Is America Becoming Willfully Ignorant?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Just ran across an interesting video that is eerily very much like actual candidates that are running around now.

Why are people so angry so fast? When has being angry ever HELPED with decision making? Why is the average person so ignorant on so many important issues?

Which candidate(s) does this remind you of?

Hilarious Mock Campaign Ad Boasts Platform Of 'Willful Ignorance' (VIDEO)

If this keeps up...America is truly lost.
Just ran across an interesting video that is eerily very much like actual candidates that are running around now.

Why are people so angry so fast? When has being angry ever HELPED with decision making? Why is the average person so ignorant on so many important issues?

Which candidate(s) does this remind you of?

Hilarious Mock Campaign Ad Boasts Platform Of 'Willful Ignorance' (VIDEO)

If this keeps up...America is truly lost.
Maybe they're angry because that they don't like being told that they're too stupid to recognize how brilliant know-it-all authoritarian windbags like you are.
None of you RW MFers answered ONE of the questions in my OP.

I wonder why.

Effin pissaunts.
Please...Keep it up.

The people whom you wish to persuade to vote your way just love being told how stupid they are.

Get back to me when you can identify which "way" I would vote. I'm pulling for a conservative in my particular district, so please stop talking.
Just ran across an interesting video that is eerily very much like actual candidates that are running around now.

Why are people so angry so fast? When has being angry ever HELPED with decision making? Why is the average person so ignorant on so many important issues?

Which candidate(s) does this remind you of?

Hilarious Mock Campaign Ad Boasts Platform Of 'Willful Ignorance' (VIDEO)

If this keeps up...America is truly lost.

Any form of emotion can cloud logical thinking, and infects politics constantly to the determent of US Citizens. And most citizens frankly mah friend, just don't give a damn. When it finally collapses on them, their fight or flight will kick in, and they will suddenly come to action to late.
This was hilarious.It's frustrating to be a witness as more and more people either are speaking out and exposing this willful ignorance, due to greater access to media via the internet with forums like these, or simply due to more people willfully forgoing logic and replacing it with pure emotional logic, usually driven by fear, as I theorize. This video perfectly parodied the general mentality of the neo-cons and many republicans, including tea-partiers. I'm not saying all of them, but a lot of them I witness, hear, and read about. I'm not saying they are bad people either, just so deluded that their morality has turned sour without them knowing it. I only wish they could see it. Unfortunately, those who seemed to haven fallen to this evil are unable to see it in themselves, and instead blame the world for all that is wrong, and are unable to look inside and see the ignorance they themselves possess which is fostering and allowing their usually distorted and errant beliefs relative to the reality of things. This was a great video, and though comical and satirical, it sadly spoke too much truth to the reality of things. Thanks for posting.
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Why are people so angry so fast?
Living in fear of being laid-off for two years, or being unemployed for two years, tends to make people edgy?

When has being angry ever HELPED with decision making?
This guys thinks it will help:

[ame=""]You got to get MAD![/ame]

Why is the average person so ignorant on so many important issues?
Because our leaders intentionally lie to us?

It sounds like our President willfully ignoring the national debt.

If this keeps up...America is truly lost.
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Maybe they're angry because that they don't like being told that they're too stupid to recognize how brilliant know-it-all authoritarian windbags like you are.

Yes indeed, stupid people don't like being told they are stupid, as that reinforces what they suspect about themselves, and they don't like being mad at their own failed lives, and wish they could emulate people who actually do know it all that attempt to help them from their failed plight. For instance they will say education is a waste of time, and all they need is common sense. Common sense is the guy that smashes his thumb with a hammer, and them smashes it again to be sure what he saw & felt was actually the result of swinging the hammer on his thumb. Intelligent people will smash the common sense's guys thumb, and conclude than swinging hammers on stupid peoples thumbs only has to be done once.:lol:
Yes yes the high road is for the "angry" liberals to keep telling everyone else THEY are the stupid ones, the ignorant fools. Sells so well and gets that critical message across, "we are better and smarter then you, just keep us in power".

