
2. We make money doing it
3. Its great freaking exercise which I need LOL
4. Its a great feeling working for yourself and just working in general makes me feel like a MAN!

Conservative states take far more federal welfare than the blue states. You derps live in your own perpetual fake world.
View attachment 195548

I mean they advocate policies that are ANTI Responsibility

Living off of welfare instead of pushing for more WORK requirements for welfare recipients
Welcoming abortion for people who are too lazy to use condoms,take the responsibility for their actions
Obama LOVED to blame Bush for ALL the problems he had to deal with
Pushing affirmative action for people too lazy to try harder in high school to get into college or for civil service jobs when they fail the tests they just lower the bar instead of pushing them to be better and try harder
They CODDLE people oh its OK its everyone else's fault.

Short story. I am 33 and have been on disability for 7 years I finally said I AM TIRED OF THIS SHIT! I am now in college full time,I have started my own business and probably make 4-6 hundred a week hauling off scrap metal stripping it of its aluminum,copper and motors with a trailer I got for free simply by asking if they were getting rid of it. I care for my elderly parents with my wife's help AND we raise 4 children. WHY did this happen? I got tired of blaming everyone because it wasn't changing a DAMN THING...It was making me miserable being stuck on SSDI and my life going NO WHERE so I changed....I said I am going to bust my ass to show my children that if you TRY hard you can get anywhere even if life has knocked you flat on your ass like it did to me and my wife. I know what we make isn't great money but
1. We enjoy it!
2. We make money doing it
3. Its great freaking exercise which I need LOL
4. Its a great feeling working for yourself and just working in general makes me feel like a MAN!

I'm getting ready to hit 53.
I was raised to believe getting gov handouts was demeaning and you should only go that route if you had no other choice.
To many people these days see no shame in being on welfare.

Since the Tax man finds this funny we can only assume he's on loads of gov assistance programs.
90% of you backwards conservatives would shit if you couldn't send your children to a government paid for institution of either public or private school. Of course 90% of all children go to public school so it would effect republicans big time. How many of you really could home school your child ontop of your job?

90% of you old fuckers seeing that most of you are boomers would need to live with your children if you lost medicare or medicaid in which you paid into over your life time. Why? Because your fucking nursing home is paid by it for the most part. You don't think and that is going to burn your ass!

Plenty of you conservatives use food stamps and other government help. I've read your shit for years and I know quite a few of you that have had to do that. Want to gut that? Most people that get it work and work hard.

Seems to me a lot of conservatives aren't rich. Do you really want to gut minimum wage and work for 1 or 2 bucks per hour? A lot of you would have to do that if you got your way instead of that 7.50 per hour you're doing now.

Think about it...You make these threads because you hate liberals but in reality you'd be fucking your self if you ever got your way...
You’re a non-responding pussy phony.
View attachment 195548

I mean they advocate policies that are ANTI Responsibility

Living off of welfare instead of pushing for more WORK requirements for welfare recipients
Welcoming abortion for people who are too lazy to use condoms,take the responsibility for their actions
Obama LOVED to blame Bush for ALL the problems he had to deal with
Pushing affirmative action for people too lazy to try harder in high school to get into college or for civil service jobs when they fail the tests they just lower the bar instead of pushing them to be better and try harder
They CODDLE people oh its OK its everyone else's fault.

Short story. I am 33 and have been on disability for 7 years I finally said I AM TIRED OF THIS SHIT! I am now in college full time,I have started my own business and probably make 4-6 hundred a week hauling off scrap metal stripping it of its aluminum,copper and motors with a trailer I got for free simply by asking if they were getting rid of it. I care for my elderly parents with my wife's help AND we raise 4 children. WHY did this happen? I got tired of blaming everyone because it wasn't changing a DAMN THING...It was making me miserable being stuck on SSDI and my life going NO WHERE so I changed....I said I am going to bust my ass to show my children that if you TRY hard you can get anywhere even if life has knocked you flat on your ass like it did to me and my wife. I know what we make isn't great money but
1. We enjoy it!
2. We make money doing it
3. Its great freaking exercise which I need LOL
4. Its a great feeling working for yourself and just working in general makes me feel like a MAN!

I'm getting ready to hit 53.
I was raised to believe getting gov handouts was demeaning and you should only go that route if you had no other choice.
To many people these days see no shame in being on welfare.
Obama made welfare cool.
You seem to want government a lot! Only if it has to do with helping the poor do you attack government. The question is why do you hate poor people and people in need so much?

You want government to make life hell for LBGT people
You want government to dictate morality
You want government to control who you can marry
You want government to force jesus on everyone
on and on

Just don't ever help a poor guy in the gutter.

Here's a hint, try to stay out of the gutter.

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