Is America Realizinf the Truth About Fergusun MO, Despite the Media?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Eric Holder Needs to Apologize to Cops National Review Online

Attorney general Eric Holder and Missouri Democratic leaders need to apologize to the law-enforcement community for impugning officers’ motives in light of the unrest in Ferguson, Mo., according to one prominent county sheriff.
Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke, who gained notoriety last year for encouraging gun ownership within his Wisconsin community, said Holder, Governor Jay Nixon, and Senator Claire McCaskill made the situation in Ferguson worse with their “irresponsible, inflammatory” comments about the city’s police force and its supposed problem with race relations. Clarke argued on Fox News on Friday that the trio was “insinuating that our law-enforcement officers across the United States engage in some nefarious or systematic and cultural attempts to violate people’s civil rights.”
“I thought that was a slap in the face to every law-enforcement officer in America who puts on the badge and the uniform everyday to go out and risk their lives in service to their community,” he said.

Officials brace Ferguson for exoneration of officer
It appeared many of the public figures were bracing the community for the possibility that Officer Darren Wilson would not be charged with murder as evidence continued to mount that he was attacked and severely beaten by Brown only minutes after the teen robbed a convenience store Aug. 9.
A St. Louis County Police Department officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told WND that department reports confirmed Wilson suffered a broken eye socket in a struggle with Brown before the shooting.
“For Michael Brown to fight the police officer and try to take his gun away and then to say, ‘Don’t shoot me,’ that’s resisting arrest, and it’s a felony,” he said. “All you have to do is touch the officer’s gun and you’ve committed a felony.”

Crowdfunding for Ferguson officer tops out at 235K
As calm remained Friday on the streets where Michael Brown's death brought angry protests, fundraising for the officer who killed the teen ended after more than $235,000 was collected.
A crowdfunding page created for Darren Wilson raised $235,010 from 5,902 people before organizers stopped accepting donations Friday after reaching their goal in four days.
"We stand behind Officer Darren Wilson and his family during this trying time in their lives," the page on the gofundme site said. "All proceeds will be sent directly to Darren Wilson and his family for any financial needs they may have including legal fees."

Seems people are realizing that the leftwing media drones have been lying to them all along.

It is a great day in America, I think I will go get a cigar and PAY for it.
Ferguson shows that feral negros have no pride in America.

The above does not nothing to insure a fair & IMPARTIAL investigation, which is the Officer's CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT:

A brief overview:

At a basic level, procedural due process is essentially based on the concept of "fundamental fairness." For example, in 1934, the United States Supreme Court held that due process is violated "if a practice or rule offends some principle of justice so rooted in the traditions and conscience of our people as to be ranked as fundamental."[15] As construed by the courts, it includes an individual's right to be adequately notified of charges or proceedings, the opportunity to be heard at these proceedings, and that the person or panel making the final decision over the proceedings be impartial in regards to the matter before them.[16]
Yes, and it will show at the polls in 2014 and beyond. After the obligatory vote for Obama by conservative and moderate Blacks has been used up in 2008 and 2012. Obligatory White guilt vote of some independents used up as well. People will begin to focus on the issues in the Black community with clarity and not emotion. People run out ofpatience with same tired excuses and many Whites will feel "you had your Black I'm done with this kind of media bias."
Yes, and it will show at the polls in 2014 and beyond. After the obligatory vote for Obama by conservative and moderate Blacks has been used up in 2008 and 2012. Obligatory White guilt vote of some independents used up as well. People will begin to focus on the issues in the Black community with clarity and not emotion. People run out ofpatience with same tired excuses and many Whites will feel "you had your Black I'm done with this kind of media bias."

Black President
Black Attorney General
Black MO state Police Captain

It would appear, that not all blacks in American will be satisfied with Democracy until the Entire Government is managed by blacks.
Yes, and it will show at the polls in 2014 and beyond. After the obligatory vote for Obama by conservative and moderate Blacks has been used up in 2008 and 2012. Obligatory White guilt vote of some independents used up as well. People will begin to focus on the issues in the Black community with clarity and not emotion. People run out ofpatience with same tired excuses and many Whites will feel "you had your Black I'm done with this kind of media bias."

