Iran To Send Monkey Into Space


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Iran To Send Monkey Into Space


Iran is playing catchup in the Space Age and that's no monkey business.

More than 50 years after Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space and 63 years after Albert the rhesus monkey took off in a rocket from the New Mexico desert and flew into space, the Iranian space program will launch its first astro-monkey high above the atmosphere.

The announcement that a monkey in July would boldly go where only a few hairy primates have gone before was made by Hamid Fazeli, head of Iran's Space Organisation, which sent an unmanned satellite into orbit on June 16, the Guardian reported.

The goal is for the monkey to reach an altitude of 120 kilometers, about 74 miles, above the Earth's surface. Ham, a well-trained chimpanzee reached 254 kilometers for NASA during a 1961 mission.

The mission will fulfill the promise made by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in February on the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution that a capsule would transport a living monkey into the heavens for the country, the Australian Broadcasting Company reported.

A rat, turtle and worms were part of an Iranian flight in 2010.

The Iranian space program is shooting for the stars and hopes to put a man into by 2020, Agence France Presse reported.

Iran To Send Monkey Into Space
Iran To Send Monkey Into Space


Iran is playing catchup in the Space Age and that's no monkey business.

More than 50 years after Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space and 63 years after Albert the rhesus monkey took off in a rocket from the New Mexico desert and flew into space, the Iranian space program will launch its first astro-monkey high above the atmosphere.

The announcement that a monkey in July would boldly go where only a few hairy primates have gone before was made by Hamid Fazeli, head of Iran's Space Organisation, which sent an unmanned satellite into orbit on June 16, the Guardian reported.

The goal is for the monkey to reach an altitude of 120 kilometers, about 74 miles, above the Earth's surface. Ham, a well-trained chimpanzee reached 254 kilometers for NASA during a 1961 mission.

The mission will fulfill the promise made by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in February on the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution that a capsule would transport a living monkey into the heavens for the country, the Australian Broadcasting Company reported.

A rat, turtle and worms were part of an Iranian flight in 2010.

The Iranian space program is shooting for the stars and hopes to put a man into by 2020, Agence France Presse reported.

Iran To Send Monkey Into Space

The American and Russian space programs were humongus test labs for the vehicles that transport the warheads on the ICBM's.

At the beginning of the space race, the Soviets were trying to put missiles into Cuba because the USA aready put them into Turkey.

Iran might have plans to solve the Medicare Crisis for us by eliminating the world after 2020.
Iran To Send Monkey Into Space


Iran is playing catchup in the Space Age and that's no monkey business.

More than 50 years after Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space and 63 years after Albert the rhesus monkey took off in a rocket from the New Mexico desert and flew into space, the Iranian space program will launch its first astro-monkey high above the atmosphere.

The announcement that a monkey in July would boldly go where only a few hairy primates have gone before was made by Hamid Fazeli, head of Iran's Space Organisation, which sent an unmanned satellite into orbit on June 16, the Guardian reported.

The goal is for the monkey to reach an altitude of 120 kilometers, about 74 miles, above the Earth's surface. Ham, a well-trained chimpanzee reached 254 kilometers for NASA during a 1961 mission.

The mission will fulfill the promise made by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in February on the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution that a capsule would transport a living monkey into the heavens for the country, the Australian Broadcasting Company reported.

A rat, turtle and worms were part of an Iranian flight in 2010.

The Iranian space program is shooting for the stars and hopes to put a man into by 2020, Agence France Presse reported.

Iran To Send Monkey Into Space

The American and Russian space programs were humongus test labs for the vehicles that transport the warheads on the ICBM's.

At the beginning of the space race, the Soviets were trying to put missiles into Cuba because the USA aready put them into Turkey.

Iran might have plans to solve the Medicare Crisis for us by eliminating the world after 2020.

Exactly. That, sending up a monkey, is a pretty thin reason to send a missile into space. It's time to start taking their desire to have deliverable nukes more seriously. I was late coming to this conclusion but this is clearly not a "science" project". There is absolutely nothing to be gained from this experiment. There are volumes of information about the effects of low gravity on animals.

