Is it really over for Romney?

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
Heavenly Places
September 28, 2012
It's Over
By William L. Gensert
American Thinker


If anything, the closer we get to Election Day, the more apparent it is that Obama is not only losing, but losing big. The Obama campaign, and by "campaign" I mean members of the media and polling organizations, is trying to convince prospective Romney voters to believe that all is lost -- in which case, they hope, we will stay home.

But just because they say so, that doesn't make it true.

Everyone knew from the outset that Obama, with his sad record of continuous failure on almost every front, was going to air out his inner bitterness and envy, and campaign negatively. But did anyone suspect that his sole hope for victory would rest on trying to suppress the vote of his opponent with naked media bias and polling -- most of which assumes a higher Democrat turnout than in 2008, when the electorate, many Republicans included, swallowed whole Obama's vision of "hope and change"?​

Articles: It's Over

Is Gensert right?

Of course, it will be the debates that decide this election. . . .
Amazing.. Another cry piece about "biased" polls.

What are you guys going to do if Obama wins and it falls right in line with the polls?

What are you going to complain about then? Will all of these threads magically get deleted?

Give it a rest, Romney is literally beating himself.
Amazing.. Another cry piece about "biased" polls.

What are you guys going to do if Obama wins and it falls right in line with the polls?

What are you going to complain about then? Will all of these threads magically get deleted?

Give it a rest, Romney is literally beating himself.

The big question is, what are you going to do when Obama gets beaten like a red headed step child? Are you going to cry racism? Say it was GOP suppression of minority voters, because after all the polls all showed he was winning.
Amazing.. Another cry piece about "biased" polls.

What are you guys going to do if Obama wins and it falls right in line with the polls?

What are you going to complain about then? Will all of these threads magically get deleted?

Give it a rest, Romney is literally beating himself.

Yeah...lying to the congress, the media and the American People while blaming freedom of speech on something that you know is not the fault of freedom of speech wont have a negative affect on Obama....

But Romney cutting the hair of some kid when he was 16 years old?

An election bud killer for sure!
lol rabbi, I hope you are not really jewish. I actually know a lot of jews here in PA, and you know what, they are not going to be able to vote because of the ID law. its ashame the GOP wants to go back to their states rights roots of voter suppression and fraud, I thought things like this had been settled a long time ago. Sigh back to the nazi states of america if romney wins
What I am going to do if Obama/Romney gets beat?

Continue living my life, of course!!
Romney has a very good chance of winning. He has three things going for him:

1. Voter suppression - something that has worked way beyond GOP expectations

2. Money - a handful of billionaires who want something have flooded his coffers with money

3. Race - the Republican Party is 90% or more white and are highly motivated to get rid of the black guy

Even knowing Romney is a vulture capitalist who wants to bring immigrants here with degrees to invest in over his own base, the Republicans will vote for him.

In fact, the Republican leadership has been so savvy, they get the base to cheer such awful and destructive messages as "Let him die" and "We don't want smart people" and "education is for snobs".
lol rabbi, I hope you are not really jewish. I actually know a lot of jews here in PA, and you know what, they are not going to be able to vote because of the ID law. its ashame the GOP wants to go back to their states rights roots of voter suppression and fraud, I thought things like this had been settled a long time ago. Sigh back to the nazi states of america if romney wins

What is preventing them from obtaining ID in order to vote?
lol rabbi, I hope you are not really jewish. I actually know a lot of jews here in PA, and you know what, they are not going to be able to vote because of the ID law. its ashame the GOP wants to go back to their states rights roots of voter suppression and fraud, I thought things like this had been settled a long time ago. Sigh back to the nazi states of america if romney wins

What is preventing them from obtaining ID in order to vote?

Exactly....if anyone is here legally and have become American citizens, they should have no problem being able to vote. Just show their papers to prove who they are....
This voter suppression crap needs to end. NOBODY is being told they can't vote, unless they're illegal or dead. Everyone else has had plenty of time to get the ID's they need and it's not that hard to do.
I have said time and again that the only poll that counts will occur on November 6 when the ballots are counted.

The other trend that should be heeded is voter registration. There are efforts in almost every state to get people to register to vote. The vast majority of those who register in this way are "convenience voters" who do so only if it is convenient for them.

And, it should be an important sign to know how many voters actively support their candidates. A great measure of this is how many take time away from work or other supporters to attend the various campaign stops. In that case, Obuma is in deep trouble! He cannot fill large arenas or even auditoriums and must find smaller venues so the lack of attendance is not obvious. Even then, the media in the tank for him, does everything possible to hide the lack of attendance.

On the other hand, in stop after stop, crowds have shown up to see Gov Romney and overflow audiences eagerly listen to his speeches. The same holds true for Rep Ryan.

And, where in Old Joe? They're keeping him in the closet or sending him out to unimportant places where, hopefully, the media won't notice or report the lack of enthusiasm in the meager crowds he draws.

This means it's over for Gov Romney?

Not hardly! :clap2:
Romney has a very good chance of winning. He has three things going for him:

1. Voter suppression - something that has worked way beyond GOP expectations

2. Money - a handful of billionaires who want something have flooded his coffers with money

3. Race - the Republican Party is 90% or more white and are highly motivated to get rid of the black guy

Even knowing Romney is a vulture capitalist who wants to bring immigrants here with degrees to invest in over his own base, the Republicans will vote for him.

In fact, the Republican leadership has been so savvy, they get the base to cheer such awful and destructive messages as "Let him die" and "We don't want smart people" and "education is for snobs".

Why are you always so ignorant?

Voter suppression: Dems are against ID cards because it would stop illegals and dead people from voting for their guy. There no reason at all that people can't get ID cards. They're cheap, sometimes free. If they don't have the proof that they're in this country legally, then they SHOULDN'T vote.

Money: Obama has just as many, if not more, big money supporters.

Race: The race card is all the dems have...and they throw it out there every chance they get. You just don't get it that anyone would be against your president other than race...has nothing to do with him be the most incompetent president EVER! And now also a proven LIAR.
Its not over but the nails are being pounded into his coffin.
It's not over - Romney has three big opportunities to close the gap and even win. The debates, the battle for turnout, and perhaps a disaster to strike the Obama administration.
It's not over - Romney has three big opportunities to close the gap and even win. The debates, the battle for turnout, and perhaps a disaster to strike the Obama administration.

The Obama Administration IS a disaster.

Apparently more people disagree with you than agree with you.
So the hypothetical disaster that could lead to a Romney vistory has to be viewed as a disaster by more people than the number who agree with you now.
The fat lady hasn't even entered the ball park yet..

It's not over - Romney has three big opportunities to close the gap and even win. The debates, the battle for turnout, and perhaps a disaster to strike the Obama administration.

The Obama Administration IS a disaster.

Apparently more people disagree with you than agree with you.
So the hypothetical disaster that could lead to a Romney vistory has to be viewed as a disaster by more people than the number who agree with you now.

Not sure what you base that on.
But anyway, there are any number of scenarios possible. A steep drop in the stock market is one. Another financial crisis is another. A major default by, say, Illinois is another. A big speech by Joe Biden.

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