Iran Admits to Facilitating 9-11

It had to be laundered through the Obama.

Yes but it was not illegal. How else were they suppose to spend THEIR own money.
Shocker, the racist bigot who hates Jews cheerleading for Iran, the worlds leading sponsors of terrorism.

this has nothing to do with Israel, just want you to understand where this info comes from and SA is lying and so is Trump.

So since you are pro Israel you are against Iran, this is what you just said. No I consider the Israel regime rouge same as the US regime.

ROUGE? I have never known an Israeli to use ROUGE. They are
all usually sunburned

Your right, they are a rogue regime.
They’re criminals. Mass-murderers. Islamic Charles Manson family.
We should have taken Iran out a long time ago while all of the idiots and never Trumpers in the swamp like Clinton Obama and the Bush's and the last 10 congresses were busy with harmless nations like Iraq and Libya and Afghanistan...Iran was gaining strength and influenced in the middle east...then they get a mole in the white house itself? heads should roll on this one....
Valerie "planet of the apes" Jarret.
You've just described Obama's money laundering scheme.

Their money.
It had to be laundered through the Obama.

Yes but it was not illegal. How else were they suppose to spend THEIR own money.
That's why it had to be laundered into dollars through the US and then exchanged for Euros.

Thanks, Obama.

And then the Uk laundered it for Euros. It was their money to begin with since the UK and the US did a coup.

What do we get for the 3.8 billion of taxpayers money sent to Israel yearly, nothing.
It wasn't their money. You just said their money was in Omani rials.

They needed to launder those rials to spend them. Obama was the patsy.

Hey, it was your post that explained it.
Their money.
It had to be laundered through the Obama.

Yes but it was not illegal. How else were they suppose to spend THEIR own money.
That's why it had to be laundered into dollars through the US and then exchanged for Euros.

Thanks, Obama.

And then the Uk laundered it for Euros. It was their money to begin with since the UK and the US did a coup.

What do we get for the 3.8 billion of taxpayers money sent to Israel yearly, nothing.
It wasn't their money. You just said their money was in Omani rials.

They needed to launder those rials to spend them. Obama was the patsy.

Hey, it was your post that explained it.

Their money.
It had to be laundered through the Obama.

Yes but it was not illegal. How else were they suppose to spend THEIR own money.
That's why it had to be laundered into dollars through the US and then exchanged for Euros.

Thanks, Obama.

And then the Uk laundered it for Euros. It was their money to begin with since the UK and the US did a coup.

What do we get for the 3.8 billion of taxpayers money sent to Israel yearly, nothing.
It wasn't their money. You just said their money was in Omani rials.

They needed to launder those rials to spend them. Obama was the patsy.

Hey, it was your post that explained it.

All I know for sure is the deal was a great deal and Trump and the GOP ruined it. What could be more valuable than the IAEA checking the country , oh I know starting a brand new deal with NK with the IAEA checking while giving them aid. Trump and the GOP didn't like the deal because WHY, Israel and SA don't like it and Obama made the deal along with other nations, UK, France, Russia, China, and Germany.

Russia and China have enlisted NK to make Trump look good. My opinion.
It had to be laundered through the Obama.

Yes but it was not illegal. How else were they suppose to spend THEIR own money.
That's why it had to be laundered into dollars through the US and then exchanged for Euros.

Thanks, Obama.

And then the Uk laundered it for Euros. It was their money to begin with since the UK and the US did a coup.

What do we get for the 3.8 billion of taxpayers money sent to Israel yearly, nothing.
It wasn't their money. You just said their money was in Omani rials.

They needed to launder those rials to spend them. Obama was the patsy.

Hey, it was your post that explained it.

It had to be laundered through the Obama.

Yes but it was not illegal. How else were they suppose to spend THEIR own money.
That's why it had to be laundered into dollars through the US and then exchanged for Euros.

Thanks, Obama.

And then the Uk laundered it for Euros. It was their money to begin with since the UK and the US did a coup.

What do we get for the 3.8 billion of taxpayers money sent to Israel yearly, nothing.
It wasn't their money. You just said their money was in Omani rials.

They needed to launder those rials to spend them. Obama was the patsy.

Hey, it was your post that explained it.

All I know for sure is the deal was a great deal and Trump and the GOP ruined it. What could be more valuable than the IAEA checking the country , oh I know starting a brand new deal with NK with the IAEA checking while giving them aid. Trump and the GOP didn't like the deal because WHY, Israel and SA don't like it and Obama made the deal along with other nations, UK, France, Russia, China, and Germany.

Russia and China have enlisted NK to make Trump look good. My opinion.
That has nothing to do with Obama being a patsy of Iran and laundering their money for them.
It had to be laundered through the Obama.

Yes but it was not illegal. How else were they suppose to spend THEIR own money.
That's why it had to be laundered into dollars through the US and then exchanged for Euros.

Thanks, Obama.