I've seen enough. Let's go ahead and send some drones and cruise missiles to clean up this little science project.
Glad they are sending up their brightest minds maybe thatll slow their weapons program some.
Mebbe dey gonna send him to outer space...
A weakened Ahmadinejad in New York
Mon September 26, 2011 -- The weather is unseasonably muggy, there are police roadblocks and barricades on every corner, and dark limousines speed through the streets as if in a road race.
That can mean only one thing: It's the annual opening of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City -- a festival of presidents, prime ministers, kings, and potentates. I've made the pilgrimage to Manhattan the last six years to attend meetings with the notorious president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. (He typically meets with a group of Iran experts each time he visits New York, but the event was canceled this year).

I have logged some 15 hours of face time with the Iranian leader, and in doing so have learned that some of the stereotypes fall short of the mark. Ahmadinejad has been described in many ways: as the powerful head of a country that is the sworn enemy of the United States, and as a crazy man willing to risk his own destruction in the name of religion. These views are understandable given the Iranian president's often-quoted views on everything from 9/11 to the Holocaust, but this portrait of Ahmadinejad is far too simple and ultimately misleading. So if you could meet him, what might come as a surprise?

First, like me, the Iranian head of state is short. Very short. And he is not a glad-hander. He is not a charismatic, larger-than-life individual. He is smart and fancies himself as a debater. In fact, he seems to enjoy the back-and-forth with his critics. He can lose his temper. He is a risk-taker, and he seems very confident that he is right about everything. He is not crazy, however, at least not in some obvious way.

His U.N. speeches take a hard line against the United States, punctuated with bizarre accusations and traditional criticisms of the great powers. These public speeches are what most viewers see, and they are consistent with his image. In private meetings and interviews, however, he more often mentions his hope for improved U.S.-Iranian relations and floats diplomatic proposals.

More A weakened Ahmadinejad in New York -

See also:

Iran planning to send ships near U.S. waters
Wed September 28, 2011 -- Iran plans to send ships near the Atlantic coast of the United States, state-run Islamic Republic News Agency reported Tuesday, quoting a commander.
"The Navy of the Iranian Army will have a powerful presence near the United States borders," read the headline of the story, in Farsi. "Commander of the Navy of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran broke the news about the plans for the presence of this force in the Atlantic Ocean and said that the same way that the world arrogant power is present near our marine borders, we, with the help of our sailors who follow the concept of the supreme jurisprudence, shall also establish a powerful presence near the marine borders of the United States," the story said. The reference to the "world arrogant power" was presumably intended to refer to the United States.

IRNA cited the force's website as saying that the announcement was made by Adm. Habibollah Sayari on the 31st anniversary of the Iran-Iraq war. Iran's president goes on offensive State-run Press TV said Sayari had announced similar plans in July. In February, two Iranian Navy ships traversed the Suez Canal in the first such voyages by Iranian ships since 1979. U.S. Defense Department officials had no immediate reaction to Tuesday's announcement. The United States has deployed fleets to the Persian Gulf in the past.

State-run Press TV, citing IRNA, said Tuesday's announcement came as Iran also plans to send its 16th fleet of warships to the Gulf of Aden to protect Iranian vessels and oil tankers from pirates, who have hijacked dozens of ships and exchanged their crews for ransom. The Islamic Republic has repeatedly assured that its military might poses no threat to other countries, stating that Tehran's defense doctrine is based only on deterrence, Press TV reported in a story in July about the deployment of submarines to international waters.
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Iran To Send Monkey Into Space


Iran is playing catchup in the Space Age and that's no monkey business.

More than 50 years after Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space and 63 years after Albert the rhesus monkey took off in a rocket from the New Mexico desert and flew into space, the Iranian space program will launch its first astro-monkey high above the atmosphere.

The announcement that a monkey in July would boldly go where only a few hairy primates have gone before was made by Hamid Fazeli, head of Iran's Space Organisation, which sent an unmanned satellite into orbit on June 16, the Guardian reported.

The goal is for the monkey to reach an altitude of 120 kilometers, about 74 miles, above the Earth's surface. Ham, a well-trained chimpanzee reached 254 kilometers for NASA during a 1961 mission.

The mission will fulfill the promise made by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in February on the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution that a capsule would transport a living monkey into the heavens for the country, the Australian Broadcasting Company reported.

A rat, turtle and worms were part of an Iranian flight in 2010.

The Iranian space program is shooting for the stars and hopes to put a man into by 2020, Agence France Presse reported.

