CDZ Iran nuclear concerns: Israel warns Tehran is only ‘10 weeks away’ from acquiring weapons-grade materials


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Iran nuclear concerns: Israel warns Tehran is only ‘10 weeks away’ from acquiring weapons-grade materials
Israel Defense Minister Benny Gantz reportedly has warned U.N. Security Council diplomats this week that Iran is “only around 10 weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade materials necessary for a nuclear weapon.”

Local : 2021-08-05(Thursday) 16:44:28
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Iran not ready to resume nuclear talks
Iran says it won't resume nuclear deal talks until Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raisi's administration has begun.

Local : 2021-07-15(Thursday) 02:34:38
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Maybe Trump was wrong after all, to cancel the deal and try to expand it to include Iran's ballistic missile and regional militant ambitions..

New Iran leader seeks to lift US sanctions
Iran's incoming president Ebrahim Raisi says Tehran will take steps to lift "tyrannical" sanctions imposed by the United States.
Local : 2021-08-03(Tuesday) 09:45:28
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well, either Biden's admin goes along with Trump's, and stiffens sanctions until the Iranians comply with the deal that Trump put on the table,
or Biden folds and hands the middle east to Iran, while probably *not* getting effective inspections going.

if it were up to me, i'd sanction the Iranian leaderships and their richest 10%, not the general population.

a wide sanctions program designed to cripple the Iranian economy is only going to increase hatred of the west and play right into Raisi's regime's hands.
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Is Iran still only WEEKS away from a nuke?



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Is Iran still only WEEKS away from a nuke?



well, the Israelis have valid reasons to be worried about the Iranian nuclear program, as well as their ballistic missile and space programs.

the Iranians have said more than once that they'd like to see Israel wiped off the map
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This may not end well. When you mix religion, ancient enemies and modern weapons you end up with a very dangerous brew. The article below is dated but I doubt the religious beliefs of the rulers of Iran have changed that much.

Iran is a fervently Shiite Islamic Republic with a 98 percent Muslim population and 89 percent of those Muslims identifying as Shiite according to the CIA World Factbook. Twelver Shiism is the largest branch of Shiite Islam, with about 85 percent of Shiite adhering to the belief in the 12th Imam. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the father of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, was a Twelver. So is the current Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Now, what does this mean? They believe that a series of Imams was appointed to carry on the Prophet Muhammad's message and that these Imam rank above all other prophets except for Muhammad himself. The 12th, Muhammad al-Mahdi, is believed by these Shiites to have been born in present-day Iraq in 869 and never to have died, only gone into hiding. Twelvers—not other Shiites or Sunni Muslims—believe that al-Mahdi will return as a messiah with Jesus to bring peace to the world and establish Islam as the ruling faith across the globe.

The apocalyptic catch? The Mahdi is expected to appear when the world is wracked by utter chaos and war. Many Sunnis also believe that the Mahdi will come in such a judgment day scenario, but believe that he has not been born yet.

The Twelver beliefs have raised concern in conjunction with Iran's steeped interest in furiously pressing forward with its nuclear program, combined with threats against Israel and the West. Critics of the Islamic Republic allege that Ahmadinejad and the Supreme Leader would even go so far as to hasten a nuclear showdown and cataclysmic strike—perhaps an attack on Israel and inevitable retaliation—to hasten the arrival of the 12th Imam. Ahmadinejad has even called for the reappearance of the 12th Imam from the podium of the United Nations General Assembly. During his speeches within Iran, Ahmadinejad has said that the main mission of the Islamic Revolution is to pave the way for the reappearance of the 12th Imam.
well, the Israelis have valid reasons to be worried about the Iranian nuclear program, as well as their ballistic missile and space programs.

the Iranians have said more than once that they'd like to see Israel wiped off the map
lol! Yeah it's been then end of the world for the past two decades.
Iran nuclear concerns: Israel warns Tehran is only ‘10 weeks away’ from acquiring weapons-grade materials
Israel Defense Minister Benny Gantz reportedly has warned U.N. Security Council diplomats this week that Iran is “only around 10 weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade materials necessary for a nuclear weapon.”