And then the Uk laundered it for Euros. It was their money to begin with since the UK and the US did a coup.

What do we get for the 3.8 billion of taxpayers money sent to Israel yearly, nothing.
It wasn't their money. You just said their money was in Omani rials.

They needed to launder those rials to spend them. Obama was the patsy.

Hey, it was your post that explained it.

It had to be laundered through the Obama.

Yes but it was not illegal. How else were they suppose to spend THEIR own money.
That's why it had to be laundered into dollars through the US and then exchanged for Euros.

Thanks, Obama.

And then the Uk laundered it for Euros. It was their money to begin with since the UK and the US did a coup.

What do we get for the 3.8 billion of taxpayers money sent to Israel yearly, nothing.
It wasn't their money. You just said their money was in Omani rials.

They needed to launder those rials to spend them. Obama was the patsy.

Hey, it was your post that explained it.

All I know for sure is the deal was a great deal and Trump and the GOP ruined it. What could be more valuable than the IAEA checking the country , oh I know starting a brand new deal with NK with the IAEA checking while giving them aid. Trump and the GOP didn't like the deal because WHY, Israel and SA don't like it and Obama made the deal along with other nations, UK, France, Russia, China, and Germany.

Russia and China have enlisted NK to make Trump look good. My opinion.
The deal was shit from jump street. Only an idiot would think otherwise. IAEA? Really? Fucking joke. Obama put lives in danger because of his fucked-up deal with a terrorist state.
Isn't much of this, old news?
The 9/11 Commission Report stated that 8 to 10 of the hijackers previously passed through Iran and their travel was facilitated by Iranian border guards.[135][137] The report also found "circumstantial evidence that senior Hezbollah operatives were closely tracking the travel of some of these future muscle hijackers into Iran in November 2000."[137] Judge George B. Daniels ruled in a federal district court in Manhattan that Iran bears legal responsibility for providing "material support" to the 9/11 plotters and hijackers in Havlish, et al. v. Osama bin Laden, Iran, et al.[138][139] Included in Judge Daniels' findings were claims that Iran "used front companies to obtain a Boeing 757-767-777 flight simulator for training the terrorists", Ramzi bin al-Shibh traveled to Iran in January 2001, and an Iranian government memorandum from May 14, 2001 demonstrates Iranian culpability in planning the attacks.[138] Defectors from Iran's intelligence service testified that Iranian officials had "foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks."[140] By contrast, the 9/11 Commission "found no evidence that Iran or Hezbollah was aware of the planning for what later became the 9/11 attack. At the time of their travel through Iran, the al Qaeda operatives themselves were probably not aware of the specific details of their future operation." In addition, both bin al-Shibh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed denied "any relationship between the hijackers and Hezbollah" and "any other reason for the hijackers' travel to Iran" besides "taking advantage of the Iranian practice of not stamping Saudi passports."[137]
Responsibility for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia
And then there's Saudi Arabia.
Being as Trump loves the Saudis, because they made him feel important, Little Trumpsters are ready to jump in the fire for Saudi Arabia.
What We Know About Saudi Arabia’s Role in 9/11
The Saudi government still says it had no connection to the hijackers. Newly released classified information proves otherwise.
Sometimes, reality is so absurd that it outstrips anything conspiracy theorists could come up with. More than 13 years after the congressional investigation published its report into the events surrounding the 9/11 attacks, the much discussed “28 pages” on Saudi involvement in the terrorist assault, which had been held back as too sensitive to publish, have been released. As it turns out, there are 29 pages, not 28, numbered 415 through 443 in the congressional inquiry into the 9/11 attacks. And deletions on the pages — sometimes words, often whole lines — add up to the equivalent of a total of three pages. So we still are not being given the full story.
It is instantly apparent that the widely held belief for why the pages were not initially released — to prevent embarrassing the Saudi royal family — is true.
The pages are devastating:
Page 415: “While in the United States, some of the September 11 hijackers were in contact with, and received support and assistance from, individuals who may be connected to the Saudi Government.… [A]t least two of those individuals were alleged by some to be Saudi intelligence officers.”
Page 417: One of the individuals identified in the pages as a financial supporter of two of the 9/11 hijackers, Osama Bassnan, later received a “significant amount of cash” from “a member of the Saudi Royal Family”\
One of the individuals identified in the pages as a financial supporter of two of the 9/11 hijackers, Osama Bassnan, later received a “significant amount of cash” from “a member of the Saudi Royal Family” during a 2002 trip to Houston.
Page 418: “Another Saudi national with close ties to the Saudi Royal Family, [deleted], is the subject of FBI counterterrorism investigations.”
For more to to: What We Know About Saudi Arabia’s Role in 9/11
And then there's Saudi Arabia.
Being as Trump loves the Saudis, because they made him feel important, Little Trumpsters are ready to jump in the fire for Saudi Arabia.
What We Know About Saudi Arabia’s Role in 9/11
The Saudi government still says it had no connection to the hijackers. Newly released classified information proves otherwise.
Sometimes, reality is so absurd that it outstrips anything conspiracy theorists could come up with. More than 13 years after the congressional investigation published its report into the events surrounding the 9/11 attacks, the much discussed “28 pages” on Saudi involvement in the terrorist assault, which had been held back as too sensitive to publish, have been released. As it turns out, there are 29 pages, not 28, numbered 415 through 443 in the congressional inquiry into the 9/11 attacks. And deletions on the pages — sometimes words, often whole lines — add up to the equivalent of a total of three pages. So we still are not being given the full story.
It is instantly apparent that the widely held belief for why the pages were not initially released — to prevent embarrassing the Saudi royal family — is true.
The pages are devastating:
Page 415: “While in the United States, some of the September 11 hijackers were in contact with, and received support and assistance from, individuals who may be connected to the Saudi Government.… [A]t least two of those individuals were alleged by some to be Saudi intelligence officers.”
Page 417: One of the individuals identified in the pages as a financial supporter of two of the 9/11 hijackers, Osama Bassnan, later received a “significant amount of cash” from “a member of the Saudi Royal Family”\
One of the individuals identified in the pages as a financial supporter of two of the 9/11 hijackers, Osama Bassnan, later received a “significant amount of cash” from “a member of the Saudi Royal Family” during a 2002 trip to Houston.
Page 418: “Another Saudi national with close ties to the Saudi Royal Family, [deleted], is the subject of FBI counterterrorism investigations.”
For more to to: What We Know About Saudi Arabia’s Role in 9/11
You don't know anything. I get a kick out of you clowns, cut and paste like you are right there in the middle of it. lmao.
The 9/11 hijackers were issued visas by the US State Dept. making it completely irrelevant the number of times any were allowed transit through Iran.

