Is America Becoming Willfully Ignorant?

Why is the average person so ignorant on so many important issues?


(i.e. afraid to look/sound like an outsider/elitist/educated???) :eusa_eh:

You attributed a quote to me that was not mine. It is one of the three questions posed in the intial thread post. Of course, you would have had to read the thread to know that and you were jsut looking for a convenient way to troll. Sucker.
Yeah...Willfully ignorant...:rolleyes:



Just ran across an interesting video that is eerily very much like actual candidates that are running around now.

Why are people so angry so fast? When has being angry ever HELPED with decision making? Why is the average person so ignorant on so many important issues?

Which candidate(s) does this remind you of?

Hilarious Mock Campaign Ad Boasts Platform Of 'Willful Ignorance' (VIDEO)

If this keeps up...America is truly lost.
America was lost when they voted in the evil fascist, racist, socialist pig obama!

Shut the fuck up with that hot garbage and go stand in the corner fucktard.

Seems to me that you fail at shutting everyone up today... :eusa_whistle:

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