Local : 2021-08-05(Thursday) 16:44:28
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Iran not ready to resume nuclear talks
Iran says it won't resume nuclear deal talks until Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raisi's administration has begun.

Local : 2021-07-15(Thursday) 02:34:38
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Maybe Trump was wrong after all, to cancel the deal and try to expand it to include Iran's ballistic missile and regional militant ambitions..

New Iran leader seeks to lift US sanctions
Iran's incoming president Ebrahim Raisi says Tehran will take steps to lift "tyrannical" sanctions imposed by the United States.
Local : 2021-08-03(Tuesday) 09:45:28
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well, either Biden's admin goes along with Trump's, and stiffens sanctions until the Iranians comply with the deal that Trump put on the table,
or Biden folds and hands the middle east to Iran, while probably *not* getting effective inspections going.

if it were up to me, i'd sanction the Iranian leaderships and their richest 10%, not the general population.

a wide sanctions program designed to cripple the Iranian economy is only going to increase hatred of the west and play right into Raisi's regime's hands.

Iran nuclear concerns: Israel warns Tehran is only ‘10 weeks away’ from acquiring weapons-grade materials..they were a hell of a lot further away than that until Trump f**ed the Iran nuke deal up.​


Iran nuclear concerns: Israel warns Tehran is only ‘10 weeks away’ from acquiring weapons-grade materials..they were a hell of a lot further away than that until Trump f**ed the Iran nuke deal up.​

yep. but it turns out the Iranian leaderships would rather see their population starve, than give up their ballistic missile and regional militancy programs. :(
How ever you felt about the deal we use to have with Iran, now we are back with no deal & worrying about them again, as if we didn't have enough problems.
Iran nuclear concerns: Israel warns Tehran is only ‘10 weeks away’ from acquiring weapons-grade materials
Israel Defense Minister Benny Gantz reportedly has warned U.N. Security Council diplomats this week that Iran is “only around 10 weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade materials necessary for a nuclear weapon.”

Local : 2021-08-05(Thursday) 16:44:28
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Iran not ready to resume nuclear talks
Iran says it won't resume nuclear deal talks until Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raisi's administration has begun.

Local : 2021-07-15(Thursday) 02:34:38
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Maybe Trump was wrong after all, to cancel the deal and try to expand it to include Iran's ballistic missile and regional militant ambitions..

New Iran leader seeks to lift US sanctions
Iran's incoming president Ebrahim Raisi says Tehran will take steps to lift "tyrannical" sanctions imposed by the United States.
Local : 2021-08-03(Tuesday) 09:45:28
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well, either Biden's admin goes along with Trump's, and stiffens sanctions until the Iranians comply with the deal that Trump put on the table,
or Biden folds and hands the middle east to Iran, while probably *not* getting effective inspections going.

if it were up to me, i'd sanction the Iranian leaderships and their richest 10%, not the general population.

a wide sanctions program designed to cripple the Iranian economy is only going to increase hatred of the west and play right into Raisi's regime's hands.

Wow.. Israel has been saying that since 1994. They need to go ahead and invade Iran and leave us out of it.

Israel warns Tehran is only ‘10 weeks away’ from acquiring weapons-grade materials​

No problem. We can easily stop Iran by totally disrupting their entire country by having Biden

order his military to evacuate all Americans and non-Iranians out of the country in one massive bugout. :smoke:
No problem. We can easily stop Iran by totally disrupting their entire country by having Biden

order his military to evacuate all Americans and non-Iranians out of the country in one massive bugout. :smoke:

Trump drew down US troops from 13,000 to 2500 and released 5,000 from prison.
In best RoadRunner style too...


Wile E Coyote would have it ordered by mail in a millisecond...

I have often wondered what Bibi was thinking.... maybe Congress didn't know the word bomb? What year was that?


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