Iran didn't admit to having any knowledge of 9/11 conspiracy.

The thread title is a lie.
And then there's Saudi Arabia.
Being as Trump loves the Saudis, because they made him feel important, Little Trumpsters are ready to jump in the fire for Saudi Arabia.
What We Know About Saudi Arabia’s Role in 9/11
The Saudi government still says it had no connection to the hijackers. Newly released classified information proves otherwise.
Sometimes, reality is so absurd that it outstrips anything conspiracy theorists could come up with. More than 13 years after the congressional investigation published its report into the events surrounding the 9/11 attacks, the much discussed “28 pages” on Saudi involvement in the terrorist assault, which had been held back as too sensitive to publish, have been released. As it turns out, there are 29 pages, not 28, numbered 415 through 443 in the congressional inquiry into the 9/11 attacks. And deletions on the pages — sometimes words, often whole lines — add up to the equivalent of a total of three pages. So we still are not being given the full story.
It is instantly apparent that the widely held belief for why the pages were not initially released — to prevent embarrassing the Saudi royal family — is true.
The pages are devastating:
Page 415: “While in the United States, some of the September 11 hijackers were in contact with, and received support and assistance from, individuals who may be connected to the Saudi Government.… [A]t least two of those individuals were alleged by some to be Saudi intelligence officers.”
Page 417: One of the individuals identified in the pages as a financial supporter of two of the 9/11 hijackers, Osama Bassnan, later received a “significant amount of cash” from “a member of the Saudi Royal Family”\
One of the individuals identified in the pages as a financial supporter of two of the 9/11 hijackers, Osama Bassnan, later received a “significant amount of cash” from “a member of the Saudi Royal Family” during a 2002 trip to Houston.
Page 418: “Another Saudi national with close ties to the Saudi Royal Family, [deleted], is the subject of FBI counterterrorism investigations.”
For more to to: What We Know About Saudi Arabia’s Role in 9/11
You don't know anything. I get a kick out of you clowns, cut and paste like you are right there in the middle of it. lmao.

Well, Ido know that you are a Little Trumpster.
I know that my linked article is from Foreign Policy, who is highly regarded in left and right circles, which is the type of resource you Little Trumpsters hate. If your resource doesn't brag up Donald Trump 24/7, well then it's "fake news".
And then there's this; "I get a kick out of you clowns, cut and paste like you are right there in the middle of it." Actually, I don't "cut and paste", ever. I copy and paste infrequently. It is amusing your nut-job comrades do a ton of copy and pasting, I have yet to see you complain. No shock there.
As I have pointed out in the past, you are just another, easily manipulated and low info Gomer.
No wonder Obama secretly delivered billions of dollars in hard cash to Iran in the middle of night without Congressional approval.

Iran Admits To Facilitating 9/11 Terror Attacks

So the Saudis say. Also that was their money.
Shitforbrains thinks the government must return confiscated money from drug dealers and mobsters.
Yup.....Obama was smuggling laundered money to terrorists that facilitated 9/11.

That's so patriotic. :rock:

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