Black President
Black Attorney General
Black MO state Police Captain

It would appear, that not all blacks in American will be satisfied with Democracy until the Entire Government is managed by blacks.
Yes, according to Black supremacist like Al Sharpton and Chris Matthews. Does he still squirt down his leg when Obama speaks?
Yes, and it will show at the polls in 2014 and beyond. After the obligatory vote for Obama by conservative and moderate Blacks has been used up in 2008 and 2012. Obligatory White guilt vote of some independents used up as well. People will begin to focus on the issues in the Black community with clarity and not emotion. People run out ofpatience with same tired excuses and many Whites will feel "you had your Black I'm done with this kind of media bias."

Black President
Black Attorney General
Black MO state Police Captain

It would appear, that not all blacks in American will be satisfied with Democracy until the Entire Government is managed by blacks.

And even then everything will still be racist. When complaining about racism is your business, you never want to work your way out of your job.
Yes, and it will show at the polls in 2014 and beyond. After the obligatory vote for Obama by conservative and moderate Blacks has been used up in 2008 and 2012. Obligatory White guilt vote of some independents used up as well. People will begin to focus on the issues in the Black community with clarity and not emotion. People run out ofpatience with same tired excuses and many Whites will feel "you had your Black I'm done with this kind of media bias."

Black President
Black Attorney General
Black MO state Police Captain

It would appear, that not all blacks in American will be satisfied with Democracy until the Entire Government is managed by blacks.
Yes, according to Black supremacist like Al Sharpton and Chris Matthews. Does he still squirt down his leg when Obama speaks?

What really hurts partisan Leftists is that for the past three decades, there's been no rioting in Texas:


Or anywhere near that state.......
Yes, and it will show at the polls in 2014 and beyond. After the obligatory vote for Obama by conservative and moderate Blacks has been used up in 2008 and 2012. Obligatory White guilt vote of some independents used up as well. People will begin to focus on the issues in the Black community with clarity and not emotion. People run out ofpatience with same tired excuses and many Whites will feel "you had your Black I'm done with this kind of media bias."

Black President
Black Attorney General
Black MO state Police Captain

It would appear, that not all blacks in American will be satisfied with Democracy until the Entire Government is managed by blacks.

And even then everything will still be racist. When complaining about racism is your business, you never want to work your way out of your job.

Jesse Jackson Gets Called Out by Ferguson Protesters

If after investigation(s) the police officer is exonerated of any wrong doing it won't mean squat to either the rabble-rousers or their sympathizers. They've bought the lies of witnesses, real or imagined, race pimps Jackson, Sharpton, et al, and the pliant media that gives creedence to their falsehoods. They've already accepted the bullshit as fact so anything contrary that comes to light is simply 'the man' screwing over blacks again.

The hopelessly ignorant aren't the slightest bit interested in real justice.
Recent heavily redacted police reports she some light on why Big Mike's body lay in the street for hours after the shooting:

"Almost two weeks after a police-involved shooting triggered looting and violent protests in this St. Louis suburb, the first glimpse of the police reports filed in relation to the death of the 18-year-old man surfaced on Friday, shedding little light on what happened.

"The largely redacted reports from the Ferguson Police Department and a the St. Louis County Police Department were released following a state Sunshine law request by the American Civil Liberties Union.

"The narrative of investigators and the officer involved in the incident, Darren Wilson, regarding the shooting that killed Michael Brown were redacted entirely.

"The information that remained in the report included response times by officers.

"The reports show that St. Louis County, which is leading the investigation, wasn't called to initiate their investigation for about 40 minutes from the time of the shooting.

"They also show that a St. Louis County detective didn't arrive at the scene for nearly 45 minutes after the call, meaning the lead investigators on the case didn't view the crime scene for the first time until 1½ hours after the incident."

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