is ed shultz insane or something?


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
[ame=]YouTube - MSNBC Libtalker: I Could EASILY Out-Draw Glenn Beck![/ame]

I mean if he really thinks he has the ability to do something to raise that much money for a charity, why doesn't he do it? Im pretty sure more people were at the Glenn Beck rally than even know who Ed Shultz is. I appreciate his right to state his message and what he believes but when he says something like this he loses a lot of credibility. Put up or shut up Ed.
he says "If I had the budget" and I say "If cowshit was butter" he wouldn't have to churn..
YouTube - MSNBC Libtalker: I Could EASILY Out-Draw Glenn Beck!

I mean if he really thinks he has the ability to do something to raise that much money for a charity, why doesn't he do it? Im pretty sure more people were at the Glenn Beck rally than even know who Ed Shultz is. I appreciate his right to state his message and what he believes but when he says something like this he loses a lot of credibility. Put up or shut up Ed.

I watch this buttwipe every night for the comedy...I said the same thing after the words were out of his fat head....You think you can out draw Beck? go do it,what's stopping ya.

This gut Shultz amazes me.On a recent show he was ragging on the GOP saying they need to clean up their language regarding hate speech....

Then he teases what's next on his show right after the break....and I'm gonna give you an idea here,not the actual quote......

Coming up next on the Ed show we have those two crazy nutbag loser crazy wackos Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman....I have no idea which one of them is more of a psycho
Sarah the nutbar or Michele who is crazier then a bedbug....:lol:

What a total load this guy is.
He's from Fargo.

'nuff said. :eusa_whistle:

Oh, and he shot his own dog while hunting. :lol:
I encourage him to do it. If he doesn't have the money gather it the same way Glenn did. Donations.
I don't know if Ed Shultz is insane as he strikes me as just another paid polictical blowhard, but over at his Message Board is a different story. I was a member over there for a few months and found it to be somewhat cult-like. If one says something negative about Obama, that person is treated like a blasphemer. Those people over there carry on as if Obama is god and the 'Edster' is his prophet. Question THE WORD OF OBAMA and next thing you know you're demonized or shunned.

Bunch of f#(king weirdos
I don't know if Ed Shultz is insane as he strikes me as just another paid polictical blowhard, but over at his Message Board is a different story. I was a member over there for a few months and found it to be somewhat cult-like. If one says something negative about Obama, that person is treated like a blasphemer. Those people over there carry on as if Obama is god and the 'Edster' is his prophet. Question THE WORD OF OBAMA and next thing you know you're demonized or shunned.

Bunch of f#(king weirdos
I hung out there for awhile.

It's way more rabid and kookier than Hannity's joint.
I don't know if Ed Shultz is insane as he strikes me as just another paid polictical blowhard, but over at his Message Board is a different story. I was a member over there for a few months and found it to be somewhat cult-like. If one says something negative about Obama, that person is treated like a blasphemer. Those people over there carry on as if Obama is god and the 'Edster' is his prophet. Question THE WORD OF OBAMA and next thing you know you're demonized or shunned.

Bunch of f#(king weirdos
I hung out there for awhile.

It's way more rabid and kookier than Hannity's joint.

Never been to Hannity's site, but over at Ed's I delt with a good few 'Tex Watson'-like enforcers who would attempt to brow beat a person, but only after the targeted 'blasphemer' had signed off. I can only imagine a progession of Big Eddy's acolytes and faithful flagellating themselves with old rusty coat hangers or cat briars.

What the hell are they ex-Moonies or something ?
I don't know if Ed Shultz is insane as he strikes me as just another paid polictical blowhard, but over at his Message Board is a different story. I was a member over there for a few months and found it to be somewhat cult-like. If one says something negative about Obama, that person is treated like a blasphemer. Those people over there carry on as if Obama is god and the 'Edster' is his prophet. Question THE WORD OF OBAMA and next thing you know you're demonized or shunned.

Bunch of f#(king weirdos

Government is their god, so it's probably not far off.
I don't know if Ed Shultz is insane as he strikes me as just another paid polictical blowhard, but over at his Message Board is a different story. I was a member over there for a few months and found it to be somewhat cult-like. If one says something negative about Obama, that person is treated like a blasphemer. Those people over there carry on as if Obama is god and the 'Edster' is his prophet. Question THE WORD OF OBAMA and next thing you know you're demonized or shunned.

