CDZ Is it possible for America to unite?


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
There was a previous thread with the topic being is it possible for America to re-unite. I do not think America has ever been united except for the WWII era and possibly in the Revolutionary War era.

I think America could be united today but not by any manner most on here would find acceptable. I might or might not go into that later. First I would like to see if anyone has any ideas on the subject.

I can see someone posting that some external threat of a significant nature would united us but with our society being the way it is now I do not think such a threat would be recognized in time to deal with it. Look how long it took us to wake up to the Nazi threat.

Look at the attack on the WTC...we were sort of united for a week or so.
The only time Americans want to be united if we were invaded by aliens....and I am not talking about "Illegals".

With most Blue state finances in the toilet, zero willingness to compromise and almost no benefit from either deregulation or tax cuts the blue wall will crash down. at that point unity and civility will be seen again.
No. Never. Not even if we were invaded by aliens.
I think you are assuming an unhealthy degree of unity. The brains of straight men and women can be sexed by the Corpus collassum, the bundle of fibers that connect the two hemispheres, the mass differential of the hemispheres and the hypocampus. The reason for that is that a wide variety of behavior differences that have nothing to do with sexual expression are needed to optimize child rearing. There are also same sex variant behaviors because they result in better teams. Division of labor and opinions predate money economies
There was a previous thread with the topic being is it possible for America to re-unite. I do not think America has ever been united except for the WWII era and possibly in the Revolutionary War era.

I think America could be united today but not by any manner most on here would find acceptable. I might or might not go into that later. First I would like to see if anyone has any ideas on the subject.

I can see someone posting that some external threat of a significant nature would united us but with our society being the way it is now I do not think such a threat would be recognized in time to deal with it. Look how long it took us to wake up to the Nazi threat.

Look at the attack on the WTC...we were sort of united for a week or so.

America has never been united in the sense that modern society defines it. It cannot and will not be the America the masses want until every white person has been either intermarried into the mixed multitude or killed off and the foundational principles upon which the Republic rests are dust in the wind.

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