Iran warships escort cargo vessel toward Yemen


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
Will the US and its allies block or try to inspect the cargo ship before it gets to Yemen igniting a likely confrontation with Iran, or should they let it through to the Yemeni port, opening the door for future deliveries that might contain weapons or other lethal aid?

Is this the 3th or 4th time Iran tries to supply weapons to the Houthis this month?...(the mullahs say is humanitarian help... yeah right :rolleyes-41:) ....not looking good... something's gotta give... yes? no? may be?

19 May 2015

Iran warships escort cargo vessel toward Yemen - Yahoo News
Will the US and its allies block or try to inspect the cargo ship before it gets to Yemen igniting a likely confrontation with Iran, or should they let it through to the Yemeni port, opening the door for future deliveries that might contain weapons or other lethal aid?

Is this the 3th or 4th time Iran tries to supply weapons to the Houthis this month?...(the mullahs say is humanitarian help... yeah right :rolleyes-41:) ....not looking good... something's gotta give... yes? no? may be?

19 May 2015

Iran warships escort cargo vessel toward Yemen - Yahoo News

Is that really a question? "U.S. and other Western leaders have accused Iran of militarily backing the Yemeni rebels, known as Houthis, and providing them with weapons" The US should stop the vessel and inspect it.
Will the US and its allies block or try to inspect the cargo ship before it gets to Yemen igniting a likely confrontation with Iran, or should they let it through to the Yemeni port, opening the door for future deliveries that might contain weapons or other lethal aid?

Is this the 3th or 4th time Iran tries to supply weapons to the Houthis this month?...(the mullahs say is humanitarian help... yeah right :rolleyes-41:) ....not looking good... something's gotta give... yes? no? may be?

19 May 2015

Iran warships escort cargo vessel toward Yemen - Yahoo News

Is that really a question? "U.S. and other Western leaders have accused Iran of militarily backing the Yemeni rebels, known as Houthis, and providing them with weapons" The US should stop the vessel and inspect it.

U.S. and allied officials are debating how they should handle the Iranian cargo ship heading towards Yemen .... of course with Hussein Obama being the Mullah advocate that he is .... :mad-61:
Will the US and its allies block or try to inspect the cargo ship before it gets to Yemen igniting a likely confrontation with Iran, or should they let it through to the Yemeni port, opening the door for future deliveries that might contain weapons or other lethal aid?

Is this the 3th or 4th time Iran tries to supply weapons to the Houthis this month?...(the mullahs say is humanitarian help... yeah right :rolleyes-41:) ....not looking good... something's gotta give... yes? no? may be?

19 May 2015

Iran warships escort cargo vessel toward Yemen - Yahoo News

Is that really a question? "U.S. and other Western leaders have accused Iran of militarily backing the Yemeni rebels, known as Houthis, and providing them with weapons" The US should stop the vessel and inspect it.

U.S. and allied officials are debating how they should handle the Iranian cargo ship heading towards Yemen .... of course with Hussein Obama being the Mullah advocate that he is .... :mad-61:

Obama should be set aside he does not love the US. He would run and hide after trying to talk Iran to death.
It is very easy to provoke a war.
What follows is not usually so easy.
Will the US and its allies block or try to inspect the cargo ship before it gets to Yemen igniting a likely confrontation with Iran, or should they let it through to the Yemeni port, opening the door for future deliveries that might contain weapons or other lethal aid?

Is this the 3th or 4th time Iran tries to supply weapons to the Houthis this month?...(the mullahs say is humanitarian help... yeah right :rolleyes-41:) ....not looking good... something's gotta give... yes? no? may be?

19 May 2015

Iran warships escort cargo vessel toward Yemen - Yahoo News

Is that really a question? "U.S. and other Western leaders have accused Iran of militarily backing the Yemeni rebels, known as Houthis, and providing them with weapons" The US should stop the vessel and inspect it.

U.S. and allied officials are debating how they should handle the Iranian cargo ship heading towards Yemen .... of course with Hussein Obama being the Mullah advocate that he is .... :mad-61:

Obama should be set aside he does not love the US. He would run and hide after trying to talk Iran to death.

