Is this the New Feminism?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
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Once woman's political franchise was established the next step was to deal with the economic problems facing women.

I have to say that the feminist movements have completely failed to recognize that.


Well among other things a whole lot of famous feminists are rather well off and don't much CARE if their sisters are getting screwed economically.

The movement claims an economic victory can be found in the decline in difference between woman's median salries and mens median salaries.

But what they typically refuse to acknowledge is that statictically speaking, most of that change in has NOTHING to do with women's incomes rising.

Most of that change comes from men's incomes declining while women's incomes remained basically status quo.

The feminist movement ihas become a subset of the CLASSIST technique for dividing and conquering the American people.

Obviously not all feminists are on board with this SCAM, but plenty of them fail to understand it.
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