Is There A SpeaKKKer in Your Future?

apparently there is a lot you don't understand.

The Ku Klux Klan supported:

No Minority voting
against labor unions
against Marxism
against immigration
exclusive to white people
For Christianity

Now tell me does that describe better Democrats or Republicans? or did the parties evolve or switch over time? You can go on believing what you want, but the canard Democrats are racist because of the KKK is a lie and you're simply wrong.

Republicans have nothing against minorities voting,as long as they are legitimate citizens who are otherwise eligible to vote. The Ku Klux Klan wanted to corrupt the electoral process by denying the vote to eligible voters. The Democrats now want to corrupt the electoral process by allowing invading foreign criminals to vote.

Republicans are generally neutral toward labor unions. Any partisanship involving labor unions is entirely because of the degree to which Democrats are in bed with them.

Marxism is diametrically-opposed to all of the principles upon which this nation is founded. All Americans ought to be opposed to it.

Republicans are not opposed to immigration. You err in lumping legitimate immigration together with illegal invasion.

Republicans are not the party that claims that race even matters. We're also not the party that is only running old white people as plausible Presidential candidates this time around. On a racial basis, the historical Ku Klux Klan would certainly approve much more of the current batch of Democratic candidates than they would of the current Republican batch.

Nothing that we Republicans have to explain here. There's nothing wrong with being supportive of Christianity.

You were apparently trying to make the point that the Republican party is more aligned with the Ku Klux Klan than the Democrats are, but in fact, you've only helped to demonstrate the opposite.
apparently there is a lot you don't understand.

The Ku Klux Klan supported:

No Minority voting
against labor unions
against Marxism
against immigration
exclusive to white people
For Christianity

Now tell me does that describe better Democrats or Republicans? or did the parties evolve or switch over time? You can go on believing what you want, but the canard Democrats are racist because of the KKK is a lie and you're simply wrong.

Republicans have nothing against minorities voting,as long as they are legitimate citizens who are otherwise eligible to vote. The Ku Klux Klan wanted to corrupt the electoral process by denying the vote to eligible voters. The Democrats now want to corrupt the electoral process by allowing invading foreign criminals to vote.

Republicans are generally neutral toward labor unions. Any partisanship involving labor unions is entirely because of the degree to which Democrats are in bed with them.

Marxism is diametrically-opposed to all of the principles upon which this nation is founded. All Americans ought to be opposed to it.

Republicans are not opposed to immigration. You err in lumping legitimate immigration together with illegal invasion.

Republicans are not the party that claims that race even matters. We're also not the party that is only running old white people as plausible Presidential candidates this time around. On a racial basis, the historical Ku Klux Klan would certainly approve much more of the current batch of Democratic candidates than they would of the current Republican batch.

Nothing that we Republicans have to explain here. There's nothing wrong with being supportive of Christianity.

You were apparently trying to make the point that the Republican party is more aligned with the Ku Klux Klan than the Democrats are, but in fact, you've only helped to demonstrate the opposite.

You're fucking delusional.
So a chance to heal the Speaker of the House position with someone rumored to have roots with the KKK. Good going Republicans dig your hole deeper and keep wondering why people call you the party of racists.

"House staff members, who asked not to be named because they are not authorized to speak publicly, confirmed that Scalise is preparing a run for majority leader. And Jack Pandol, spokesman for Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette, said his boss met with Scalise and pledged to support his candidacy for majority leader.

That means likely candidates for House speaker are current Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who has been leading a coalition of conservative members insisting that Boehner and other GOP leaders take a hard line on defunding Planned Parenthood, even it means a government shutdown.


Scalise would likely have solid support for the speaker's post. He has largely rebounded, at least with the GOP membership, from negative news reports in late 2014 following revelations that he had spoken to members of a white supremacist group linked to David Duke in 2002 when he was a state representative. But it's also likely that some colleagues wouldn't want to make him the face of the House GOP leadership given that controversy."

Read more: Steve Scalise to run for House majority leader, sources say
someone spoke to someone once and he's got ties to the kkk

dems elect and re-elect a Grand Dragon of the kkk, until he dies of old age, but that's somehow different, magically

You're clearly not very bright and would prefer to parrot an article that allowed you to get mileage out of partisanship. Both parties are superficially connected to the KKK and the claim that either party is racist is baseless as neither party holds to the position of the KKK any longer. The KKK of 100 years ago, has no more in common with modern Democrats than present day Republicans have in common with Thaddeus Stevens.
you refute your own op, calling yourself a liar.

wow, that's fucking awesome
If having roots to the KKK is cause for disqualification to the speakership, no Democrat can ever occupy that post.
CORRECTION: Not ALL Democrats had links to the KKK, only the Southern conservative democrats did. Just as Southern consevative Republicans do today.
If having roots to the KKK is cause for disqualification to the speakership, no Democrat can ever occupy that post.
CORRECTION: Not ALL Democrats had links to the KKK, only the Southern conservative democrats did. Just as Southern consevative Republicans do today.
How about if you provide a link (a credible link, not a propaganda site) where Democrats condemned the racists in their own party? I'm particularly interested in seeing something from the Democratic leadership condemning Robert Byrd for his heavy involvement in the KKK. Now's your chance to prove your claim.
So a chance to heal the Speaker of the House position with someone rumored to have roots with the KKK. Good going Republicans dig your hole deeper and keep wondering why people call you the party of racists.