Deputy Chief of Iran's Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri said last week that any attack on the ship would spark a regional war.

Iran is the bully of the Middle East.

A dangerous bully with a nuclear weapon very soon....if not stopped.
Who wants to volunteer to be the first into Iran to stop them?
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Yes I think the Iranian ship should be allowed to bring whatever it wants to Yemen. I personally do not care for the Al Saud family or SA, but that is me. I realize they want to have another way to ship their oil instead of the Persian Strait but they should negotiate a way with all their money. They are just destroying Yemen and lets face it , we all supply weapons to our allies.
Penelope, et al,

This is not really about the "oil" or the transport thereof, in or through Yemen. I've been there. Yemen only has about 2000km of pipeline (oil, gas, LP in total).

Oil refinery in Yemen stops operation; lack of raw materials cited
By Hakim Almasmari, for CNN
Updated 5:18 PM ET, Sun November 20, 2011

An oil refinery in Yemen has stopped operation due to lack of raw materials, according to officials at the refinery.

Senior officials at the Aden Oil refinery in Aden told CNN on Sunday that the last day of production was Thursday, following an attack in Marib province on one of the country's main oil pipelines.



Yemen Oil Refinery Resumes Operation

Sana’a: Yemen's main oil refinery in the port city of Aden has begun operating after months of suspension in the wake of consecutive attacks on oil pipelines in the lawless province of Mareb.

This week the refinery received the first shipment crude from the Ras Isa export terminal on the Red Sea coast.

Dr Najeeb Mansour, the executive manager of Aden Refinery, told Saba news agency that the sabotage attacks on the oil pipelines have cost the country $50 million monthly.
I don't think Saudi Arabia wants to risk anything on the failed state that will put Sadi assets at risk. The Saudi's like other regional partners, are worried about the containment of radical elements that might spread throughout the region. The region is filled with populations that have little or no respect for freedom in commerce and industry. Yemen in particular. Like Iraq, you just cannot hand them freedom and expect them to build upon it. It is not their way.

Most Respectfully,
Yes I think the Iranian ship should be allowed to bring whatever it wants to Yemen. I personally do not care for the Al Saud family or SA, but that is me. I realize they want to have another way to ship their oil instead of the Persian Strait but they should negotiate a way with all their money. They are just destroying Yemen and lets face it , we all supply weapons to our allies.

wrong again-----Yemenis are destroying Yemen and HEZBOLLAH plants that have been shipped there for at least the past five years. Why do you INVENT your own history, Penelope??. The shipments are for armaments for the fighters who are strewing the streets of
Sanaa and Aden with baby bodies for filth like you to
DANCE UPON. The situation in Yemen is so sad that
even people who fled that SHARIAH SHIT HOLE ---are
distressed by it. Yemen is being victimized by Iran-----
not that Yemen is an innocent player-----it is also an AL QAEDA stronghold------lots of Osama bin Laden's relatives are in Yemen ----his mother was from that
shariah shit-hole. The whole situation is tragic and
the PENELOPEs of the world want to see it get worse----
Yemen is already swimming in blood ----Saudi Arabia is
certainly not doing it ------(not that Saudi Arabia is an
innocent player in anything) The good news is there ain't no jews there.
Iran has announced the ship may be inspected.

not impressed-----will ALL their stuff be inspected?-----what is supposed to be on the ship? FOOD FOR HEZBOLLAH
OPERATIVES-----same thing as guns----remember napoleon said ------AN ARMY TRAVEL ON ITS STOMACH. The only people with advanced weaponry right now in Yemen are HOUTHIS-----what are HOUTHIS? members of a small Shiite minority-----which used to be
very impoverished in Yemen------suddeny DEY IS IN DA MONEY (wealth in yemen is measured by how many machine guns a man has slung over his shoulder----but the armaments that the average Yemeni man carried was either a pistol or a small rifle along with the fancy dagger in the belt ya wanna know how I know?) Just whom do you imagine it was that SAUDI ARABIA shot as they tried to sneak into the country???? try to keep up-----I am introducing you to world war III
PS -----the sunni muslims (majority) in yemen hate the Shiites the same way the Iraqis do and the Pakistanis do.
wanna know how I know?

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