Is John Bolton Manipulating Trump to Attack Iran ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The simplistic, paranoid interpretation of what’s happening with Iran — wherein the U.S. is floating plans for an invasion and hyping intelligence of Iranian attacks — is that ultrahawkish aides are trying to manipulate their toddler president into war. Unfortunately, there is a lot of evidence suggesting this interpretation is correct.

The driving force is national security adviser John Bolton. During the Bush administration, Bolton sought without success to ramp up conflict with Iran. President Trump hired Bolton because he liked his tough-talking Fox News persona, but made him promise when he took the national security adviser job not to start any wars. Trump has repeatedly expressed his concern in private that Bolton is in fact trying to start wars, especially with Iran.
Is John Bolton Manipulating Trump to Attack Iran?

The voice of sanity as usual, Bernie Sanders;

Sanders introduces petition to prohibit war with Iran without Congress' approval
No. Missiles on Iranian ships and threats to attack Americans in the region is what provoked America's actions.
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Fat Pompeo claims Iran moved missiles into threatening range of the dozens of U.S. military bases we've threateningly surrounded Iran and the area in general with. Our allies and Iraq call his fat, stupid ass a liar on this. Bolton is certainly yearning for more American blood on his hands. He's excited, what with Trump being an even bigger idiot than Dubya.
Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard came out swinging against a possible conflict with Iran, slamming President Donald Trump for allowing war hawks to run his administration.

The president is “on the brink of launching a very stupid and costly war with Iran” and must be stopped, she said in a campaign video tweeted out Thursday, adding that Trump is going back on promises to stay out of such conflicts.

Trump must avoid ‘very stupid and costly war’ with Iran – Tulsi Gabbard
Is Trump an obese, piece of shit?

You bet Bolton is manipulating him.

And with an IQ lightweight like Trump, that ain't too difficult.

Look at all the crazy stuff that went on before Trump finally woke up to the reality?
Is Trump an obese, piece of shit?

You bet Bolton is manipulating him.

And with an IQ lightweight like Trump, that ain't too difficult.

Look at all the crazy stuff that went on before Trump finally woke up to the reality?
So Hillary manipulated Obama right ?

No idea what that has to do with this - but I doubt it.

Obama is very intelligent and no one is as much of a neocon as Bolton.

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