Is There A Line Between 'Incitement' and Free Press Protection?


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.
Barack HUSSEIN Soeteroreo was born in Kenya and is a Muslim. BENGHAZI!!! He wants the terrorists to win, and he BENGHAZI!!! founded ISIS. He also caused the Great Recession while he was in Illinois. The Kenyan Muslim also wants us all to be killed by Ebola, and BENGHAZIII!!!! he uses the Constitution as toilet paper. I have a list of four hundred BENGHAZI!!! and ninety-three reasons to impeach the Kenyan that I got off the BENGHAZI!!! internet. I also have a lot of really hilarious graphics BENGHAZI!!! of his fat monkey wife I like to copy and paste at the drop of a hat. I'll use any BENGHAZI!!! excuse. I can go from serenity to full on rage in two point five microseconds once I receive a BENGHAZI!!! fake news story over my Retard Facebook feed which is directly wired to a firebell over my BENGHAZI!!! cot in my mother's basement. I have managed to foam at the mouth an average of BENGHAZI!!! 15 times a week, and I am proud to say I initiated the 500th Bergdahl topic on this forum.

Because of ObamaCare, Iran has nukes.


And now, I cannot BENGHAZI!!! believe how worked up you libtards are getting over our messiah Donald Trump! You need to chill out.
What goes around, comes around, crybaby.

I warned you pseudocons for years this was going to happen.

Stop whining and take your own medicine.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.
Another thread about this? Someone get this little girl to a safe space!
Barack HUSSEIN Soeteroreo was born in Kenya and is a Muslim. BENGHAZI!!! He wants the terrorists to win, and he BENGHAZI!!! founded ISIS. He also caused the Great Recession while he was in Illinois. The Kenyan Muslim also wants us all to be killed by Ebola, and BENGHAZIII!!!! he uses the Constitution as toilet paper. I have a list of four hundred BENGHAZI!!! and ninety-three reasons to impeach the Kenyan that I got off the BENGHAZI!!! internet. I also have a lot of really hilarious graphics BENGHAZI!!! of his fat monkey wife I like to copy and paste at the drop of a hat. I'll use any BENGHAZI!!! excuse. I can go from serenity to full on rage in two point five microseconds once I receive a BENGHAZI!!! fake news story over my Retard Facebook feed which is directly wired to a firebell over my BENGHAZI!!! cot in my mother's basement. I have managed to foam at the mouth an average of BENGHAZI!!! 15 times a week, and I am proud to say I initiated the 500th Bergdahl topic on this forum.

Because of ObamaCare, Iran has nukes.


And now, I cannot BENGHAZI!!! believe how worked up you libtards are getting over our messiah Donald Trump! You need to chill out.
Post of the year so far
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I think you're absolutely right and let me add something to this. At this point, it should be clear that some level of violence is going to take place on inauguration day. Some people are inevitably going to die. It needs to also be stated clearly, this is blood on the hands of the liberal left and all who have incited what is coming. There was never any reason for any of it. We've always had (for the most part) peaceful transition of power in this country.

The blame for what is to come is the fault of all who have participated in ginning up this level of discord among the general public and they need to be held accountable in the aftermath.
Barack HUSSEIN Oreo called the IRS and ordered them to harass American hero Clive Bundy. Bundy had no choice but to take up arms against the feds. He shoulda plugged a few of them, preferably the black ones who were stupid enough to come down off their porches without picking any cotton on the way.

I just don't understand why all those red states which wanted to secede didn't.

But, boy oh boy, these fucking liberals, huh? Look at them inciting violence! Have they no shame?
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

"Incitement"? Such as Trump's refusal to allow the CNN Correspondent to ask a question, and to label CNN as he did?

Once upon a time it was considered foolish for anyone to discredit those who bought ink in massive amounts. Today, the meme has taken root, the MSM -which, by the way, is owned by corporations - is supposedly too liberal, too editorial and too partisan.

One can, and many do argue, that trump is an Authoritarian, and supports a government of Military Generals, Corporate CEO's, Professional Politicians and the power elite. The term fascist can be, and is in vogue today, used as a pejorative; it is, however, emblematic of what trump has said and done thus far.

Is he a liberal, a conservative, a libertarian? None of those labels fit. He is an iconoclast, a demagogue and seems to be a charlatan. We, and I mean all citizens - and that includes trump - have no clue as to who he is and how he will respond to any issue.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I think you're absolutely right and let me add something to this. At this point, it should be clear that some level of violence is going to take place on inauguration day. Some people are inevitably going to die. It needs to also be stated clearly, this is blood on the hands of the liberal left and all who have incited what is coming. There was never any reason for any of it. We've always had (for the most part) peaceful transition of power in this country.

The blame for what is to come is the fault of all who have participated in ginning up this level of discord among the general public and they need to be held accountable in the aftermath.

And again, read-------->Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

They have no power, and once you understand it, you will laugh at them flailing away. They are gaslighters, and you can see some in the MSM are too.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

There are laws covering incitement and laws covering free speech.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I think you're absolutely right and let me add something to this. At this point, it should be clear that some level of violence is going to take place on inauguration day. Some people are inevitably going to die. It needs to also be stated clearly, this is blood on the hands of the liberal left and all who have incited what is coming. There was never any reason for any of it. We've always had (for the most part) peaceful transition of power in this country.

