Is President Obama the Dem Party albatross or not?


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
I tried this once before. The thread degenerated.

It may not exactly soar this time, either.

It's in current events because the midterm elections cannot be more current of an event inasmuch as they are almost upon us, now.

The question is whether or not President Obama is an albatross around the neck of the Democrat Party.

On the working assumption that the midterm elections are going to see LOTS of Democrat Congresspersons tossed out on their assess, is this likely outcome due JUST to the fact that the Party in power often takes a tumble during the midterms OR is it due to the fact that the man at the helm happens to be President Obama who has, arguably, now been pretty fully exposed as a lightweight?

Has that one man dragged down the Party over and above the usual impact of midterms on the Party in power?

I submit that the American people resent bitterly and angrily the manner in which President Obama has governed (together with accomplices like Pelousy and Reid). Election day 2010 is their expression of that anger. And I further submit that the Dems are gonna take it on the chin precisely for that reason.
How bad? HOW bad must the Dem plight be for Bubba to go to Florida and ask the Democrat candidate in the Senate race, Meeks (a black guy), to drop out in favor of the Independent ,Crist (the white guy), in order to "thwart" the Dem version of a "disaster," i.e., Republican Rubio (an Hispanic with some star potential) winning? Clinton Asked Democrat to Quit Florida Senate Race -

And isn't President Obama pretty much fully responsible for the Bubba effort and isn't the President also responsible for it even being considered a "necessary" thing to seek?
You left out two other Dem. albatross; Pelosi and Reid. Its' been a group effort.

Actually, I didn't even leave them out! Re-read the post. :cool:

I think what many resent is that Hussein failed to rein in Pelosi and Reid and failed to lay the groundwork in his first two years, of, at the least, attempting to change the way Washington does business as usual.

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