IRS Rehires Hundreds of Fired Ex Employees

wait they do this?
Rep. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., has proposed a bill that would prevent the IRS from rehiring employees fired for misconduct or poor performance. The bill, titled the Ensuring Integrity in the IRS Workforce Act, follows a recent Treasury inspector general report that shows the IRS rehired more than 200 fired workers in a little over a year. A previous inspector general report proves this problem dates back to at least 2009.

they should have a do not rehire policy.....and it takes an act of congress to do it......Yeah this govt needs to be brought down a notch or 100, thank God I voted for Trump.
I see the legislation was dated July 2017 and Trump's appointee for head of IRS assumed office last November. Hopefully he'll keep a sharp eye on things.

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