Is American Headed For Another Civil War?


VIP Member
Feb 26, 2014
Left vs Right?
Straight vs Gay?
Marriage vs Same Sex Unions?
Laws vs Lawlessness?
Drugs Drugs Drugs?
Only if cataclysm can be waged from the sofa with a gameset in one hand and a beer & bag of Nachos in the other, will our fatass nation ever let loose with civil war blood-letting. I'm not sure how we'll kill each other yet, but I always thought that old Twilight Zone episode where they'd fight virtual nuclear battles without actually exploding any warheads was a pretty original plot twist. No real destruction to the infrastructure, but if you and your 100,000 closest neighbors were losers in the virtual battle, then you had to go to the extermination facility the next day where you'd be zapped into dust. It was sooo...practical, sooo...industrial, sooo...Auschwitz.
Sorry bout that,

1. The answer to this question is,….*YES*.


This Founder was looking at today!

Only if cataclysm can be waged from the sofa with a gameset in one hand and a beer & bag of Nachos in the other, will our fatass nation ever let loose with civil war blood-letting. I'm not sure how we'll kill each other yet, but I always thought that old Twilight Zone episode where they'd fight virtual nuclear battles without actually exploding any warheads was a pretty original plot twist. No real destruction to the infrastructure, but if you and your 100,000 closest neighbors were losers in the virtual battle, then you had to go to the extermination facility the next day where you'd be zapped into dust. It was sooo...practical, sooo...industrial, sooo...Auschwitz.

And you've honed in on the reason no 'civil war' is happening.

For a civil war to be waged, you'd need folks willing to sacrifice and bleed. And among those interested in starting a civil war, the bleeding is always someone ELSE's responsibility. But never theirs.

And wars involve bleeding.
if the 5 million illegals get to vote and win the election for the demorats


civil war in USA

Left vs Right?
Straight vs Gay?
Marriage vs Same Sex Unions?
Laws vs Lawlessness?
Drugs Drugs Drugs?
The fiscally conservative states vs the fiscally liberal states... and I actually believe that this will happen in my lifetime. I want to take active part.
It would probably divide the US into 3 or 4 countries. The liberal east coast, the liberal west coast, the conservative Northwest, and some form of southern thing.
Civil wars have historically been fought with geographic location clearly defined. North versus South, in America, Korea and Vietnam.

Where are the borders in your civil war?

Are the issues purely social? Don't social issues make for slippery slopes? Would it be in the best interests of America to try legislating morals again? Would people turn violently upon one another over social issues? I would believe economic issues because that is the root of all civil wars.
No, conservatives who talk this shit the most are cowards and have too much to lose. They might appreciate it if the military did it for them but put put their own asses on the line? The very idea is ludicrous, you might get them to fight for their family and personal property but anything else is not worth their life and limb.
Left vs Right?
Straight vs Gay?
Marriage vs Same Sex Unions?
Laws vs Lawlessness?
Drugs Drugs Drugs?
The fiscally conservative states vs the fiscally liberal states... and I actually believe that this will happen in my lifetime. I want to take active part.
It would probably divide the US into 3 or 4 countries. The liberal east coast, the liberal west coast, the conservative Northwest, and some form of southern thing.

It really won't.
Demorasts smartasses are not going to win this one...

opening borders and letting halfwits vote demorats ....for welfare


it's not going to be that easy.

you don't own USA or Australia or Switzerland.....

you own nothing. you scumbags!
why Americans are always kissing the ass of latinos?

and trying to accomodate them always?

makes me sick

and you don't own any class, respectability, or credibility ... L
Typical Republican stocking up on supplies getting ready for the coming civil war. They want to take back America as soon as he is able to take back his bladder.

Liberals have a somewhat lower proportion of vets and military bases plus a net outflow of population. Also they are adapted to the 19th century in the northeast with infrastructure to match. On the left coast drought, floods and fires combined with earthquakes, poor logistics through mountain passes and insane real estate prices there is very little to attract anyone in their right mind. Short form liberalism is a doctrine of blade runner in real life.

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