Iran/Iraq we're cool now

iraq used to be a wall agauinst iranioan aggression.

now they are an accomplice.

In the past Iraq was controlled by blood-thirsty sunnis who
murdered shiite men, women and children and kurds by
the tens of thousands for DECADES-----Iraq also fought
and murdered Iranian shiites-----more lately blood thirsty
shiites are gaining control in Iraq and now THEY dance
on the dead bodies of thousands of babies----this time
sunnis What else is new? In syria-----shiite like
people and hezbollah--(the criminal pigs controlled by
iran) are murdering sunni and shiite syrians. What
else is new? The Hezbollah pigs are expanding thru-
out the middle east and murder werever they can------
they are the shiite form of al queida pigs.

Pigs remain pigs
Zebari got his head inna sand...

Iraqi minister doubts new civil war on horizon
Sep 28,`13 -- Iraq's foreign minister says he doubts the escalating violence in the country will lead to "an all-out sectarian or civil war."
Hoshyar Zebari gave several reasons in an interview Saturday with The Associated Press: the Shiite, Sunni and other communities "know their limits;" the violence is limited mainly to Baghdad and its suburbs; and Sunni and Shiite religious leaders have edicts against killing each other's followers.

More than 4,500 people have been killed since April in a surge of violence by insurgents aimed at undermining confidence in the government. The growing unrest has intensified fears of renewed war between Shiites and Sunnis.

Zebari said the United States has responded positively to Iraq's request for military equipment and counterterrorism and intelligence assistance, but a request for drones is still "being processed."


See also:

Iraq says Iran's shift toward West is serious
Sep 28,`13 -- Iraq's foreign minister said Saturday that the new Iranian government led by President Hassan Rouhani offers "the best chance after 34 years of animosity" to improve relations with the United States and should be taken seriously.
Hoshyar Zebari also told The Associated Press in an interview that he is working behind the scenes to try to unite disparate Syrian opposition groups ahead of a November peace conference and to promote a thaw in Tehran's relations with the United States. Zebari said U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon asked Iraq at their meeting Saturday to press the opposition to come with one delegation and one position. The U.N. chief also told him he heard no opposition to Iran, an ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad, participating in the upcoming Geneva peace conference. "Before he would hear outright rejection," Zebari said. "This time, everybody was quiet. Nobody objected."

Iraq is in a unique position in the Middle East. Its Shiite-dominated government has comfortable ties to Shiite Iran - an important ally of Bashar Assad's Syrian regime. And according to Zebari, Iraq also has good relations with both sides in the Syrian conflict. It also has strong ties to Washington following the 10-year, American-led war that ousted dictator Saddam Hussein. Zebari said Iraq had numerous discussions with the Americans and the Iranians after Rouhani's June election. "Our role I would not claim to be decisive or instrumental, but it was helpful," he said.

When Rouhani won by a landslide in the first round, he said Iraq understood before many other people "that this is real, this is genuine, because if the regime wanted to scuttle it, they could have forced a second round election. They didn't." Iran's hard-line Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who calls the shots on all important matters of state, appears to be giving his critical backing to Rouhani's rapprochement with the West. On Friday, President Barack Obama and Rouhani spoke on the phone for 15 minutes, the highest level contacts between the two countries since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution. It capped Rouhani's debut on the world stage this week at the U.N. General Assembly, where he repeatedly advocated for moderation and an easing of tensions.

Ahead of the General Assembly, Zebari said he told the Americans and Europeans: "Take this leadership more seriously. Don't think that they are the same, that they are just playing games. ... We see they are serious." Zebari said another important indication of Rouhani's seriousness was that he appointed Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif as lead nuclear negotiator, taking that key role out of the hands of security agencies with the apparent blessing of ruling clerics. Iran's eagerness to resume stalled negotiations over its disputed nuclear program is another sign of a real shift, Zebari said. He said he told the Americans and Europeans that "before you were after them to have these talks ... just to give the impression you are doing something. Now they are eager also, and primarily because of the sanctions, because of the isolation."

That "Iranian aggression" is simply a Zionist fantasy.

Iran is not invading and occupying other nations.

We cannot say that about either the US or Israel.
Did anyone read about the attack on Camp Ashraf and see the videos on You Tube? ( There actually have been multiple attacks, the most recent 9/1/2013, the two videos below are of two attacks)

They say you can see the Iraqi Forces carrying out the attacks.

And the attacks are against members in the terrorist MEK organization, aka the Mujahadeen e Khalq.

Obviously, the attacks are being carried out at the behest of the Iranian government.


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That "Iranian aggression" is simply a Zionist fantasy.

Iran is not invading and occupying other nations.

We cannot say that about either the US or Israel.

Umm, Gardener was an anti - Zionist poster you know. Before he went on a permanent vacation . So I don't know why you are mentioning Iranian aggression being a Zionist fantasy
52 Iranian exiles killed at Iraq’s Camp Ashraf

Iraqi security forces carried out a “massacre” of 52 unarmed Iranian dissidents early Sunday at their camp north of Baghdad, the Iranian exiles said.The assault on Camp Ashraf began at 5 a.m. and lasted until late afternoon. Iraqi troops tied the dissidents’ hands behind their backs and shot them in the head, said a camp resident who requested anonymity out of concern for his safety.Iraqi officials acknowledged the deaths but blamed them on infighting among the camp’s 100 residents. The U.S. Embassy in Iraq strongly condemned the “terrible events” at Camp Ashraf.

52 Iranian exiles killed at Iraq's Camp Ashraf - Washington Times

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