Inventor of Ryan "plan" explains why its wrong

Privatizong medicare has already failed.
Medicare Advantage costs 14% more than traditional Medicare.

And that is not counting the blackmail/bonuses they are demanding to not cut off seniors benefits.
Aaron's testimony

His whole thing now is 'premium support will not work'. The nutjob OP claims he is stating Ryan's pla, because of this, is wrong.

Odd how one of the first statements in his testimony was 'none of the plans now under discussion qualifies as premium support'.

If Ryan's plan doesn't qualify as premium support, and it's the idea of premium support Aaron finds incorrect now... HOW is he telling Ryan his plan is wrong?


All of Aaron's points as to why his own views have changed are well-taken. The Medicare population is indeed a particularly vulnerable population and even with the safeguards in his original proposal (which Ryan et al. have conspicuously ignored) seniors could end up in trouble. And Medicare's existing privatization experiment doesn't exactly instill much confidence.

It's time to let the ACA do its work and build from there. One of the more interesting points Aaron has made pertains to Medicare's improving financial prospects.

Yesterday, S&P released their healthcare economic indices data through March. Medicare cost growth continues its impressive slowdown, now nearly in its third year. Still hanging down in the low single digits.

Growth rates in Medicare claim costs rose by 2.41%, down from February’s +2.72%, according to the S&P Healthcare Economic Medicare Index.
In March 2012, the Professional Services Medicare Index hit its lowest rate in more than two years, +2.99%. This is down more than a half a percentage point from February’s +3.55% rate. The Hospital Medicare annual growth rate was also down in March, to +1.80% from its February rate of +1.94%.

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