Is Obama registered with Selective Service?

I remember registering for thedraft after my 18th birthday ]\

right of manhood
Obama served.


hahaha..^^^If THIS photo is not CONCRETE EVIDENCE of Obama as a practicing Muslim, I don't know what


How is this "CONCRETE EVIDENCE" that Obama is a practicing Muslim?
With all the wars that have gone down in the past 20-25 years, you'd think Barack Obama would have served in at least one right? He's young enough.

Or is he just another dodger like Bush and Clinton?

There hasn't been an active draft since Vietnam.

Obama was 14 when the Vietnam war ended.
With all the wars that have gone down in the past 20-25 years, you'd think Barack Obama would have served in at least one right? He's young enough.

Or is he just another dodger like Bush and Clinton?

I don't blame anyone for dodging the draft for Vietnam. It was nothing but a meat grinder that we had no business being involved with in the first place.
It amazes me how stupid people become when they so desperately want to believe something that is clearly not true....I have no idea how many of you even survive in this world that we live in being sooooo vulnerable and foolish?

First, has any proof been shown that anyone has been able to get Obama's social security number? Not just someone saying they got it, but proof that what they got was truly his private social security number?

Secondly, why in the world would you believe this commentary in WND, a birther site that has proven itself wrong and wrong and wrong time and time again?

thirdly, if you take the article that mad Scientist posted, this was in it:

In her research, Daniels kept coming across what she calls a “marked anomaly,” one she had never seen before – multiple birthdates listed for the same person. The 08/04/1961 and 04/08/1961 variation made sense, but the frequent appearance of the year “1890″ did not.

The ample evidence Daniels gathered led her to believe that the 042 number Obama has been using “had previously been issued to another person,” one who lived in Connecticut between 1977 and 1979 and who was born in 1890.

this PI believes that he is using a social security number of a connecticut man that was born in 1890 and got his social security card in 1977.....

Do you TRULY BELIEVE that a man born in 1890 in connecticut, got his first and only social security card/number at near 90 years old in the year 1977 and had never needed one before that age? I KNOW NOT!!!

It's sad to see the lot of you guys, chewing up this crud like it is sweet bubblegum when just using your brain a tiny little bit will give you some insight on whether the commentary is something that is truthful or something that is CLEARLY made up....clearly hogwash.

ps. I was born in the deep South, in the land of cotton, but my social security number is from the State of New York....I just found this out, after reading this article that the front numbers of SS stands for the State....I didn't apply for my SS card when I was mother must have done it when we were living with my grandparents in New York, when my father was serving in Vietnam, is all I can figure....?

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