Is there a better band than AC/DC?

Ive always liked their instrumentals but their singer gets on my nerves. I cant stand to listen to em
If there is, I haven't seen it.

[ame=[MEDIA=youtube]7J5SrhjNQ5g[/MEDIA] Shot Down in Flames - YouTube[/ame]

AC/DC is the greatest fuckin' band that ever lived!

If you disagree, then prove it!
Ask 100 strangers and you will 100 different answers
Ask 100 strangers and you will 100 different answers
No. Ask 100 strangers, and half will say The Beatles; 25% will say The Stones; 5% will say The Who; 5% will say Elvis; 5% will say (like my mom) Frank; 5% will say Led Zeppelin and the remaining 5% will say AM Top 40 radio!
AC/DC was a phenom of the times.
Not particularly inventive, most of their songs used the same chords and blues beat. Over and over and over.
I always liked this description of AC/CD - "they successfully made the same album 15 times"
Another one - they took the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" approach to making music.
Who doesn't like some of their songs? But I never owned one of their albums... the same reason why if someone has a Tootsie Roll I will eat it... but I have never bought a bag.

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