Iran To Send Monkey Into Space

1957 called, it wants its space program back.
Iran gettin' sassy with new missile...
Iran Says Its New Cruise Missile Can 'Sink Giant Warships'
September 28, 2011 | Iran has begun to mass manufacture a domestically developed cruise missile that reportedly could be used to strike Israel and potentially counter U.S. naval presence in the Persian Gulf.
The missile, called Ghader, which means capable in Farsi, has a 124-mile range and can "sink giant warships," Gen. Ahmad Vahidi, the Iranian defense minister, said in an interview on Press TV. He went on to say the missile could be launched quickly and travel at low altitudes. The exact number of missiles produced is unclear, but they reportedly were delivered to the Revolutionary Guard’s naval division. The country often makes announcements about new advances in military technology that cannot be independently verified. Vahidi called the manufacture of the missile a "great achievement" and denied reports circulating that the missile was not produced in the country, The Jerusalem Post reported.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad unveiled the missile in August, when he said the intention was defensive and to ensure that Iran's enemies "do not dare attack," the AFP reported. However, Iran’s growing arsenal includes short- and medium-range ballistic missiles that are capable of hitting targets in the region, such as Israel and U.S. military bases in the Gulf. Reports of the mass production comes at a time when there appears to be increasing tension between Iran and the U.S. The West is already concerned about Iran's military capabilities, especially the implications of the country's disputed nuclear program. The U.S. and some of its allies, as well as the U.N.'s nuclear agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency, fear that Iran is trying to produce a nuclear weapon. Tehran denies the charges.

On Tuesday, the Iran announced plans to move naval vessels out of the Persian Gulf and into the Atlantic Ocean, "near maritime borders of the United States.” “As the global arrogance (forces of imperialism) have a (military) presence near our sea borders, we also plan to have a strong presence near the U.S. sea borders with the help of the soldiers who are loyal to the vali-e faqih (supreme jurisprudent),” said Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, as quoted and paraphrased by the Tehran Times. Iran began a military self-sufficiency program in 1992, under which it produces a large range of weapons, including tanks, missiles, jet fighters, unmanned drone aircraft and torpedoes.

Read more: Iran Says Its New Cruise Missile Can 'Sink Giant Warships' | Fox News
Iran To Send Monkey Into Space


Iran is playing catchup in the Space Age and that's no monkey business.

More than 50 years after Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space and 63 years after Albert the rhesus monkey took off in a rocket from the New Mexico desert and flew into space, the Iranian space program will launch its first astro-monkey high above the atmosphere.

The announcement that a monkey in July would boldly go where only a few hairy primates have gone before was made by Hamid Fazeli, head of Iran's Space Organisation, which sent an unmanned satellite into orbit on June 16, the Guardian reported.

The goal is for the monkey to reach an altitude of 120 kilometers, about 74 miles, above the Earth's surface. Ham, a well-trained chimpanzee reached 254 kilometers for NASA during a 1961 mission.

The mission will fulfill the promise made by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in February on the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution that a capsule would transport a living monkey into the heavens for the country, the Australian Broadcasting Company reported.

A rat, turtle and worms were part of an Iranian flight in 2010.

The Iranian space program is shooting for the stars and hopes to put a man into by 2020, Agence France Presse reported.

Iran To Send Monkey Into Space

The American and Russian space programs were humongus test labs for the vehicles that transport the warheads on the ICBM's.

At the beginning of the space race, the Soviets were trying to put missiles into Cuba because the USA aready put them into Turkey.

Iran might have plans to solve the Medicare Crisis for us by eliminating the world after 2020.


But thanks for playing.
Iran To Send Monkey Into Space


Iran To Send Monkey Into Space

The American and Russian space programs were humongus test labs for the vehicles that transport the warheads on the ICBM's.

At the beginning of the space race, the Soviets were trying to put missiles into Cuba because the USA aready put them into Turkey.

Iran might have plans to solve the Medicare Crisis for us by eliminating the world after 2020.


But thanks for playing.

Wll um yes. Iranian mullahs subscribe to the Islamic belief in ithna ashariyyah in which their mahdi appears when the end of the universe occurs.
The American and Russian space programs were humongus test labs for the vehicles that transport the warheads on the ICBM's.

At the beginning of the space race, the Soviets were trying to put missiles into Cuba because the USA aready put them into Turkey.

Iran might have plans to solve the Medicare Crisis for us by eliminating the world after 2020.


But thanks for playing.

Wll um yes. Iranian mullahs subscribe to the Islamic belief in ithna ashariyyah in which their mahdi appears when the end of the universe occurs.


Iran hasn't attacked anyone in nearly a century.

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