"House staff members, who asked not to be named because they are not authorized to speak publicly, confirmed that Scalise is preparing a run for majority leader. And Jack Pandol, spokesman for Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette, said his boss met with Scalise and pledged to support his candidacy for majority leader.

That means likely candidates for House speaker are current Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who has been leading a coalition of conservative members insisting that Boehner and other GOP leaders take a hard line on defunding Planned Parenthood, even it means a government shutdown.


Scalise would likely have solid support for the speaker's post. He has largely rebounded, at least with the GOP membership, from negative news reports in late 2014 following revelations that he had spoken to members of a white supremacist group linked to David Duke in 2002 when he was a state representative. But it's also likely that some colleagues wouldn't want to make him the face of the House GOP leadership given that controversy."

Read more: Steve Scalise to run for House majority leader, sources say

Ahhhh, what's a little white cloth over your head at an obscure location in the night with a nice bonfire going - among friends?!?!?!?
So a chance to heal the Speaker of the House position with someone rumored to have roots with the KKK. Good going Republicans dig your hole deeper and keep wondering why people call you the party of racists.

"House staff members, who asked not to be named because they are not authorized to speak publicly, confirmed that Scalise is preparing a run for majority leader. And Jack Pandol, spokesman for Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette, said his boss met with Scalise and pledged to support his candidacy for majority leader.

That means likely candidates for House speaker are current Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who has been leading a coalition of conservative members insisting that Boehner and other GOP leaders take a hard line on defunding Planned Parenthood, even it means a government shutdown.


Scalise would likely have solid support for the speaker's post. He has largely rebounded, at least with the GOP membership, from negative news reports in late 2014 following revelations that he had spoken to members of a white supremacist group linked to David Duke in 2002 when he was a state representative. But it's also likely that some colleagues wouldn't want to make him the face of the House GOP leadership given that controversy."

Read more: Steve Scalise to run for House majority leader, sources say

hey lib- robert byrd says hello.
If having roots to the KKK is cause for disqualification to the speakership, no Democrat can ever occupy that post.
CORRECTION: Not ALL Democrats had links to the KKK, only the Southern conservative democrats did. Just as Southern consevative Republicans do today.
How about if you provide a link (a credible link, not a propaganda site) where Democrats condemned the racists in their own party? I'm particularly interested in seeing something from the Democratic leadership condemning Robert Byrd for his heavy involvement in the KKK. Now's your chance to prove your claim.
So they beat up and bullied Boehner to get him out and get a Tea Partier.
So, you consider David Duke a reliable source?

Steve Scalise considers him a reliable friend.


YOu've supported your attack on Scailse by citing David Dukes words as evidence.

Has it occurred to you that David Duke has tremendous motive to lie about this?

That's why Mark Levin and Sean Hannity campaigned for the removal of the entire House leadership team. Right. Nothing was there.

Has it occurred to you that David Duke has tremendous motive to lie about this?

Do you understand what it is?

Is certainly shows the characters of those in congress bullying Boehner to the point of crying and losing it.

2 Steps Forward and 10 Steps Back~


No it doesn't.

Do you understand why David Duke's motivation to lie about this?
So a chance to heal the Speaker of the House position with someone rumored to have roots with the KKK. Good going Republicans dig your hole deeper and keep wondering why people call you the party of racists.

"House staff members, who asked not to be named because they are not authorized to speak publicly, confirmed that Scalise is preparing a run for majority leader. And Jack Pandol, spokesman for Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette, said his boss met with Scalise and pledged to support his candidacy for majority leader.

That means likely candidates for House speaker are current Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who has been leading a coalition of conservative members insisting that Boehner and other GOP leaders take a hard line on defunding Planned Parenthood, even it means a government shutdown.


Scalise would likely have solid support for the speaker's post. He has largely rebounded, at least with the GOP membership, from negative news reports in late 2014 following revelations that he had spoken to members of a white supremacist group linked to David Duke in 2002 when he was a state representative. But it's also likely that some colleagues wouldn't want to make him the face of the House GOP leadership given that controversy."

Read more: Steve Scalise to run for House majority leader, sources say

Ahhhh, what's a little white cloth over your head at an obscure location in the night with a nice bonfire going - among friends?!?!?!?

He was at a complex on the same day as racist group was there and MIGHT have been asked over to say a few words without being told that they were racist.

Hardly participating in a Klan Rally.
So a chance to heal the Speaker of the House position with someone rumored to have roots with the KKK. Good going Republicans dig your hole deeper and keep wondering why people call you the party of racists.

