Is CNN Really TNN (TeaParty News Network?)


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
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They're in the tank so they have to look at alternatives to their status quo.

Kind of like MSNBC giving race hustler/pimp Al Sharpton the 6pm time slot. They're wallowing in the ratings basement just a hair above CNN, so it's worth selling their souls for Al with the hopes he brings in some black viewers or others who buy his racist b.s.
Keep the cattle polarized and stuck inside the created paradigm. That way while they tear each other apart, the elites can go about their plans. It's the circus and it is created just for the minds of those who can not think for themselves. These "news" PROGRAMS are creating the narrative for you. Grab a chair and plug in to your preferred two narrative paradigm.
If not then why are they genuflecting to them?

First they hire that ranting, rabid, hard-RWer Dana Lasch as one of their main and central PUNdits.
CNN's Dana Loesch: Too Extreme For Rush Limbaugh | Blog | Media Matters for America

Then they have RWer losers like Fiorina on to ask for their advice...
Why Is CNN Treating Fiorina as an Expert on the Economy? | Crooks and Liars

What gives? What say you?
Maybe they've come to their senses and recognized that catering to the far left wackadoodle demographic, thus excluding about 75% of the rest of the nation from wanting to watch their "news", isn't good business.
The need to move further Left. Hire Jeff Daniels as an anchor. Hire Martin Sheen to comment on Washington DC
I doubt CNN can ever come back from the Carol Roberts fiasco. For those of you that don't remember, Carol Roberts was in Palm Beach county and during the 2000 election said basically "We're not going home until Gore wins" live, on CNN. CNN never replayed the clip or said anything about it. Neither did any other news organization. IMO she should have immediately been fired from her job, but no, they continued to show her on camera, even taking ballots from the Bush pile and putting them in the Gore pile without even looking at them, again, never showed that clip again or mentioned it. The woman was nuts and so was CNN and the rest of the world. If I hadn't already given up hope during the Clinton years, I would have after that election fiasco.

At this point, why even bother? Our country isn't our own. Our election system is so corrupt it's not even funny. Does anybody really think who ever is elected in this next election will do anything for the American people and our country instead of for big business and the new world order?

Not sure when we became the Nazis but I think it's pretty clear we did.
I doubt CNN can ever come back from the Carol Roberts fiasco. For those of you that don't remember, Carol Roberts was in Palm Beach county and during the 2000 election said basically "We're not going home until Gore wins" live, on CNN. CNN never replayed the clip or said anything about it. Neither did any other news organization. IMO she should have immediately been fired from her job, but no, they continued to show her on camera, even taking ballots from the Bush pile and putting them in the Gore pile without even looking at them, again, never showed that clip again or mentioned it. The woman was nuts and so was CNN and the rest of the world. If I hadn't already given up hope during the Clinton years, I would have after that election fiasco.

At this point, why even bother? Our country isn't our own. Our election system is so corrupt it's not even funny. Does anybody really think who ever is elected in this next election will do anything for the American people and our country instead of for big business and the new world order?

Not sure when we became the Nazis but I think it's pretty clear we did.
There was also the Susan Roesgen flap, when she went around arguing with attendees at TEA Party rallies as "reporting".
If not then why are they genuflecting to them?

First they hire that ranting, rabid, hard-RWer Dana Lasch as one of their main and central PUNdits.
CNN's Dana Loesch: Too Extreme For Rush Limbaugh | Blog | Media Matters for America

Then they have RWer losers like Fiorina on to ask for their advice...
Why Is CNN Treating Fiorina as an Expert on the Economy? | Crooks and Liars

What gives? What say you?

What a dummy...................

Nobody cares might as well post up a thread about radio ratings in Bumfook USA.:D:D

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