IRMA and Confederate Statues- Proof MSM Heavily Influences our Society


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I hear the clock winding down at CNN until they get back to throwing gas on the divisive America Obama created. You notice in the last two weeks with Harvey and Irma how its been pretty quiet on the whole statue, freedom of speech front? Why? Because there is no MSM support for them right now. The networks are occupied elsewhere and can't provide the needed daily support from the likes of CNN. My guess is America will be heating up again this week as soon as Irma moves into Tennessee

A petition that has already been delivered to alter a community statue doesn't get denied because CNN didn't do a cover story on it..
I hear the clock winding down at CNN until they get back to throwing gas on the divisive America Obama created. You notice in the last two weeks with Harvey and Irma how its been pretty quiet on the whole statue, freedom of speech front? Why? Because there is no MSM support for them right now. The networks are occupied elsewhere and can't provide the needed daily support from the likes of CNN. My guess is America will be heating up again this week as soon as Irma moves into Tennessee


Ike brought tropical storm winds up to Ohio and blew my roof shingles off. Let Irma settle and die in Tennessee. Better their roof shingles than mine.

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