The blame for what is to come is the fault of all who have participated in ginning up this level of discord among the general public and they need to be held accountable in the aftermath.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz....................
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

That is what television is for, turn it off.
"Free Press" in no way denotes a *right* to incite or direct violence or revolt.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I think you're absolutely right and let me add something to this. At this point, it should be clear that some level of violence is going to take place on inauguration day. Some people are inevitably going to die. It needs to also be stated clearly, this is blood on the hands of the liberal left and all who have incited what is coming. There was never any reason for any of it. We've always had (for the most part) peaceful transition of power in this country.

The blame for what is to come is the fault of all who have participated in ginning up this level of discord among the general public and they need to be held accountable in the aftermath.

You are clearly blindsided by you biases. Which people ginned up the discord creating a McVeigh, Roeder and Rudolph? Your are also too quick to point your finger at others, I suggest you look in the mirror, and if possible have a reality check.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I think you're absolutely right and let me add something to this. At this point, it should be clear that some level of violence is going to take place on inauguration day. Some people are inevitably going to die. It needs to also be stated clearly, this is blood on the hands of the liberal left and all who have incited what is coming. There was never any reason for any of it. We've always had (for the most part) peaceful transition of power in this country.

The blame for what is to come is the fault of all who have participated in ginning up this level of discord among the general public and they need to be held accountable in the aftermath.

And again, read-------->Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

They have no power, and once you understand it, you will laugh at them flailing away. They are gaslighters, and you can see some in the MSM are too.

I disagree. This kind of incitement is very dangerous and effective. People can get hurt. There are many Democrats out there who feel they should act against such perceived 'Trump Evil.' The Democrats really do need to tone down the rhetoric.
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

There are laws covering incitement and laws covering free speech.

The Press does enjoy special protections. But is round-the-clock 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric, really 'News' or 'Journalism?' Should that kind of incitement be protected?
I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I have to say, watching CNN and MSNBC the other night was a pretty disturbing experience. I observed almost nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' For the most part, all i observed was a constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi' and 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric. That constant stream of inflammatory rhetoric has to have an effect on people.

In my opinion, it was all incitement. It served no 'News' or Journalistic purpose. So is there a line media outlets can cross, that results in the removal of claims to Free Press protections? What is the 'Press' at this point? When is it 'News' or 'Journalism?' When is it incitement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

I think you're absolutely right and let me add something to this. At this point, it should be clear that some level of violence is going to take place on inauguration day. Some people are inevitably going to die. It needs to also be stated clearly, this is blood on the hands of the liberal left and all who have incited what is coming. There was never any reason for any of it. We've always had (for the most part) peaceful transition of power in this country.

The blame for what is to come is the fault of all who have participated in ginning up this level of discord among the general public and they need to be held accountable in the aftermath.

And again, read-------->Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

They have no power, and once you understand it, you will laugh at them flailing away. They are gaslighters, and you can see some in the MSM are too.

I disagree. This kind of incitement is very dangerous and effective. People can get hurt. There are many Democrats out there who feel they should act against such perceived 'Trump Evil.' The Democrats really do need to tone down the rhetoric.

Dude, the only reason it works and they can get away with it is------> most people do not know what they are doing! TELL the people, show them! The left knows it is lying, they just keep saying it so it becomes some peoples reality. I am not suggesting you don't set them straight, but I am suggesting while you are setting whomever they are lying to straight, you laugh at them!


Because if WE LAUGH at them, that becomes reality and everybody else (but them) will laugh with us at their incompetence!
The line is theoretical only, and takes the form of objectivity and responsibility.

Since virtually all "media" is now agenda-driven and subjective, that line is gone and it's all irrelevant.

At some point the media went from reporting "the facts" to reporting "the truth", and that was that.

The press can't be censored. It's our own fault that it's gone into the shitter.
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You are clearly blindsided by you biases. Which people ginned up the discord creating a McVeigh, Roeder and Rudolph? Your are also too quick to point your finger at others, I suggest you look in the mirror, and if possible have a reality check.

Whatever goes down on inauguration day is on you and the left who has fomented this discord in the wake of the election results. When there is blood in the streets, and I believe there will be... When people die, and I believe they will... America needs to hold YOU accountable for that. Period. End of discussion.
I mean, can't we just have legitimate disagreement and debate over policies? Does it always have to devolve into 'Hitler/Racist' accusations? That kind of inflammatory rhetoric does have a very negative impact on many people viewing it. These media outlets create an exaggerated sense of hopelessness and despair. They're creating the picture Donald Trump is a racist Hitler who's marching us towards End-Times.

That picture will cause some to feel they have to act against such perceived 'Evil.' Media Outlets like CNN and MSNBC are behaving incredibly irresponsibly. Some of their viewers may do some very bad things as a result. And i feel these media outlets may have to be held accountable in some way. They are inciting such actions.

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