Is Arizona a hub of child sex trafficking why does Arizona take the highest percentage of children


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Is Arizona a Hub of Child Sex Trafficking? Why does Arizona Take the Highest Percentage of Children from their Homes?
It has been well-documented that the State of Arizona removes children from their homes and places them in foster care at a rate that is higher than any other state in the U.S. See:

It is no secret either where CPS gets a bonus for taking of so many kids. Yet leftist idiots have a fit over child trafficking all the while claiming it like fake bs the stupidity doesn't even allow the loons of society to see what goes on in the real world.



Our upcoming guest was responsible for transporting one of the Frodsham’s foster children, a young girl named Devani. Devani was taken from her birth mother because the mother was struggling with drug addiction and a bad relationship with the girl’s father, although at the time Devani was removed her mother was clean. Whatever the case, Devani’s mother certainly wasn’t sexually abusing her, but that’s the exact situation that CPS proceeded to drop this helpless toddler into.

Devani’s mother got to see her daughter two hours a week for supervised visits, which was enough time for her to discover her daughter’s repeated urinary tract infections, which she’d never had before.

The mother complained, but instead of investigating, state officials blamed the mother. Eventually, they completely severed her parental rights, justifying it by pointing toward Devani’s deteriorating personal behavior and severe temper tantrums when around her mother.

Long story short.

n reality, all of this was their fault. The infections, the temper tantrums, and the bad behavior were byproduct of monstrous sexual abuse Devani was suffering at the hands of Frodsham. But in the end, Frodsham was only caught because he drove drunk, with Devani and other foster children in his car, to drunkenly pick up his foster parenting check. Only then did anybody investigate at all, and act to save these children from an abusive monster. When they investigated Frodsham, police discovered homemade child pornography of an adult male penetrating a three-year-old girl who was screaming for her mommy.

Even after the sex abuse was exposed, Frodsham was only given a 17-year prison sentence instead of the bullet in the head he deserved.

And even after all this, Devani wasn’t given back to her mother, who had been following a reunification plan and fighting to get her daughter back. Instead, CPS handed her over to two new monsters, Justin and Samantha Osteraas. Soon, Samantha Osteraas tortured Devani by submerging her in scalding hot water that left her with severe burns on 80 percent of her body. Devani had to be placed in a medically-induced coma, lost her toes to amputation, will be permanently disfigured, and will require massive medical care for the rest of her life.

THIS CHILD suffers for the ungodly immoral and unethical behavior of CPS and these monster foster parents.

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