Is Spending Our Way Out Of Being Broke.


Gold Member
Oct 17, 2010
It seems to me the big difference between the democrats and republicans is spending. The dems want more, the repubs want less. I would like the progressives out there to explain to me how it is possible to spend our way out of being broke. How putting more penalties on the rich, the people that create jobs, is going to create more jobs? Won't they just put their money in tax free bonds instead of venture capital? Remember the rick are smart. They learned how to make money and keep it. Something we all should learn.
It seems to me the big difference between the democrats and republicans is spending. The dems want more, the repubs want less. I would like the progressives out there to explain to me how it is possible to spend our way out of being broke. How putting more penalties on the rich, the people that create jobs, is going to create more jobs? Won't they just put their money in tax free bonds instead of venture capital? Remember the rick are smart. They learned how to make money and keep it. Something we all should learn.

I agree. They convinced a lot of blue collar Republicans that taking more in taxes from them would hurt jobs, then they didn't deliver the jobs. Any wonder working Republicans stayed home and Obama won? :cool:
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It seems to me the big difference between the democrats and republicans is spending. The dems want more, the repubs want less. I would like the progressives out there to explain to me how it is possible to spend our way out of being broke. How putting more penalties on the rich, the people that create jobs, is going to create more jobs? Won't they just put their money in tax free bonds instead of venture capital? Remember the rick are smart. They learned how to make money and keep it. Something we all should learn.

Reagan spent his way out of recession. Just saying.... Reagan actually increased spending considerably more than Obama has in his first four years. This isn't based on anecdotal stories but rather straight facts.
It seems to me the big difference between the democrats and republicans is spending. The dems want more, the repubs want less. I would like the progressives out there to explain to me how it is possible to spend our way out of being broke. How putting more penalties on the rich, the people that create jobs, is going to create more jobs? Won't they just put their money in tax free bonds instead of venture capital? Remember the rick are smart. They learned how to make money and keep it. Something we all should learn.

Reagan spent his way out of recession. Just saying.... Reagan actually increased spending considerably more than Obama has in his first four years. This isn't based on anecdotal stories but rather straight facts.

Regan was smart, the same can't be said for this President. Regan increased spending where it would help, Obama just gives out free phones and shit.
Reagan also cleaned up Cartes mess in two years.

Barry has had four years and we're still in the same mess and its getting worse.

Reagan he ain't.

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