Is "Flying while Muslim" the new "Driving while Black"???

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Some cops will call on their radio that they are stopping a car for DWB

DWB stands for "driving while black".

This lets other police officers know by an informal code.

That they are stopping a vehicle being driven by a black person.

So I wonder if FWM (flying while muslim) is the new call sign for cops, airport security, federal agents, etc. when they want to stop and question a muslim???
There is a reason that profiling exists. How many little old white ladies have hijacked planes and flown them into buildings or blown them up mid-flight?
Some cops will call on their radio that they are stopping a car for DWB

DWB stands for "driving while black".

This lets other police officers know by an informal code.

That they are stopping a vehicle being driven by a black person.

So I wonder if FWM (flying while muslim) is the new call sign for cops, airport security, federal agents, etc. when they want to stop and question a muslim???

Sorry if your brethren have made it tough on you to fly. I tell ya, i was just flying and looked twice at the the people flying with me in first. Thank you nut case muslims for making it bad for all of the muslims.

FWM works for me. :lol:
Some cops will call on their radio that they are stopping a car for DWB

DWB stands for "driving while black".

This lets other police officers know by an informal code.

That they are stopping a vehicle being driven by a black person.

So I wonder if FWM (flying while muslim) is the new call sign for cops, airport security, federal agents, etc. when they want to stop and question a muslim???

I think the Muslims deserved it! Muslims entering any airport should be outlawed. In fact, no Muslim should be allowed within 100 feet of an airport! :eusa_pray:
It's a natural human reaction to beware of muslims. All we see and hear day after day is another muslim terrorist attack that the lefty moonbat dweebs want you to believe isn't committed by muslims.

Liberalism is a mental disease.
If the thread had only been about DWB (driving while black)

People here would have been jumping up and down screaming, "your a racist" or something about the KKK

But, since I coupled it with FWM (flying while muslim)

The racism factor is either non existent or somehow OK

Looks like muslims are the new *******.

And the American people have reverted to the Mississippi mentality of the 1950's
If the thread had only been about DWB (driving while black)

People here would have been jumping up and down screaming, "your a racist" or something about the KKK

But, since I coupled it with FWM (flying while muslim)

The racism factor is either non existent or somehow OK

Looks like muslims are the new *******.

And the American people have reverted to the Mississippi mentality of the 1950's

The only one with that mentality is you, fuckstick.
If the thread had only been about DWB (driving while black)

People here would have been jumping up and down screaming, "your a racist" or something about the KKK

But, since I coupled it with FWM (flying while muslim)

The racism factor is either non existent or somehow OK

Looks like muslims are the new *******.

And the American people have reverted to the Mississippi mentality of the 1950's

Two entirely different things. Blacks came to America hundreds of years ago as slaves and were subjugated as part human. Once emancipated, they were treated as second hand citizens. That has changed in my life time and they are seen as equal by the vast majority of white Americans. Some irrational fears still exists in small number.

On the other hand, we have a group of people who are willing to blow themselves up and take as many innocent men, women and children with them all in the name of their God. At issue is that you can't tell which one wants to blow you up and which one doesn't. It sucks for the good ones. The sooner they police their own and rid themselves of the cancer among them, the sooner they can be a regualr part of society. I look forward to that day.
Blacks shoot people, rob and murder people all over America every single day.

Yet, there hasn't been even one suicide bomber in our country.

So which is the bigger threat; blacks or muslims???
Blacks shoot people, rob and murder people all over America every single day.

Yet, there hasn't been even one suicide bomber in our country.

So which is the bigger threat; blacks or muslims???

People of every race shoot, rob and murder all over America every single day.

Only young Muslim men have ever hijacked planes and flown them into buildings. They are the only ones attending terrorists training camps with the hopes of getting their chance to kill Americans.

Surely you can acknowledge that. I've already said it isn't all. In fact, it is probably a small number. But how do we tell them apart? This is a easily solvable issue for the good to police the bad and eventually win back trust.
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Blacks shoot people, rob and murder people all over America every single day.

Yet, there hasn't been even one suicide bomber in our country.

So which is the bigger threat; blacks or muslims???

You make it sound like America is under siege, which it is not.

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