Is it racist to negatively generalize white people?

Is it racist to negatively generalize white people?

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Saudi Arabia has a high terrorist population...

Seeing as tho 90% of the hijackers on 9/11 came from there....

But since the whole muslim ban was a purely xenophobic political motivation and not a security one -- no one even thought to add Saudi Arabia to that list...
Yup. Trump literally said "a total shutdown of muslims entering the country". Banning entire religions is communism, Marxism, and antithetical to western values of freedom of religion. Imagine liberals banning or intending to ban all Christian Conservatives for any reason, no matter how grave. Lol. The Marxist Right has no values, they're just fucking hypocrites. That's why we gotta get woke and be unmoved by their whining. Expropriate them.
How is it possible that Obama had a muslim ban when Obama was a secret Muslim terrorist who was secretly part of 9/11 and working with Osama??

Or was all of that just BULLSHIT??

You see the problem you right-wingers have is that 95% of your policies and rhetoric is predicated on bullshit -- and then you whine when folks are credulous about your motivations....

You do know muslims are fighting each other....:cool:
Is it racist to negatively generalize Black people?

Is it racist to negatively generalize Hispanic people?

Is it racist to negatively generalize Asian people?

The answers to those three questions should provide a reasonable person with the answer to yours...
I am an equal opportunity racist, as i hate all stupid people of all colors equally. Until the stupid people "Darwin Award" themselves i will continue to hate them with a passion,

How is it possible that Obama had a muslim ban when Obama was a secret Muslim terrorist who was secretly part of 9/11 and working with Osama??

Or was all of that just BULLSHIT??

You see the problem you right-wingers have is that 95% of your policies and rhetoric is predicated on bullshit -- and then you whine when folks are credulous about your motivations....
The brown turd Obammy didnt have a camel jockey ban as it was known that the Muslim Brotherhood frequently visited him in the White House. Oh yeah, and that terrorism from those guys were just work place violence.

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood declared 'terrorist group'
The military-backed interim Egyptian government has declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group after blaming it for a deadly attack on a police HQ earlier this week.
You do know muslims are fighting each other....:cool:
I knew that before the invasion of Iraq....

I knew that it would be a disaster to take the bottle cap off of Sunni/Shi-ite in-fighting -- but it didn't stop right-wingers of your ilk from lumping all muslims into one box...

Remember when you right wingers worshiped Bush like you do Trump??


Don't you right wingers get tired of having your bullshit arguments slapped back in your face over and over again??

Maybe that is why you folks are always so angry and frustrated -- trying to manufacture new shit to be mad about
Is it racist to negatively generalize white people?

Is it racist to believe you are racist because you make racial issues out of indoctrination training which in turn makes YOU THE RACIST———you see when a white baby is born and a black baby are born they are NOT racist as your asshole mornic educaton system is trying to teach the lower IQ assholes of soceity because they easily believe the shit they are fed. It’s easier to believe the wors falling out of some BLACK SKINNED spewing words than it is to hit the keyboard up and start digging into history .



Bwaha u mad? Mute up bro
Aren't you the same wokester who was on here yesterday spouting more tardery about supporting racist CRT training?
Didn't you mute everybody who pointed out your lies & blatant racism then too?
Don't you claim to be black while your rhetoric, language & insecurities all point to you being another young & dumb SJW, who was miseducated & indoctrinated while trying to grow up in a confusing world?
You are either completely ignorant of actual facts or just a total liar.
Take your pick bro
And, no, I'm not mad. I'm ashamed for what the system has turned you into.
We are all partially at fault for not putting a stop to the BS that made so many misguided & programmed progbots like you who can't think beyond the current propaganda Big Brother dumps on you
Is it racist to believe you are racist because you make racial issues out of indoctrination training which in turn makes YOU THE RACIST———you see when a white baby is born and a black baby are born they are NOT racist as your asshole mornic educaton system is trying to teach the lower IQ assholes of soceity because they easily believe the shit they are fed. It’s easier to believe the wors falling out of some BLACK SKINNED spewing words than it is to hit the keyboard up and start digging into history .



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Actually, there is scientific evidence that babies are racist. Infants show racial bias toward members of own ethnicity, against those of others: Racial bias begins earlier than previously thought, new insights into cause

The children say that the black doll is ugly and stupid. Actually, these tests go back to the 60s, and today we have the same results that we had back then. There certainly is a genetic component to racism, which is why it has always been a ubiquitous and contentious issue within societies. So, you're simply not going to convince me that race was never a problem, until the woke came in a mucked it all up. What the woke are doing, exposing racism and teaching people not to be racist, is completely legitimate. Only a racist would take issue with that. Whites, particularly white conservatives, have an issue with this because that they are racist and challenging their racism means and end to white privilege, white hegemony. That's what all the anti woke stuff is about. Nothing more nothing less. Racist people don't want you to stop letting them be racist. Who woulda thunk?
When Most muslims supported terrorists? When Muslims fully support their Koran that calls for lying, raping, enslaving, and murdering all infidels?
But that's not all Muslims. Compartmentalizing and punishing all Muslims, regardless of individual constituency, is the same as punishing all whites as a collective. You can't have it both ways. But if you insist, that paves the way for punishing whites for the crimes of people who look like them, e.g, what you guys think is wokeism is legitimized after all.
There was no "muslim ban".
Trump just curtailed travel to the U.S. from a half dozen muslim majority countries with unstable corrupt governments.
This ban didn't affect the other 50+ muslim majority countries
It's a muslim ban, bro. His intent was made clear. In his own words: "Donald J Trump is calling for a totla and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States".

I knew that before the invasion of Iraq....

I knew that it would be a disaster to take the bottle cap off of Sunni/Shi-ite in-fighting -- but it didn't stop right-wingers of your ilk from lumping all muslims into one box...

Remember when you right wingers worshiped Bush like you do Trump??

View attachment 638488

Don't you right wingers get tired of having your bullshit arguments slapped back in your face over and over again??

Maybe that is why you folks are always so angry and frustrated -- trying to manufacture new shit to be mad about
Lol Bush is one of your guys now.
It's a muslim ban, bro. His intent was made clear. In his own words: "Donald J Trump is calling for a totla and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States".
What Trump said he was going to do about muslims before being elected.
And what actually did as President concerning muslims.
Were two totally different things. ... :cool:
Nah, you're just a liar. His intents are 100% clear. You can lie to yourself all you want.
"In fact, in January 2017, the Pew Research Center estimated that Trump’s original executive order would affect only about 12 percent of Muslims in the world."

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