"House staff members, who asked not to be named because they are not authorized to speak publicly, confirmed that Scalise is preparing a run for majority leader. And Jack Pandol, spokesman for Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette, said his boss met with Scalise and pledged to support his candidacy for majority leader.

That means likely candidates for House speaker are current Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who has been leading a coalition of conservative members insisting that Boehner and other GOP leaders take a hard line on defunding Planned Parenthood, even it means a government shutdown.


Scalise would likely have solid support for the speaker's post. He has largely rebounded, at least with the GOP membership, from negative news reports in late 2014 following revelations that he had spoken to members of a white supremacist group linked to David Duke in 2002 when he was a state representative. But it's also likely that some colleagues wouldn't want to make him the face of the House GOP leadership given that controversy."

Read more: Steve Scalise to run for House majority leader, sources say

Ahhhh, what's a little white cloth over your head at an obscure location in the night with a nice bonfire going - among friends?!?!?!?
only if Smores are involved...
So a chance to heal the Speaker of the House position with someone rumored to have roots with the KKK. Good going Republicans dig your hole deeper and keep wondering why people call you the party of racists.

"House staff members, who asked not to be named because they are not authorized to speak publicly, confirmed that Scalise is preparing a run for majority leader. And Jack Pandol, spokesman for Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette, said his boss met with Scalise and pledged to support his candidacy for majority leader.

That means likely candidates for House speaker are current Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who has been leading a coalition of conservative members insisting that Boehner and other GOP leaders take a hard line on defunding Planned Parenthood, even it means a government shutdown.


Scalise would likely have solid support for the speaker's post. He has largely rebounded, at least with the GOP membership, from negative news reports in late 2014 following revelations that he had spoken to members of a white supremacist group linked to David Duke in 2002 when he was a state representative. But it's also likely that some colleagues wouldn't want to make him the face of the House GOP leadership given that controversy."

Read more: Steve Scalise to run for House majority leader, sources say

Ahhhh, what's a little white cloth over your head at an obscure location in the night with a nice bonfire going - among friends?!?!?!?
only if Smores are involved...

Smores are overrated.

NOt, marshmellows by themselves? Nicely browned but without catching fire?

So a chance to heal the Speaker of the House position with someone rumored to have roots with the KKK. Good going Republicans dig your hole deeper and keep wondering why people call you the party of racists.

"House staff members, who asked not to be named because they are not authorized to speak publicly, confirmed that Scalise is preparing a run for majority leader. And Jack Pandol, spokesman for Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette, said his boss met with Scalise and pledged to support his candidacy for majority leader.

That means likely candidates for House speaker are current Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who has been leading a coalition of conservative members insisting that Boehner and other GOP leaders take a hard line on defunding Planned Parenthood, even it means a government shutdown.


Scalise would likely have solid support for the speaker's post. He has largely rebounded, at least with the GOP membership, from negative news reports in late 2014 following revelations that he had spoken to members of a white supremacist group linked to David Duke in 2002 when he was a state representative. But it's also likely that some colleagues wouldn't want to make him the face of the House GOP leadership given that controversy."

Read more: Steve Scalise to run for House majority leader, sources say

Ahhhh, what's a little white cloth over your head at an obscure location in the night with a nice bonfire going - among friends?!?!?!?
only if Smores are involved...

Smores are overrated.

NOt, marshmellows by themselves? Nicely browned but without catching fire?

I prefer mine black.....
So a chance to heal the Speaker of the House position with someone rumored to have roots with the KKK. Good going Republicans dig your hole deeper and keep wondering why people call you the party of racists.

"House staff members, who asked not to be named because they are not authorized to speak publicly, confirmed that Scalise is preparing a run for majority leader. And Jack Pandol, spokesman for Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette, said his boss met with Scalise and pledged to support his candidacy for majority leader.

That means likely candidates for House speaker are current Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who has been leading a coalition of conservative members insisting that Boehner and other GOP leaders take a hard line on defunding Planned Parenthood, even it means a government shutdown.


Scalise would likely have solid support for the speaker's post. He has largely rebounded, at least with the GOP membership, from negative news reports in late 2014 following revelations that he had spoken to members of a white supremacist group linked to David Duke in 2002 when he was a state representative. But it's also likely that some colleagues wouldn't want to make him the face of the House GOP leadership given that controversy."

Read more: Steve Scalise to run for House majority leader, sources say
when you say the gop is racist, that is based on opening up the checkbook
by basing that on the checkbook you're admitting that dems/people of color can be bought????
If having roots to the KKK is cause for disqualification to the speakership, no Democrat can ever occupy that post.
CORRECTION: Not ALL Democrats had links to the KKK, only the Southern conservative democrats did. Just as Southern consevative Republicans do today.
How about if you provide a link (a credible link, not a propaganda site) where Democrats condemned the racists in their own party? I'm particularly interested in seeing something from the Democratic leadership condemning Robert Byrd for his heavy involvement in the KKK. Now's your chance to prove your claim.

Ladies first... provide links to your BS and I might think about giving YOU one!

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