IRS told employees to ignore potential fraud in program used by immigrants


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
IRS told employees to ignore potential fraud in program used by immigrants
Washington Times ^ | 8 Aug 2012 | Stephen Dinan

IRS supervisors ignored employees who tried to warn agency higher-ups of fraud in a program designed to collect taxes from immigrants, resulting in the agency paying out potentially bogus refunds, according to an official audit released Wednesday.

The Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration (TIGTA) said the IRS is too focused on getting out refunds quickly rather than getting them only to qualified taxpayers. Auditors also said the agency eliminated some methods employees had used to figure out questionable refund requests and doesn’t have the right training or tools to screen out bogus identity documents when immigrants apply for taxpayer numbers.

“TIGTA found an environment which discourages employees from detecting fraudulent applications
IRS told employees to ignore potential fraud in program used by immigrants - Washington Times

Deport the goddamn illegals. How hard is it?
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Are you crazy? And disenfranchise all those Democrat voters?

Yes, USMB lefties: If they have SSNs and driver's licenses, there's nothing keeping them from voting, is there?

From the op's link:

But the IRS disputed the inspector general’s assumption that fraud is rampant in many of the cases in which taxpayers are using the same addresses for multiple applications

The auditors took a closer look at fraud after being prompted by senators, who said they had heard complaints from IRS employees that their warnings were being ignored.

Mr. George confirmed that, saying IRS supervisors were urging employees to turn their backs on potential fraud from identity theft.[/B

]Rep. Sam Johnson, Texas Republican, called for IRS Commissioner Douglas H. Shulman to resign.

For goodness sakes, what has to take place for the higher ups to do something about the problem? Was there a memo that immigrants and illegals get a 2 for one refund?
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Are you crazy? And disenfranchise all those Democrat voters?

Yes, USMB lefties: If they have SSNs and driver's licenses, there's nothing keeping them from voting, is there?


Obama is allowing millions to flood over our borders. If they can vote, o'shit. It isn't good for this country, but Obama isn't stupid.:eusa_shhh:
Obama, like most (okay, all) leftists put power and party over country.

Every. Single. Time.
this also happened under do realize that? where i work...mexicans get tax refunds...i am always amazed by that.....they are illegals but get refunds
The title is a lie. Has nothing to do with immigrants, it has to do with fraud. I doubt most of those filing fraudulent claims are immigrants. More likely they are opportunistic asshole Americans, i.e. Republicans.
IRS told employees to ignore potential fraud in program used by immigrants
Washington Times ^ | 8 Aug 2012 | Stephen Dinan

IRS supervisors ignored employees who tried to warn agency higher-ups of fraud in a program designed to collect taxes from immigrants, resulting in the agency paying out potentially bogus refunds, according to an official audit released Wednesday.

The Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration (TIGTA) said the IRS is too focused on getting out refunds quickly rather than getting them only to qualified taxpayers. Auditors also said the agency eliminated some methods employees had used to figure out questionable refund requests and doesn’t have the right training or tools to screen out bogus identity documents when immigrants apply for taxpayer numbers.

“TIGTA found an environment which discourages employees from detecting fraudulent applications
IRS told employees to ignore potential fraud in program used by immigrants - Washington Times

Deport the goddamn illegals. How hard is it?

The IRS doesn't ask whether you are an immigrant or not. If you need a tax ID, you get one whether you are illegal or not. The IRS has nothing to do with deporting anyone.
The title is a lie. Has nothing to do with immigrants, it has to do with fraud. I doubt most of those filing fraudulent claims are immigrants. More likely they are opportunistic asshole Americans, i.e. Republicans.

yea they are Ravi.....but the key word is ILLEGAL Immigrants....i have seen this and been told so by the Illegals themselves more than once over the years.....if they can get away with it they will keep on doing it....
this also happened under do realize that? where i work...mexicans get tax refunds...i am always amazed by that.....they are illegals but get refunds

Hey! all your lying liberal buddies deny that. you know that don't ya? :lol::lol:
What this boils down to is WE the TAXPAYers are paying them to undermine us.

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