Is this the eve of the end of hope and change?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
So, after November's elections, are "Hope and Change" officially going into our relics of mental delusion's past?

The mystical mystery of the inner workings of the mind will be studied using a case example of the "Obama voter 2008" as a case of how the human mind can be brainwashed into subservancy with little more than rhetorical speeches and a feel-good cause.

10 years from now, VH1 will be running "I Love The 2000's" episode, and "Obama Zombies" will be one of the jokes. It'll show Obama Zombies fainting at his sight, mouthing the words "I love you Barack" and telling reporters after his election "I don't have to worry about paying my mortgage or gas bill anymore, he'll take care of me", and we will all sit around and laugh at them.
And how is the gop/tea party platform any different or any more elaborate than "little more than rhetorical speeches and a feel-good cause"?
if the republicans take over we wont be here in ten years, The USA as we know it will no longer exist
the constitution will be shredded, sanity will be replaced with fear mongering and corporations will write policy, and worst of all they will take credit for all of the things the dems and the president did to save this country.
if the republicans take over we wont be here in ten years, The USA as we know it will no longer exist
the constitution will be shredded, sanity will be replaced with fear mongering and corporations will write policy, and worst of all they will take credit for all of the things the dems and the president did to save this country.

Speaking of :eusa_whistle:
We are all Doomed!


DOOMED, I tell ya!

when the gop/tea party is in complete control in 2013, and push forth their true agenda, of eliminating/privatizing medicare, social security, it'll backfire on them, and theyll be thrown out again. They'll say, "We'll lower taxes, and make sure that no one will have a steady check waiting for them when they retire after a lifetime of giving to their country,"; and the herd of sheep known as the american electorate will cry out "Yay!"; followed five seconds later by: "Wait, what? I have to work till I'm 75?"
and not just work till your 80, but be expected to cover the cost of your own prescriptions, assisted living, meals on wheels, hip surgery, etc., out of pocket, cause you're greedy blue cross blue shield policy sure isn't going to! remember how we were so happy that we repealed obamacare? we like it how it's always been, with insurance corporations treating you however arbitrarily they wish. better start forgetting about retiring any time soon!
if the republicans take over we wont be here in ten years, The USA as we know it will no longer exist
the constitution will be shredded, sanity will be replaced with fear mongering and corporations will write policy, and worst of all they will take credit for all of the things the dems and the president did to save this country.

Not to rain on your parade, But that is happening right now. The only card left for dems to play before elections is the fear card. You were instructed to not discuss legislative achievements. So what could you offer in debate?

The but but but defense isnt playing well across the country. In comparing the two party historys. Bring out your biggest guns. I dont mind shooting fish in barrels.
i think that eliminating medicare is a great idea. if you're 85, you need to just suck it up and grab a shovel like the rest of us. quit expecting your government to take care of you and get to work.
but seriously, the gop will crash and burn, just like it did over the last 10 years, and just like the dems have over the last 4.
if the republicans take over we wont be here in ten years, The USA as we know it will no longer exist
the constitution will be shredded, sanity will be replaced with fear mongering and corporations will write policy, and worst of all they will take credit for all of the things the dems and the president did to save this country.

You will be employed. Or is that a bad thing for you? :eek:
i think that eliminating medicare is a great idea. if you're 85, you need to just suck it up and grab a shovel like the rest of us. quit expecting your government to take care of you and get to work.
but seriously, the gop will crash and burn, just like it did over the last 10 years, and just like the dems have over the last 4.

I'm certain they'll be more than happy to "pick up their shovels" Just as soon as you return all the money you've collected from them.
if the republicans take over we wont be here in ten years, The USA as we know it will no longer exist
the constitution will be shredded, sanity will be replaced with fear mongering and corporations will write policy, and worst of all they will take credit for all of the things the dems and the president did to save this country.

You will be employed. Or is that a bad thing for you? :eek:

We are talking to the left. So I must remind you, WORK is also a four letter word.
So, after November's elections, are "Hope and Change" officially going into our relics of mental delusion's past?

The mystical mystery of the inner workings of the mind will be studied using a case example of the "Obama voter 2008" as a case of how the human mind can be brainwashed into subservancy with little more than rhetorical speeches and a feel-good cause.

10 years from now, VH1 will be running "I Love The 2000's" episode, and "Obama Zombies" will be one of the jokes. It'll show Obama Zombies fainting at his sight, mouthing the words "I love you Barack" and telling reporters after his election "I don't have to worry about paying my mortgage or gas bill anymore, he'll take care of me", and we will all sit around and laugh at them.

And News organizations like MSNBC wont have their anchors gushing about how they had a special tingly feeling in their lower regions when a new Presidential candidate speaks.Voters will do a little research and go to different outlets to see what the other side is saying against that candidate and maybe make a decision based on other factors besides a catchy slogan. :eusa_whistle:
Republicans at the helm or Democrats, the fundamental economic problems we are facing aren't going to change.

The only hopeful sign I see is that finally the Dems are discussing the TRADE POLICIES that we CAN do something about.

But given that both the Dems and the Repbs betrayed the American people in order to allow this mess to develop, I am not especially hopeful that we are yet ready to make the drastic changes that will be necessary to deal with this problem.
So, after November's elections, are "Hope and Change" officially going into our relics of mental delusion's past?

The mystical mystery of the inner workings of the mind will be studied using a case example of the "Obama voter 2008" as a case of how the human mind can be brainwashed into subservancy with little more than rhetorical speeches and a feel-good cause.

10 years from now, VH1 will be running "I Love The 2000's" episode, and "Obama Zombies" will be one of the jokes. It'll show Obama Zombies fainting at his sight, mouthing the words "I love you Barack" and telling reporters after his election "I don't have to worry about paying my mortgage or gas bill anymore, he'll take care of me", and we will all sit around and laugh at them.

And News organizations like MSNBC wont have their anchors gushing about how they had a special tingly feeling in their lower regions when a new Presidential candidate speaks.Voters will do a little research and go to different outlets to see what the other side is saying against that candidate and maybe make a decision based on other factors besides a catchy slogan. :eusa_whistle:

Right. i'm just saying that in four years, voters will be voicing the same regrets, when they realize the gop wants to make them work till they die, and be expected to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for their own healthcare when they're 85. not to mention the deficit being increased even more, and government actually having grown bigger. I repeat, how is the gop platform in 2010 any more elaborate than catchy slogans?
when the gop/tea party is in complete control in 2013, and push forth their true agenda, of eliminating/privatizing medicare, social security, it'll backfire on them, and theyll be thrown out again. They'll say, "We'll lower taxes, and make sure that no one will have a steady check waiting for them when they retire after a lifetime of giving to their country,"; and the herd of sheep known as the american electorate will cry out "Yay!"; followed five seconds later by: "Wait, what? I have to work till I'm 75?"

I just want to address the Social Security and Medicare issue.Not long ago the Social Security fund was pillaged and all that cash went into the Governments general fund to be spent on governments pet projects.So SS is gone already.At least the GOP is trying to save what's left of it so maybe when I hope to retire in 10 - 12 years I might get something from it after having paid into it for 55 years. Just sticking your head in the sand and feeling that the government is the answer to everything and they will take of you from cradle to grave is nuts.
I wish I had more control over my SS contributions in the past so if it went belly up I at least had a hand in that.Now I probably wont see anything because of Obama. :(

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