Lets refresh our memories shall we? During Obama's run for President ANYONE that even remotely ask a hard question of him was labeled a racist. Anyone that did not vote for him, again a racist.

Once elected EVERYTHING was Bush's fault. And every promise Obama made was quickly shit canned. If you asked why you were either stupid OR a racist OR both.

By the end of 2009 the" blame Bush" for everything card wasn't working well and the "everyone is a racist" card had also been played out. So Obama started telling us we were all to STUPID to know what was going. To stupid to know the Constitution, to stupid to know all his appointees were left wing stooges, to stupid to not cling to weapons and the bible, to stupid to not realize even as unemployment was not coming down that he had saved us with a stimulus bill no one even bothered to read.

Now in 2010 that is their slogans, Bush did it, if you oppose Obama you are a racist and if you won't vote Democrat you are to stupid to be allowed to vote.

All winning slogans, keep them up. Sure inspires confidence when the Democrats talk down to everyone they want to vote for them.
Yes we are becoming willfully ignorant more and more. For instance, it was eight years of Bush bullshit that led this country to debt and a huge deficit and because the shit hasn't disappeared in two years everyone wants to blame Obama's policies, which isn't the fault. Now, they think the solution to end the problem is by electing shitheads from the same party who's policies precipitated and started this financial crisis and deficit bullshit. Whats even more fucking funny is that the Republicans have no solution to fix the fucking problem other than blurting the same tired old bullshit about introducing tax cuts(without knowing how to pay for them) and cutting spending which are both vague and non specific.
Yes we are becoming willfully ignorant more and more. For instance, it was eight years of Bush bullshit that led this country to debt and a huge deficit and because the shit hasn't disappeared in two years everyone wants to blame Obama's policies, which isn't the fault. Now, they think the solution to end the problem is by electing shitheads from the same party who's policies precipitated and started this financial crisis and deficit bullshit. Whats even more fucking funny is that the Republicans have no solution to fix the fucking problem other than blurting the same tired old bullshit about introducing tax cuts(without knowing how to pay for them) and cutting spending which are both vague and non specific.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You said what I have been thinking forever. Reading what you wrote was simply a catharsis in an end of itself. I think you should cut and paste this all over the internet, or even... THE WORLD.
That parody is so close to reality it is frightening. The responses in this thread admonishing the parody only go to prove how accurate it is.
Just ran across an interesting video that is eerily very much like actual candidates that are running around now.

Why are people so angry so fast? When has being angry ever HELPED with decision making? Why is the average person so ignorant on so many important issues?

Which candidate(s) does this remind you of?

Hilarious Mock Campaign Ad Boasts Platform Of 'Willful Ignorance' (VIDEO)

If this keeps up...America is truly lost.

You mean average white person right?
I've said it over and over and over/
Look at your list of pResidunces since the late sixties.
You NEED a dictator. You fuckers are too brainwashed to be allowed to vote.
I think most people want to vote for dickheads that say the things that sound good without checking the track record. I say let the Teabastards into office and then you'll just how more worse things will get just so gullible dipshits can learn a lesson in what to look for when they vote.
Just ran across an interesting video that is eerily very much like actual candidates that are running around now.

Why are people so angry so fast? When has being angry ever HELPED with decision making? Why is the average person so ignorant on so many important issues?

Which candidate(s) does this remind you of?

Hilarious Mock Campaign Ad Boasts Platform Of 'Willful Ignorance' (VIDEO)

If this keeps up...America is truly lost.

Maybe white people are tired of being accused of being racist because we don't support Obama's socialist agenda?

Maybe white people are tired of being accused of bigotry because we the building of a mosque at GZ as offensive to those that died?

Maybe people generally are tired of a bunch of corrupt self serving politicians lying about other people wanting to take 'their' seats?

Maybe some of us are just sick of politicians.... and idiots who agree with any crap as long as it comes from 'their side'.

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