Bunch of f#(king weirdos
I hung out there for awhile.

It's way more rabid and kookier than Hannity's joint.

Never been to Hannity's site, but over at Ed's I delt with a good few 'Tex Watson'-like enforcers who would attempt to brow beat a person, but only after the targeted 'blasphemer' had signed off. I can only imagine a progession of Big Eddy's acolytes and faithful flagellating themselves with old rusty coat hangers or cat briars.

What the hell are they ex-Moonies or something ?
I dunno.

I might have hung around awhile more if most of them weren't as plain old loony and if there was some kind of limit on sig lines.
I've seen about half as many clips of his show as I have of Glenn Beck's. Based on this, I've come to the barely-informed opinion that he's just trying to be the left-wing version of Becky.
I don't know if Ed Shultz is insane as he strikes me as just another paid polictical blowhard, but over at his Message Board is a different story. I was a member over there for a few months and found it to be somewhat cult-like. If one says something negative about Obama, that person is treated like a blasphemer. Those people over there carry on as if Obama is god and the 'Edster' is his prophet. Question THE WORD OF OBAMA and next thing you know you're demonized or shunned.

Bunch of f#(king weirdos
I hung out there for awhile.

It's way more rabid and kookier than Hannity's joint.

Haha, whatever! I've been banned at Hannity's dumbass board like 4-5 times.. Just for disagreeing with them. Just because the mods @ the ESMB doesn't let you get away with some of the trolling that you can get away with here, doesn't mean shit. The mods over there are very respectful of other opinions. And have many conservative posters. And if you actually have spent any time there, you would realize most progressive posters rag Obama all the time. What a load of bullshit.

And to the point of the thread, Ed got just as many as Glennie in 1 month of advertising on his show alone.
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I don't know if Ed Shultz is insane as he strikes me as just another paid polictical blowhard, but over at his Message Board is a different story. I was a member over there for a few months and found it to be somewhat cult-like. If one says something negative about Obama, that person is treated like a blasphemer. Those people over there carry on as if Obama is god and the 'Edster' is his prophet. Question THE WORD OF OBAMA and next thing you know you're demonized or shunned.

Bunch of f#(king weirdos
I hung out there for awhile.

It's way more rabid and kookier than Hannity's joint.

Haha, whatever! I've been banned at Hannity's dumbass board like 4-5 times.. Just for disagreeing with them. Just because the mods @ the ESMB doesn't let you get away with some of the trolling that you can get away with here, doesn't mean shit. The mods over there are very respectful of other opinions. And have many conservative posters. And if you actually have spent any time there, you would realize most progressive posters rag Obama all the time. What a load of bullshit.
No, you haven't been banned form Hannihell for disagreeing with them.

I lasted there nearly four years and disagreed with republitards in general, and Hannity in particular, early and often.

You more than likely got banned because you ran afoul of their silly civility rules, and your sock puppets got banned because that's what mods do.

I quit posting at Ed's silly joint long before Barry Obolshevik got elected, because the bulk of the posters there are overbearing ignoramus loons like you....I imagine that the complaints about him have to do with him not being left enough for that belfry of moonbats.
I don't know if Ed Shultz is insane as he strikes me as just another paid polictical blowhard, but over at his Message Board is a different story. I was a member over there for a few months and found it to be somewhat cult-like. If one says something negative about Obama, that person is treated like a blasphemer. Those people over there carry on as if Obama is god and the 'Edster' is his prophet. Question THE WORD OF OBAMA and next thing you know you're demonized or shunned.

Bunch of f#(king weirdos
I hung out there for awhile.

It's way more rabid and kookier than Hannity's joint.

Haha, whatever! I've been banned at Hannity's dumbass board like 4-5 times.. Just for disagreeing with them. Just because the mods @ the ESMB doesn't let you get away with some of the trolling that you can get away with here, doesn't mean shit. The mods over there are very respectful of other opinions. And have many conservative posters. And if you actually have spent any time there, you would realize most progressive posters rag Obama all the time. What a load of bullshit.

And to the point of the thread, Ed got just as many as Glennie in 1 month of advertising on his show alone.

Denial. Not a healthy way to live

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