Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmajew.

Wow. What a comeback! Sputtering yet?

Personal attacks are all people like you have.

You have no real issues.
Personal attacks are all that you are worthy of. The moment you decided it was necessary to fundamentally alter the foundation of our very country you became someone not worthy of having a discussion with.

It is one thing to believe that all good flows from government and that we should all be beholden to government. I am used to that kind of emotional immaturity. It is an entirely different matter to actively want to dismantle our country's very structure. It makes you less serious then a five year old.
Wow. What a comeback! Sputtering yet?

Personal attacks are all people like you have.

You have no real issues.
Personal attacks are all that you are worthy of. The moment you decided it was necessary to fundamentally alter the foundation of our very country you became someone not worthy of having a discussion with.

It is one thing to believe that all good flows from government and that we should all be beholden to government. I am used to that kind of emotional immaturity. It is an entirely different matter to actively want to dismantle our country's very structure. It makes you less serious then a five year old.

More personal attacks.....
Contrary to what people in the west think.

Having jewish ancestors in your bloodline is not a negative among muslims.

Even Muhammad was reputed to have some jewish blood.

And, it is well known that the Saudi royal family has a strong jewish heritage.

Wasn't saying that it was negative among muslims.

However, it IS negative to someone who is a rabid anti-semite like Ahmadinejad.

There is a difference between being an anti-semite, and disliking certain Judaist people. All religious Judaists are NOT SEMITES, ya know. Try bein' accurate on this one.
Contrary to what people in the west think.

Having jewish ancestors in your bloodline is not a negative among muslims.

Even Muhammad was reputed to have some jewish blood.

And, it is well known that the Saudi royal family has a strong jewish heritage.

Wasn't saying that it was negative among muslims.

However, it IS negative to someone who is a rabid anti-semite like Ahmadinejad.

There is a difference between being an anti-semite, and disliking certain Judaist people. All religious Judaists are NOT SEMITES, ya know. Try bein' accurate on this one.

Try purchasing a dictionary. The post is completely accurate:

Main Entry: an·ti–Sem·i·tism
Pronunciation: \ˌan-tē-ˈse-mə-ˌti-zəm, ˌan-ˌtī-\
Function: noun
Date: 1882

: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group

anti-Semitism - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Try purchasing a dictionary. The post is completely accurate:

Main Entry: an·ti–Sem·i·tism
Pronunciation: \ˌan-tē-ˈse-mə-ˌti-zəm, ˌan-ˌtī-\
Function: noun
Date: 1882

: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group

anti-Semitism - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

there are certain people who can't stand when anything sets the jewish experience apart in any way. they try to distort the definitions of things like anti-semitism.

what's a judaist, though?
Try purchasing a dictionary. The post is completely accurate:

Main Entry: an·ti–Sem·i·tism
Pronunciation: \ˌan-tē-ˈse-mə-ˌti-zəm, ˌan-ˌtī-\
Function: noun
Date: 1882

: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group

anti-Semitism - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

there are certain people who can't stand when anything sets the jewish experience apart in any way. they try to distort the definitions of things like anti-semitism.

what's a judaist, though?

An attempt to dissemble the language so they can try and avoid labeling someone an anti-semite? Just a guess though.

And this is a big deal because....

Not all Jews are Zionuts


New York City, Sept 22, 2009

While American President Obama, Palestinian President Abbas and the Zionist Prime Minister Netanyahu meet on Tuesday Sep 22, 09, in the United Nations headquarters in New York City, Anti Zionist Orthodox Jews demonstrated outside to state that the State of "Israel" does not represent the Jewish people and that any peace plans are not acceptable according to the Torah as long as a State is governed by Jews.

Some are merely nuts, like the two pictured above.

A lot of anti semites actually had Jewish ancestors, like Zhirinovsky in Russia. So what? WHo cares?
Try purchasing a dictionary. The post is completely accurate:

Main Entry: an·ti–Sem·i·tism
Pronunciation: \ˌan-tē-ˈse-mə-ˌti-zəm, ˌan-ˌtī-\
Function: noun
Date: 1882

: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group

anti-Semitism - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

there are certain people who can't stand when anything sets the jewish experience apart in any way. they try to distort the definitions of things like anti-semitism.

what's a judaist, though?

An attempt to dissemble the language so they can try and avoid labeling someone an anti-semite? Just a guess though.

ah...ok. cause i've never heard the word before. seems like a lot of contortions to avoid plain language.
there are certain people who can't stand when anything sets the jewish experience apart in any way. they try to distort the definitions of things like anti-semitism.

what's a judaist, though?

An attempt to dissemble the language so they can try and avoid labeling someone an anti-semite? Just a guess though.

ah...ok. cause i've never heard the word before. seems like a lot of contortions to avoid plain language.

Welcome to politics...
Because Jews who identify with the enemies of Jews have a screw loose. Even the late Satmar rebbe zt'l, no friend of Zionism, condemned these guys.

Rabbi, from what I understand, these guys back their position using the Torah.

Israel is said to exist because it is a nation for Jews based on Judiasm.

If that is true.

Shouldn't the Torah be the guiding light for the state and it's people?
Because Jews who identify with the enemies of Jews have a screw loose. Even the late Satmar rebbe zt'l, no friend of Zionism, condemned these guys.

Rabbi, from what I understand, these guys back their position using the Torah.

Israel is said to exist because it is a nation for Jews based on Judiasm.

If that is true.

Shouldn't the Torah be the guiding light for the state and it's people?

Sunniman, the 9/11 hijackers backed their position by the Koran. Were they correct? The Wahhabis think anyone who isn't a wahabbi is a pagan. They justify that from the Koran. Are they correct?
Should the Torah be the guide for Israel? Yes. BUt it isn't. No one asked me what they ought to be doing in Israel. That isn't the issue.

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